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The Political Twists That Always Makes it Look Okay .

T master

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it just amazes me how politicians can put a twist on anything to make it look as if the other guy is the one that is the bad guy or the one that is in their humble demented opinion is the doing the wrong .


A big story ever since Biden has been elected & put in office has been the immigration problem which we have all read about here in many different posts . Most of us that look at things at face value know how things were & how things are now which has been allowed little coverage in some respects as to not let the true situation as it is out to those that believe it's being handled .


But because of that lack of action by those in power other politicians have taken actions to draw more attention to this problem by taking some of these problems to their front porch or towns .


Recently some Illegal immigrants I'm sorry "Undocumented Immigrants" were flown to sanctuary cities & towns that support the influx of "undocumented" people in a way that are not with in the laws made to protect against the influx of to many people that can put a large burden on many different systems in the US such as welfare, Health care, gov't housing and many more that our taxes pay for which is over stretched as it is .


But with these folks being flown to these many democratic cities & towns it has been said that they have been kidnapped, lied to & used as a political ploy & that these people have been treated inhumanly by the folks setting up these transports to these places . Although it's okay for these folks to be sent under darkness to anywhere USA as long as it's where this administration & it's cohorts want them to be sent .


I watched the POTUS saying how terrible it is that other politicians are doing this to these poor people & mentioned how they have programs set in place to take care of these folks but says nothing about there failed turn about in the laws that have made the border worse than what it was that's the Twist to make others look bad to cover up their boon dogles because they don't have the balls to admit they are wrong .


With this we are seeing true politics at it's best the liars just continue to TWIST the BS that they try to make it look as if the other guy is the bad guy and not take responsibility for what they have caused & there are those that prop this type of action up every chance they get in the name of their agenda costing us all in one way or another .


No attention brought to the many criminals & gang members that they have caught while allowing these folks to come in here no attention to how the cartel in all their evil ways will do what ever it takes sending children here with out their parents which are probably part of the cartel in order to try to get their people here to continue their lawless ways here in this country .


Plus if these criminals & some gang members are caught there is a really good chance we put them in our jails once again paying for another countries criminals but hey the gov't can just print more money to cover it & increase the countries debt along with inflation & adding more of a burden to us tax payers .


Well the fix or the Twist is in and alls we can do is sit back & watch the BS & listen to those here that stick up for the BS instead of seeing it for exactly what it is a bunch of lies to cover the truth of their incompetence ...

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10 hours ago, T master said:

it just amazes me how politicians can put a twist on anything to make it look as if the other guy is the one that is the bad guy or the one that is in their humble demented opinion is the doing the wrong .


A big story ever since Biden has been elected & put in office has been the immigration problem which we have all read about here in many different posts . Most of us that look at things at face value know how things were & how things are now which has been allowed little coverage in some respects as to not let the true situation as it is out to those that believe it's being handled .


But because of that lack of action by those in power other politicians have taken actions to draw more attention to this problem by taking some of these problems to their front porch or towns .


Recently some Illegal immigrants I'm sorry "Undocumented Immigrants" were flown to sanctuary cities & towns that support the influx of "undocumented" people in a way that are not with in the laws made to protect against the influx of to many people that can put a large burden on many different systems in the US such as welfare, Health care, gov't housing and many more that our taxes pay for which is over stretched as it is .


But with these folks being flown to these many democratic cities & towns it has been said that they have been kidnapped, lied to & used as a political ploy & that these people have been treated inhumanly by the folks setting up these transports to these places . Although it's okay for these folks to be sent under darkness to anywhere USA as long as it's where this administration & it's cohorts want them to be sent .


I watched the POTUS saying how terrible it is that other politicians are doing this to these poor people & mentioned how they have programs set in place to take care of these folks but says nothing about there failed turn about in the laws that have made the border worse than what it was that's the Twist to make others look bad to cover up their boon dogles because they don't have the balls to admit they are wrong .


With this we are seeing true politics at it's best the liars just continue to TWIST the BS that they try to make it look as if the other guy is the bad guy and not take responsibility for what they have caused & there are those that prop this type of action up every chance they get in the name of their agenda costing us all in one way or another .


No attention brought to the many criminals & gang members that they have caught while allowing these folks to come in here no attention to how the cartel in all their evil ways will do what ever it takes sending children here with out their parents which are probably part of the cartel in order to try to get their people here to continue their lawless ways here in this country .


Plus if these criminals & some gang members are caught there is a really good chance we put them in our jails once again paying for another countries criminals but hey the gov't can just print more money to cover it & increase the countries debt along with inflation & adding more of a burden to us tax payers .


Well the fix or the Twist is in and alls we can do is sit back & watch the BS & listen to those here that stick up for the BS instead of seeing it for exactly what it is a bunch of lies to cover the truth of their incompetence ...

Democratic mayors and other virtue signaling politicians are attacking governors sending asylum seekers to their "sanctuary" cities because it's for more acceptable then speaking the truth that they don't want these people in their city.   In alignment with NIMBY and transferring all the costs of their virtue signaling policies to others, they'd be happier if they went somewhere else.  

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It’s part politics and part human nature. Everyone…and I mean everyone…finds it easier to spend other people’s money or to ignore other people’s problems. This latest stunt (or whatever you want to call it) has brought what should be a shared American burden to parts of the country that until this week were virtually oblivious to the issue. I therefore think it’s a good thing. And lest you think it’s all partisan, the same could be said for issues that inversely impact republicans and/or democrats. While many quote the NIMBY slogan, I’ve more apt to quote the mirror image, “I can’t see it from my house”. The latter explains why so many trendy policies are ridiculous at their core. While you may not be able to see the problem from your house, it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening! 

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I just watched yesterday another California politician saying that shipping the immigrants was a cruel thing to do to them & we should treat them with dignity & when asked if there was a problem with this seeing as this month the total would be 2.3 MILLION crossing the border this year alone he deflected his answer this twist.


They will never admit that there is a problem and he said that it's because people are saying go ahead come here but never did say that Biden was the biggest advocate during his run to say it .


Oh they also asked about Harris being put in charge of the crisis why she has done little to nothing about it or why she hasn't went to the border & once again said she has worked very hard on comprehensive immigration laws to have it so those that wanted to come here and work could then go back home .


But when they asked about stopping the huge amount of crossings nothing NADA bait & switch put the political TWIST to every single question asked never ever answered a question with a straight forward common sense answer just a bunch of political BS as usual !! 


So until there is someone different in office that has the balls to hit this issue head on to first put a tourniquet on the bleeding then address the issue as it should be they will continue to allow more & more democrat votes to come across as the plan moves forward & add more cost to the deficit by paying for it .



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Bottom line is a lot of people make a lot of money off "undocumented" people.  Construction industry, farm industry, housekeeping industry, lawn maintenance industry, restaurant industry etc.  Getting rid of them would be very inflationary.  You'd have to pay people a real wage. Nobody wants that.


It is a great campaign issue though.

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