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5 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


You're right ill be watching exactly as much of it as I watched of the J6 sham hearings:


0.0 minutes.

Guarantee you’ll be coming with right wing takes after watching a three minute video from your favorite idiot, right wing commentators in your spam the board with it like you always do

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15 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

Guarantee you’ll be coming with right wing takes after watching a three minute video from your favorite idiot, right wing commentators in your spam the board with it like you always do


I guarantee you'll remain a useful idiot moron for the rest of your days.



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13 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

It’s interesting the way you put that disparaging me, but not in any way debunking what I claim you’re going to do that’s because you know you’re going to do it


1. You're a moron.


2. These are show trials. Like the Moscow trials of Stalin. Red meat for useful idiots like you.


3. Therefore, since I'm not a useful idiot like you I will not be watching the propaganda.


4. Non activist journalists who don't engage in propaganda will certainly cover the show trials. I will be citing them.





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33 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


1. You're a moron.


2. These are show trials. Like the Moscow trials of Stalin. Red meat for useful idiots like you.


3. Therefore, since I'm not a useful idiot like you I will not be watching the propaganda.


4. Non activist journalists who don't engage in propaganda will certainly cover the show trials. I will be citing them.





Did anybody accuse you of being useful?  By the way, you’re the first person on here to put up Dan Bongino so you already look like a ***** idiot

Edited by John from Riverside
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22 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

Did anybody accuse you of being useful?  By the way, you’re the first person on here to put up Dan Bongino so you already look like a ***** idiot


Again, it's a huge badge of honor to be "disparaged" by the likes of you.


Thank you very much.

Edited by BillsFanNC
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Since we now unquestionably live in a police state, sound advice.



Let me add to this:  If the FBI comes to your doorstep or just gives you a phone call and asks you to come meet with them, do not answer questions without first contacting an attorney.


They are not there to listen to your side and include it in their decision-making.  Usually the decision re how to deal with you has already been made.  They are there to gather additional evidence in the form of any statement you might make.

You don't know what they already have -- and more importantly you don't know what they DON'T HAVE.
The reason for wanting to get you to talk is to fill in gaps where they lack evidence.  They will fill in those gaps with your own statements during questioning.  


You also don't know if they already have evidence re the questions they are asking.   What they are doing in that regard is trying to see if you will lie to them.  That will give them leverage to use against you later.


This is why you should never answer questions posed by the FBI in a surprise visit you are not expecting.
Same advice if they come with a search warrant.  You have to let them search -- but you do not need to talk to them or answer questions.

They are not there to be fair.  They are there to gather evidence.  Your answers to their questions is evidence and you are adding to the case they are trying to make when you give them information.



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No. Really ?


FBI Lies About ‘Highly Credible’ Source Claims Were Leaked To NYT And Spoonfed To Weiss

by Margot Cleveland


Emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit  reveal that lies leaked to The New York Times about the origins of damning evidence implicating Hunter and Joe Biden in a bribery scandal were fed to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.


As I previously detailed, The New York Times reported those lies in its Dec. 11, 2020, article, “Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden” — just a week after Americans first learned of the investigation of the now-president’s son. The Times’ reporting was “replete with falsehoods and deceptive narratives,”






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Reminder for those posters here still in heat.




There Is No Insurrection Case against Trump


September 5, 2023




If there were, the Justice Department would already have brought charges against him.




You know insurrection is a crime, right?


Just to recap, under Section 2383 of the federal criminal code, a person is guilty of a felony, punishable by up to ten years’ imprisonment, if he

incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto.


And why do we need a refresher on this? Because the Department of Justice has been investigating Donald Trump and the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot for nearly three years, yet no insurrection charges have ever been brought against Trump or anyone else.


That should be in the front of our minds as anti-Trump obsessives, of the left and the right, proceed with their incendiary plot to disqualify Trump from seeking the presidency by inducing sympathetic state officials to brand him an insurrectionist under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.


The Justice Department — the arm of the United States government vested with responsibility to enforce the insurrection law — has not charged Trump with insurrection because it can’t prove Trump committed insurrection. Not with anything we would recognize as due process of law.


It’s not that Biden-DOJ-appointed special counsel Jack Smith hasn’t been trying. And it is obviously not that Smith is unwilling to stretch federal criminal laws to the breaking point to make a January 6 case against Trump. The insuperable hurdle is that the evidence does not support a charge of insurrection.


The Biden Justice Department, the most unabashedly political Justice Department in American history, has prosecuted about 1,100 people in connection with the riot, while blinking at the more lengthy and lethal rioting of the radical left. It has been moving heaven and earth to make criminal cases against the former Republican president, indicting him twice, even as it turns a blind eye to the Biden family influence-peddling scandal and willfully allows the statute-of-limitations on the crimes of the sitting Democratic president and his family to expire rather than filing indictments.


After years of investigating, Smith and the Biden Justice Department brought a January 6 indictment against Trump in the District of Columbia, which has the most Trump-hostile jury pool in the country. They then hit the jackpot by drawing an anti-Trump judge out of central casting — Obama appointee Tanya Chutkan, who, in a courthouse where the bench teems with Democratic appointees who’ve meted out harsh sentences to January 6 defendants, manages to stand out as the scourge of the Capitol riot. It is safe to say that Judge Chutkan has swallowed whole the Democratic Party hyperbole that our democracy stood on the precipice of doom due to a mere three hours of unrest — in which no security personnel were killed, which had not the remotest chance of reversing Biden’s victory, and which was so ineffectual that Congress was able to reconvene in the Capitol just a few hours later.


Nevertheless, gifted with this greatest home-field advantage of all time, Smith and his team haven’t charged Trump with insurrection. That’s because they don’t have a case. They desperately want to bring one, but they know that nothing would explode the Democrats’ January 6 myth-making like an acquittal of Donald Trump. And even with Judge Chutkan presiding and a Washington, D.C., jury, that’s what they’d get.



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