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Who made the GOP the

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Yeah, you're right.  The Democrats NEVER do that.  I didn't see John Kerry preaching morality on Larry King while campaigning for President.  Please.  There is virtually no difference between the two parties, with the exception being who supports each (though for equally stupid reasons).  :wub:


On one side you have RiO.  On the other you have Juliann.  Between them you have a bucket of drool.


I don't entirely disagree, but I do feel that the GOP, aided by their backers from the religious right, have taken a self-righteous stand against individual rights and liberties such as who may (or may not) marry and discrimination based upon sexual preferences, pushing to have Roe v Wade overturned thereby denying a woman's right to choose, trying to ensure morality legislation isn't shot down by attempting to render the judiciary powerless, etc.


I don't watch Larry King, but I'm fairly confident that Kerry wasn't imposing his belief system and morality upon us. That seems to be pretty much the exclusive domain of the GOP, not the Dems.

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I don't entirely disagree, but I do feel that the GOP, aided by their backers from the religious right, have taken a self-righteous stand against individual rights and liberties such as who may (or may not) marry and discrimination based upon sexual preferences, pushing to have Roe v Wade overturned thereby denying a woman's right to choose, trying to ensure morality legislation isn't shot down by attempting to render the judiciary powerless, etc.


I don't watch Larry King, but I'm fairly confident that Kerry wasn't imposing his belief system and morality upon us. That seems to be pretty much the exclusive domain of the GOP, not the Dems.


The Democrats have been plenty limiting on individual liberty, especially asset seizure/forfeit, financial privacy, and the 2nd amendment. But those aren't sexy to the newspaper, so we don't hear too much about them until someone we know gets !@#$ed over.


As far as John Kerry not imposing his belief system and morality upon us, you're either being ignorant or have access to some pretty good stuff. The role of the Federal government over the past 50 years certainly hasn't been good for individual rights - and the Democrats and John Kerry are as much to blame as the other side of the aisle.


"One would be hard-pressed to find a single grieving relative of those killed in the bombings of the World Trade Center in New York or the federal building in Oklahoma City who would not have gladly sacrificed a measure of personal privacy if it could have saved a loved one." John Kerry "The New War".


Change a few of those words and they sound remarkably like the demonic John Ashcroft's speech to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2001 when they were arguing over the Patriot Act.


You look at it as a "woman's right to choose" - they look at it as a "babies right to live". Neither is being very honest or pragmatic. It's also not anywhere near as big an issue as it is made out to be - not unlike Gay Marriage. As far as the judiciary goes, I fail to see how bringing qualified candidates to the floor for open debate and actually moving cases through the system is a bad thing for this country. Both sides are playing politics with alot of people's lives and the sad thing is smart people like you are actually being sucked in by one side's bull sh-- over the other's - basically assisting them in their assault.


We're all getting royally screwed, regardless of who's in charge of any of the three branches. I'm starting to believe they work together on the rhetoric just to keep us too busy to punt them to the curb where they belong.

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Talking points? Repeating Talking points? No, I don't think so. My opinions as an independant, whom thinks for herself and can judge with unbiased truth.. yes. Take your "one liners" somewhere else. Obviously you have NO worthy opinion, just happless critique and fear from an igloo with a gun at your side...

Poor man, I feel for you.






(sits back with popcorn...feet up on the coffee table)

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The GOP's platform appeals more to the  family values


Oh baby... don't get me started!

Death to 100,000 Iraqi Families.

Reduction in retirred Vet Benefits

Ignoring 42 million uninsured Americans

Billions to Iraqis and Rich American Corps while slashing benefits and priorities to our domestic agenda including Homeland Security which was founded by Lieberman and first rejected by Bush

Dividing the country by using 9/11 instead of uniting it. Waste the world's sympathy for us with Ingorance and arrogance... Thus creating hatred for us worldwide. Using false evidence and the population's patriotism to execute a predetermined war that had nothing to do with our focus on those who attacked us. And then wasting resources on that which we could have used on our real enemy, national security, and worldwide cohesivness.

and on and on and on.

Ya, the Dems have their corrupt side too, but it usually doesn't involve massive national corruption that affetcs the good of the overall population, international embarrasment, worldwide destruction of our ethics, wasted budget discipline, pandering to Arabs, and on and on.


Family Values? You have been duped.

Go get them Gay Marrying types!




You REALLY want to talk about this stuff? First off, where do you get your information. I'm particularly interested in your takes on Homeland Security and National Defense.

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Not that it truly belongs in this thread, but I thought I'd throw a curve.


We went out to dinner tonight, and Monica Lewinsky sat at a table right next to us.  She's fat again.


You may resume the crap throwing.



And did it ruin your appetite?

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Not that it truly belongs in this thread, but I thought I'd throw a curve.


We went out to dinner tonight, and Monica Lewinsky sat at a table right next to us.  She's fat again.


You may resume the crap throwing.


I hope you told the old dog naming joke, really loud so she could hear it.


"What did you name your dog?"




"Why did you name him that?"


"Because it freaks people out when you say 'Come Stain'"



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A married GOP senator was popped for choking his girlfriend.  A vocal anti-abortion leader admitted to engaging in beastiality.  The man who has been pegged to chair the FDA Advisory Committee on Reproductive Drugs forcibly sodomized his wife for 7 years until she left him in '02, and the nominee for the position of UN Ambassador forced his wife to participate in group sex against her will.  And I'm not even touching upon the pair currently occupying the White House...


Does your family value that type of behavior? 


Neither does mine.




Sounds like they are still eligible to be an Episcopalian Bishop though...



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OK, I won't laugh at you or make fun of you... I guess I'll just say that I feel sorry for you and I hope that some day you will wake up and think on your own... think for your self... and have an awakening like others in history have had... Liberate yourself from the machine baby.




Let's review...


The GOP's platform appeals more to the family values


Oh baby... don't get me started!

Death to 100,000 Iraqi Families.

Reduction in retirred Vet Benefits

Ignoring 42 million uninsured Americans

Billions to Iraqis and Rich American Corps while slashing benefits and priorities to our domestic agenda including Homeland Security which was founded by Lieberman and first rejected by Bush

Dividing the country by using 9/11 instead of uniting it. Waste the world's sympathy for us with Ingorance and arrogance... Thus creating hatred for us worldwide. Using false evidence and the population's patriotism to execute a predetermined war that had nothing to do with our focus on those who attacked us. And then wasting resources on that which we could have used on our real enemy, national security, and worldwide cohesivness.

and on and on and on.

Ya, the Dems have their corrupt side too, but it usually doesn't involve massive national corruption that affetcs the good of the overall population, international embarrasment, worldwide destruction of our ethics, wasted budget discipline, pandering to Arabs, and on and on.


Family Values? You have been duped.

Go get them Gay Marrying types!


I don't see a single original thought in there.


First... I'm "captured by the machine"? Physician, heal thyself.


Second...that's why I think you're an idiot. You parrot, and nothing else.

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Gee, yet another troll with a brand new ID who shows a wonderful ability to cut and paste the Bush haterade from the moveout.org or Michael Moore web sites. Someone should have been keeping a list of them since the election.


This one reminds me of Bishop Head Case with the superiority attitude. Remember, anyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid! :D

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The GOP's platform appeals more to the  family values


Oh baby... don't get me started!

Death to 100,000 Iraqi Families.


Even the Anti-War leftist sites know the "study" you (and the mainstream media) refer to is complete bullcrap. Of course, any study released 4 days before the Presidential election is a little suspect but, then again, I don't expect any of the people who cite it to understand statistics or the study's inherent flaws.


Anyways, here is a better estimate - a body count less than those who would've died under Saddam's rule anyway (due to famine, starvation, etc.)




Sorry to disappoint you about the number of dead in Iraq.

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"100,00 Families" - Oh, I get it, now they count families?


I also wake up every morning worrying about what the rest of the world thinks about us. Wouldn't the world be a better place if Sadaam was in power but the French thought George Bush was a great guy?


Too bad Lincoln got involved with that war, things would have been much better if he had just done what the public wanted.

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A married GOP senator was popped for choking his girlfriend.  A vocal anti-abortion leader admitted to engaging in beastiality.  The man who has been pegged to chair the FDA Advisory Committee on Reproductive Drugs forcibly sodomized his wife for 7 years until she left him in '02, and the nominee for the position of UN Ambassador forced his wife to participate in group sex against her will.  And I'm not even touching upon the pair currently occupying the White House...


Does your family value that type of behavior? 


Neither does mine.


You omitted the mayor of Spokane, WA who for years in the legislature led the fight against gay rights and recently was forced out of the closet and is being investigated for using his political office to troll for his partners to homosexual activities. I'm sure it was a big disappointment that he had to cancel out of the big prayer breakfast he was supposed to lead a couple of weeks ago.


Didn't Henry Hyde get nailed for an illegitimate child, and another senator (a woman) get caught for nonpayment of child support?


They have some really good marketing people who have succeeded in establishing the brand is all. And they count on many American's believing it until they learn otherwise. Just like people have brand loyalty to a product, they'll continue to swallow this pap until they realize they've been had.

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A vocal anti-abortion leader admitted to engaging in beastiality. [...]

Does your family value that type of behavior? Neither does mine.



Let's take a look at the transcript:

A report last week on the blog News Hounds led us to a May 6 exchange between anti-abortion activist Neal Horsley and Alan Colmes on Colmes' FOX News radio show. In the interview, Horsley, a vocally religious proponent of posting names of abortion doctors on the Web so that anti-abortion extremists will know how to find them, admitted to having engaged in bestiality.


"You had sex with animals?" Colmes asked, with regard to reports of Horsley's past experience with bestiality and homosexuality. "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule."


When Colmes suggested that maybe that's not the case for everyone who grows up on a farm in Georgia, Horsley shot back, "It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from reality ... welcome to domestic life on the farm ... You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You're naïve…If it's warm and it's damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it."


Since listeners obviously just can't get enough of this stuff, Horsley returned to Colmes' radio show on Thursday, May 12 and allowed the host to press him on whether or not he'd also engaged in homosexual acts as a horny young buck. "Certainly," responded Horsley. "If we had a warm watermelon out in the field, I might give it a name."


:doh: :doh:


At the very least, I don't think he should be telling the one about bin Laden as "proof their ancestors had sex with camels"... :lol:


"Moral outrage is jealousy with a halo" -- HG Wells

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great post campy, those 4 examples really show that republicans have no right to talk about morals!!!!


I especially love how you have taken larry flynt's speculation and posted it as fact - great job!!!

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Pot meet Kettle...You know it's very hard to find a pol who isn't a hypocrite.  You try and choose someone or some party that for the most part has the same values and beliefs as you.


I'm sure though that every dem does what he says and says what he does...If you blelieve that I have a business associate in Africa that has a large sum of money that he needs to get out of the country if you could PM me your checking account number I'll give you 10%.



Amen. Hypocracy knows no political, ethnic, or gender boundries.


P.S. Can you put me in touch with your business associate friend? Sounds like a really good deal :lol:

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I especially love how you have taken larry flynt's speculation and posted it as fact - great job!!!




I learned of these via TV and newspaper websites. I stumbled upon them on the same day and that is what gave me the thought that these holy rollers are some sick perverts.


A gynecologist who will be advising the FDA on reproductive issues defends himself against the allegations of forced sodomy by claiming he was unaware he "missed" when penetrating his wife from behind while she was sleeping? And throughout 7 years of "missing" he didn't even have the decency to respect his wife enough to stop when she told him to? Maybe it's just me, but I'm not sure how anyone could be comfortable with this guy advising the FDA on reproductive issues, but to each his own I guess...


I really don't know where your Flint reference is coming from. I'm not much of one for porno mags, but I do know Woody Harrelson played Larry Flint in a movie I saw, so assuming the film was somewhat accurate somewhere along the line, that's pretty much the extent to which I'm familiar with him.


I read about the ass-rapist, the group-sex pimp, and the animal-boinker in articles online from traditional newspapers like NY Times, Va Pilot, and I think one of the stories was in the Christian Science Monitor as well as an AP report on a local TV station's website.


Take a minute and visit GG's site at google.com and I'm sure you'll find the same articles I read. The bad news is that it won't give you an excuse to scour Hustler.com. :lol:

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