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Charging Trump for Jan 6 was pretty short-sighted.


Since their incredibly weak case depends on whether President Trump truly believed that the election was stolen, the defense will be ready.


Now the election fraud can be actually brought out in court, rather than be dismissed summarily. 


Evidence will be exposed to all media outlets. 


All the while exposing the democrat cartel.


Good work.



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Prediction: Jack Smith Will Get a DC Jury to Convict Trump and SCOTUS Will Vacate It. In Fact, Smith Is Counting on It

By Jim Thompson


Jack Smith isn’t a stupid man. A number of definitions apply to Smith, but stupid isn’t one of them. A zealot? A vainglorious, demagogic political hack who is doing the bidding of another political hack? Yes, to both. But Jack Smith isn’t dumb.


Smith was the head of the public corruption unit at DOJ when, in 2014, he brought public corruption charges against sitting Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell. McDonnell was charged with 14 counts. Those counts included honest services wire fraud, obtaining property under “color of official right,” and extortion under “color of official right.” Like most DOJ attorneys with the power of the US government at their fingertips, charging McDonnell and his wife wasn’t enough. Smith’s team threatened to arrest McDonnell’s children if the governor and his wife discussed the case with them. After a three-week trial, he and his wife were convicted. The Court of Appeals affirmed both convictions, but in 2015, the Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, vacated Smith’s convictions, finding that Smith and his strongarming gang had invented a new meaning for “official act.” Smith had interpreted the statutory term of “official act” too broadly. So it seems that Smith has a history of channeling Lavrentiy Beria. Beria was Stalin’s secret police chief and was infamous for targeting someone and then finding a crime to fit the arrest. “Find me the man, and I will show you the crime” – or some iteration of the same.




The new indictment of Trump is fraught with McDonnell-type invention and bad-faith interpretation of the statutes. Smith’s charging document is really an out-of-office impeachment dressed as a criminal indictment. 


The new indictment of Trump is fraught with McDonnell-type invention and bad-faith interpretation of the statutes. Smith’s charging document is really an out-of-office impeachment dressed as a criminal indictment. The indictment has been previously discussed at RedState, but what jumps out to me is that Smith is pushing for an early trial date not to provide a quick resolution and to “do justice”; rather, Smith wants a partisan DC jury to quickly convict Trump, thus setting up Smith’s next level of political gamesmanship. Smith wants Trump’s conviction to be heard and decided by the Supreme Court, knowing full well that a Trump conviction has no chance of affirmation at SCOTUS. Smith is counting on it. Smith wants the Supreme Court to vacate his almost certain conviction in order to enflame the Democratic base. He wants to hand Joe Biden another “the Supreme Court is illegitimate” gift.


Smith wants this trial to be front-page news and led on cable news before the 2024 election. Smith expects Trump to be convicted because this is a DC. Trump could be charged with lying about his golf score based on “fraud,” and a DC jury would gladly convict. Smith isn’t dumb. He expects his conviction to be vacated. In fact, he’s counting on it.


Beria would easily recognize the tactics of Jack Smith. Smith has his man, and he’s invented crimes to fit.






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2 minutes ago, B-Man said:


Prediction: Jack Smith Will Get a DC Jury to Convict Trump and SCOTUS Will Vacate It. In Fact, Smith Is Counting on It

By Jim Thompson


Jack Smith isn’t a stupid man. A number of definitions apply to Smith, but stupid isn’t one of them. A zealot? A vainglorious, demagogic political hack who is doing the bidding of another political hack? Yes, to both. But Jack Smith isn’t dumb.


Smith was the head of the public corruption unit at DOJ when, in 2014, he brought public corruption charges against sitting Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell. McDonnell was charged with 14 counts. Those counts included honest services wire fraud, obtaining property under “color of official right,” and extortion under “color of official right.” Like most DOJ attorneys with the power of the US government at their fingertips, charging McDonnell and his wife wasn’t enough. Smith’s team threatened to arrest McDonnell’s children if the governor and his wife discussed the case with them. After a three-week trial, he and his wife were convicted. The Court of Appeals affirmed both convictions, but in 2015, the Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, vacated Smith’s convictions, finding that Smith and his strongarming gang had invented a new meaning for “official act.” Smith had interpreted the statutory term of “official act” too broadly. So it seems that Smith has a history of channeling Lavrentiy Beria. Beria was Stalin’s secret police chief and was infamous for targeting someone and then finding a crime to fit the arrest. “Find me the man, and I will show you the crime” – or some iteration of the same.




The new indictment of Trump is fraught with McDonnell-type invention and bad-faith interpretation of the statutes. Smith’s charging document is really an out-of-office impeachment dressed as a criminal indictment. 


The new indictment of Trump is fraught with McDonnell-type invention and bad-faith interpretation of the statutes. Smith’s charging document is really an out-of-office impeachment dressed as a criminal indictment. The indictment has been previously discussed at RedState, but what jumps out to me is that Smith is pushing for an early trial date not to provide a quick resolution and to “do justice”; rather, Smith wants a partisan DC jury to quickly convict Trump, thus setting up Smith’s next level of political gamesmanship. Smith wants Trump’s conviction to be heard and decided by the Supreme Court, knowing full well that a Trump conviction has no chance of affirmation at SCOTUS. Smith is counting on it. Smith wants the Supreme Court to vacate his almost certain conviction in order to enflame the Democratic base. He wants to hand Joe Biden another “the Supreme Court is illegitimate” gift.


Smith wants this trial to be front-page news and led on cable news before the 2024 election. Smith expects Trump to be convicted because this is a DC. Trump could be charged with lying about his golf score based on “fraud,” and a DC jury would gladly convict. Smith isn’t dumb. He expects his conviction to be vacated. In fact, he’s counting on it.


Beria would easily recognize the tactics of Jack Smith. Smith has his man, and he’s invented crimes to fit.






Like Mueller all over again.



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1 hour ago, B-Man said:





Charging Trump for Jan 6 was pretty short-sighted.


Since their incredibly weak case depends on whether President Trump truly believed that the election was stolen, the defense will be ready.


Now the election fraud can be actually brought out in court, rather than be dismissed summarily. 


Evidence will be exposed to all media outlets. 


All the while exposing the democrat cartel.


Good work.



Man, I hope you're right. But I imagine the court will rule that no evidence pointing toward election fraud will be allowed, for the good of our proud Democracy.

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Washington — Special counsel Jack Smith's office may not have fully reviewed thousands of pages of records turned over by former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik before seeking an indictment of former President Donald Trump Tuesday, says Kerik's attorney, Tim Parlatore.

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He's competed in over 100 triathlons!


And Donald Trump owned the USFLs New Jersey Generals.


Wtf relevance is there to any of the above to current events?


A: Zero.


Only one of the above facts did Norah O'Donnell deem relevant to mention and cream herself over on national TV.



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"How Donald Trump’s Indictment Could Backfire on Joe Biden" 




"The complaint, however, focuses on the lies rather than any larceny or standalone crime.


It is diffuse in saying that raising doubts over the election undermined the value or results of voting. Previous challenges have been made to certification of presidential elections with little basis (including by Democrats) and even alternative sets of electors have been submitted without criminal charges.


This criminal intent is based on Trump being told by many people that the election was not stolen and he could not stop its certification....


However, Trump followed the advice of a second, albeit smaller, set of lawyers who told him there was a basis for challenging the election.


That is not a crime. It is, in my view, protected political speech...."






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