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Holman Jenkins: A Balloon Pops D.C.’s Myth Bubble:

Federal agencies have become too comfortable using disinformation.




The story has two parts. The U.S. government has become bad at investigating, apparently—i.e., finding and sharing truths relevant to its domain.


The Supreme Court, with the help of U.S. marshals, can’t get to the bottom of who stole and leaked a draft opinion.

The IRS hasn’t solved who stole and leaked a decade of tax data on more than 10,000 U.S. taxpayers.

The FBI never examined the Democratic National Committee server allegedly hacked by the Russians. It was “forensically precluded” from recovering Hillary Clinton’s missing emails. It remained even fairly oblivious to their disappearance while under a congressional subpoena.


The list goes on. Multiple leaks of highly classified intelligence related to both the Clinton email and Trump-Russia investigations remain unsolved. Though possessing for years video of Hunter Biden using illegal drugs when he claimed otherwise on a federal gun application, a Justice Department investigation proceeds



Even the Mueller investigation of Russian election meddling was only a triumph until one of the Russian subjects showed up unexpectedly in a U.S. court. Then Team Mueller folded rather than prove its case.


We come to the second part. As its truth-finding skills apparently atrophy, the federal government has become increasingly adept at using false information to solve problems.


The FBI used “objectively false” Russian intelligence, the Justice Department’s inspector general tells us, to justify its improper acts in the Clinton email matter. It used false Steele dossier evidence to obtain a warrant on a minor Trump campaign associate. It used the same false information to stir the media’s collusion pot.

U.S. officials again promoted false information about the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020. In the latest chapter, father and son now are at odds, the dad having told voters it was a Russian job, the son claiming his authentic data was stolen by domestic partisans whom his father should prosecute.


The possibility of federal fact-finding being politicized is unmentionable until it’s not.




https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-balloon-pops-d-c-s-myth-bubble-surveillance-china-hunter-biden-laptop-ufo-pentagon-11675791973?mod=opinion_featst_pos3We are governed by crooks, liars, and incompetents, and the worst of them aren’t even the ones who have to stand for election.


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FBI warns against "Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology"


Isn’t the FBI’s reputation with much of the public already far enough in the toilet without tossing something like this onto the bonfire? A recently leaked internal FBI memo from their Richmond office warned agents about the lurking danger of “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology” (RTC ideology). The document spoke of “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism,” suggesting that anyone who prefers to attend traditional Latin mass is somehow prone to racism or xenophobia and violence or whatever. Oh, and they allegedly also tend to be anti-Semites, so they’re probably out there attacking synagogues. Honestly… you just can’t make this stuff up. 


As insane as this sounds, it starts to make a little more sense when you learn the source of the warning that led to this memo. It came from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC, which was once a well-regarded civil rights organization, is now essentially a bought and paid-for militant arm of the progressive movement. They will condemn anyone who espouses unapproved views as a “danger” or a “threat” to preferred minority groups and most of the legacy media, unfortunately, treats their diatribes as serious news.


This particular bit of madness is made even more ironic when you look at what’s been going on around the country over the past few years. As Teri Christoph reminded us yesterday, there were 278 attacks on Catholic churches in 2020 alone. (They were a favorite target during the BLM riots.)


And since the question of abortion was returned to the states last year by the Supreme Court, attacks on both churches and Catholic crisis pregnancy centers have been increasingly common, including incidents of firebombing.


As we’ve seen, the FBI has done little more than pay lip service to the arson attacks on pregnancy centers, while they attempted (and thankfully failed) to throw a pastor in prison for more than a decade for singing bible hymns in an abortion clinic. It’s no wonder that public faith in the Bureau is cratering. And incidents such as this one only further validate the need for the new House panel that will be looking into the political weaponization of law enforcement under the Biden administration.





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That didn't take long.



I’m sure this has no connection to the fact that House Republicans have begun grilling FBI and Department of Justice officials about weaponization of law enforcement.


Heaven forfend! 



FBI: On second thought, never mind about those rad-trad Catholics


In a statement to Just the News, the FBI said the product made public by a former FBI agent and whistleblower, Kyle Seraphin, was circulated only inside the bureau and did not meet the agency’s investigative requirements,


“While our standard practice is to not comment on specific intelligence products, this particular field office product — disseminated only within the FBI — regarding racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism does not meet the exacting standards of the FBI,” the bureau said.


“Upon learning of the document, FBI Headquarters quickly began taking action to remove the document from FBI systems and conduct a review of the basis for the document,” it added. “The FBI is committed to sound analytic tradecraft and to investigating and preventing acts of violence and other crimes while upholding the constitutional rights of all Americans and will never conduct investigative activities or open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity.”





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She joined the FBI to defend America; she left when it turned its guns on Americans


She joined the FBI after watching the World Trade Center collapse before her eyes, leaving a lucrative job at a hedge fund.


As a Special Agent in Miami, she worked on many high-profile cases and won awards and accolades for her hard work and diligence.


Last year she resigned in disgust. The FBI had turned its sights from fighting crime to fighting Americans’ freedoms.


Former FBI Special Agent Nicole Parker broke down in tears Thursday while testifying during a congressional hearing.


Parker said during the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s inaugural hearing that she left her job at a hedge fund after 9/11 to serve her country, working as an FBI Special Agent from 2011-2022.


“I considered it a very sacred responsibility and was honored to be trusted to protect and serve the American people,” Parker said, recounting how she joined a Miami field office.


“Participating in the investigations of myriad criminal cases, the Majorie Stoneman Douglas high school shooting in Parkland, Florida,” Parker said as she began to break down.


“The 2017 Fort Lauderdale airport shooting, the Cesar Sayoc pipe bomb case-” she continued, listing other areas she covered as she wept.


“It was emotionally jarring, but I believed I was making an impactful difference. And every day I woke up and embraced being a Special FBI agent until things changed. Over the course of my 12+ years, the FBI’s trajectory has transformed. On paper, the bureau’s mission has remained the same but its priorities and governing principles shifted dramatically. The FBI became politically weaponized from the top in Washington and trickling down to the field offices.”


Her testimony before Jim Jordan’s House Committee to investigate the weaponization of the federal government against Americans’ freedoms was riveting. Former Special Agent Parker tearfully recounted how disillusioned and then appalled she became as, over the years, top FBI officials used their power to pursue highly political, partisan ends.



The FBI has been going off track for years now, having participated in the regime of social media censorship and conspiring against President Trump when he was in office. Since Biden came to power it has only gotten worse, with Merrick Garland’s guidance it has targeted parents concerned about how their kids are being sexualized and dehumanized by the public schools and begun labeling conservatives as potential domestic terrorists.


You and I have targets on our backs.






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They Weren’t Duped’: Sen. Ron Johnson Shreds Federal Agencies, Media For Being ‘Vital Partners’ Of The Left

by Nicole Silverio


Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson shredded federal agencies and the corporate media for working with Democratic operatives to promote “left-wing ideology” in the past several years. Johnson criticized agencies for allegedly covering for left-wing politicians while simultaneously targeting former President Donald Trump and other conservatives in the years following the 2016 presidential election. He accused the media of complying with the FBI in investigating the now-discredited allegations that Russia colluded with the 2016 Trump campaign and covering up the Hunter Biden laptop story.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Stroll through the Capitol while staying in between the velvet ropes and leave peacefully?


The FBI might raid your home and you go to jail.


Attempt to burn down a federal court house night after night while attacking and injuring federal agents who are protecting it?


No biggie. 


But sure, citing these facts of unequal application of the law is a cOnSpiRacY theory!


Wouldn't it be nice if leftists at least tried to come up with new ways to prove that they're morons?



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9 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

Stroll through the Capitol while staying in between the velvet ropes and leave peacefully?


The FBI might raid your home and you go to jail.


Attempt to burn down a federal court house night after night while attacking and injuring federal agents who are protecting it?


No biggie. 


But sure, citing these facts of unequal application of the law is a cOnSpiRacY theory!


Wouldn't it be nice if leftists at least tried to come up with new ways to prove that they're morons?



jfc - this pathetic hack 👆😂🤣😂🤣



Whitewash harder DR

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