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What Could be if Money Was Obsolete & Digital Money Comes to be King . Something to Think About .

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I have often wondered with each passing day when ever i use my debit card & see every one using theirs too what the future of our monetary system might be, then those that are getting into bitcoin & other digital forms of currency just what waits around the corner & just how we may be controlled if this does or could happen .


Just think if some one were able to shut off your buying power with just hitting a button or if you got just a bit to boisterous or spoke out against something or some one what kind of power would that give those in power over us ? I think it could be worse than that that Hitler had over those he took control of & i've heard rumblings from certain folks .


I've heard of a book called "The Secret War On Money" by one Mark Levin & just with the chips put in our debit cards have often wondered just how long it would be before those in power actually do away with paying for things with actual currency like the dollar bill that we can hold in our hand and our entire economy goes to a virtual dollar that can be shut off if you are a bad boy or a bad girl & don't comply .


Just imagine for those of us here that don't like Biden & we say something or buy a sign that says "Let's go Branden" & it is known because your transaction is followed & they shut you off, or if Billstime or Tibs say during a conservative presidents election say negative things as they do & it is followed & they shut you down & you can't pay your bills, for food, no gas etc. 


Let's say there is anything that you just don't agree with they can basically have total control over anything you do by shutting us off and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that this conversation is taking place somewhere  ! This kind of thing i feel is a reality & seeing as there is talk of it someone some where must be thinking about it . Where there's smoke there's usually fire ! 


So even though i don't expect as usual many to some of my posts weather they are scared to talk about such things or what the reply's or any smart ass comments from those that usually make the most noise here won't say much but i thought i would just throw this out there as food for thought .


What could be because in the dark or behind the curtain in the land of OZ better known as DC given the bait & switch that all politicians do i think that this scenario is a possibility more than we may know  .




Also the entire monthly bill pay one would think would work into this you would just have to set up the monthly payment & they would either allow it to come out of your digital account & go through or not putting you in a low credit score type situation and then have the power to shut your power, water, or what ever off .


Which is the way some country's are run every day in which we support .

Edited by T master
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Somewhat related, but many years ago I was sitting all alone at a Vegas blackjack table and I asked the dealer why we don’t put actual money down instead of the whole rigamarole of exchanging cash for plastic chips. He said because if you had to put actual money on the table you wouldn’t sit here for more than two minutes. I’ll never forget that. 😉

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