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Reliance on "mainstream Media"  makes us stupid.



Errors in Associated Press article on how rarely active shooting cases are stopped by concealed carry permit holders








To begin with, definitions are important.  Self defense events happen every day in America, whether at home or out and about.  I write on firearms and 2A rights, so I bypass chances to pen something else on self defense events literally every day to focus more on the mechanical and materials engineering of firearms, ammunition performance, method of carry, training, and the things that interest me. 


The author has subdivided his topic as best as he can in order to make his most convincing case.  He has neglected literally thousands of cases of interest.






  • Awesome! (+1) 1
2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Really? How about:

1. Liberal CNN


2. Ultra liberal NYT


3. Lowest common denominator Gannett:



This story is all over the place. Weird-ass conservative media has one trick and they fall back on it even when it’s absurd: “the liberal press is ignoring this and talking about [climate change, critical race theory, transgenders: choose one or more from the approved list] instead. More lazy ass, imbecilic meme-ing. It’s what sustains Big Blitz!

I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean. How about a little explanation so we aren’t forced to watch a clip from some unknown commenter?


Okay maybe the lib media has the story but i bet it's not put like it is in the clip i posted which you probably didn't watch all the way through


And what's there twist on it ? It usually follows the gun suppression agenda or it's painted that the guy is a vigilante or he broke the law being in a no gun zone with a fire arm .


I'll bet there's not one of the news articles that you posted that is saying in any way shape or form that the guy is a hero for stopping more loss of life & taking action to stop the wacko bastard that planned it . I will red each article even though you probably haven't either & will get back to you . 

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7 minutes ago, T master said:

I'll bet there's not one of the news articles that you posted that is saying in any way shape or form that the guy is a hero for stopping more loss of life & taking action to stop the wacko bastard that planned it . I will red each article even though you probably haven't either & will get back to you . 


It's literally in the headline of the NYT article @The Frankish Reich posted.

2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Really? How about:

1. Liberal CNN


2. Ultra liberal NYT


3. Lowest common denominator Gannett:



This story is all over the place. Weird-ass conservative media has one trick and they fall back on it even when it’s absurd: “the liberal press is ignoring this and talking about [climate change, critical race theory, transgenders: choose one or more from the approved list] instead. More lazy ass, imbecilic meme-ing. It’s what sustains Big Blitz!

I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean. How about a little explanation so we aren’t forced to watch a clip from some unknown commenter?


Well CNN as usual in their own unique way trash the narrative of the guy being a hero the last one stays neutral for the most part & the middle one states that although the young man that intervened definitely did stop more loss of life & to some point is made to be a hero they point out n their opinion that more guns are not the answer & that this was a unicorn incident .


If people were or chose to be trained in the correct ways to use a fire arm & had them i believe that these soft targets as they are called would be more thought of as not places to go to do such a thing because usually the people that pull off this kind of thing are cowards in the biggest sense of the word .


They go after the most vulnerable . For instance & i'm not saying that this is what needs to happen but in Uvalde, Buffalo, & any of the other school shootings do you think if these people knew that there were armed guards on sight that they would have done what they did ?


I for one don't believe they would but i am not advocating that we need a police state but SRO's in schools is not a bad thing if it means stopping wacko's like this from killing people & i would't even be against what they do in other countries train the certain teachers in the use of fire arms for emergency purposes .


I know a ex cop that has become a teacher who else would be better to have in a situation and be armed just incase . But people are all against that too so the easiest answer that fits the best is take away ALL the guns and then no body will ever get killed again ...

  • Thank you (+1) 1
14 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


It's literally in the headline of the NYT article @The Frankish Reich posted.


Yes you are correct it does in fact say that in the heading which i said that i was going to read each article & get back with the guy that posted it but it does although while saying that in the article they point out that this is a unicorn .


And the difference is that the shootings that don't have a better result get literally probably less than half the coverage because tragedy sells more viewers so they jump on it & stay on it till the very last to get the most impact for their buck .

21 hours ago, T master said:

Just as the shooting that was stopped in Chicago by someone speaking up by taking action to stop another tragedy in the wake of Buffalo, Uvlde & others there has been another attempt at a mass shooting at a Indiana mall but because someone took action .


It was stopped because this person had a concealed carry permit & stopped the perp 2 minutes into his spree only 5 people were injured almost NO news networks are reporting on it . And the White house surely isn't applauding the young man that stopped this incident before it became much worse because it wouldn't fit their narrative !! 


This clip says just about all we need to know about the agenda & all that is involved with it . This young man is by some being made out to be the villain because he was carrying a weapon legally . I might add it was deemed a "Gun Free Zone" so the libs are attacking him as if he was the bad guy sound familiar ? 


Yep if the action doesn't fit the narrative let's bury it, let's not report on it & make the good guy that actually saved countless numbers of lives out to be the bad guy ! Sounds like the agenda in full swing .


The assailant had 100's of rounds of ammo & numerous guns to commit this act but was stopped in 2 minutes by this young man Elijah Dikon because he was brave enough to take the actions needed to stop this wacko . As it's been said the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun !! 


I don't accept many to actually watch the clip fully & only argue their individual stand on this point but there will be those that will & it may bring a little bit of common sense to the table on this subject but i doubt it !! 



So what should be the narrative?


I could look at this and argue that this proves a well trained individual with a hand gun can protect themselves adequately while high powered rifles allow poorly trained individuals to be more lethal but only against defenseless people. Thus having obstruction to more powerful weapons is rational.


why does it have to be either banned or legal. Why can’t certain firearms require advance training and certifications.


how can the topic be depoliticized ms lead to productive conversation 

6 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

So what should be the narrative?


I could look at this and argue that this proves a well trained individual with a hand gun can protect themselves adequately while high powered rifles allow poorly trained individuals to be more lethal but only against defenseless people. Thus having obstruction to more powerful weapons is rational.


why does it have to be either banned or legal. Why can’t certain firearms require advance training and certifications.


how can the topic be depoliticized ms lead to productive conversation 


 Well it should be more about the wacko's that are doing these hyenas crimes & how to stopping them with help from these communities rather than be all about the guns .


This incident & the other in Chicago could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for the intervention of the people that were brave enough to step out and say something and by saying something a investigation was done to stop the guy in Chicago .


Which if some of the red flags were looked into more in Uvalde & the other shootings there may have been a good chance to prevent those incidents as well but the narrative as it is now is all about taking the guns away or making it harder for every one including law abiding citizens from getting them .


Every one is so scared to get involved or help in any way unlike it use to be that this stuff just gets worse instead of better & no matter how many gun laws these congress man make the bad guys will always get the guns & there will be as much or more killings because there may no the someone to stop them like this guy did .


If one life can be saved by someone like this then i'm all for it .


Yet this is exactly the thing Hochul is trying to eliminate from New York completely. Trying to make everywhere a gun free zone unless the owner specifically requests it not to be. She is also making it exceedingly difficult to obtain and renew a concealed carry permit. 


Just a few months ago a woman killed a man shooting at a crowd of people with an AR before anyone (other than the shooter) was killed. The shooter was black too so that’s a double whammy against the narrative.




Then there was the attempted church mass shooting 2 years ago in White Settlement, Texas where the shooter got domed less than 6 seconds after pulling out his gun. Unfortunately that was still enough time for him to take 2 people with him. Not gonna post it but you can find the (not graphic) video of it on YouTube.

12 hours ago, T master said:


 Well it should be more about the wacko's that are doing these hyenas crimes & how to stopping them with help from these communities rather than be all about the guns .


This incident & the other in Chicago could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for the intervention of the people that were brave enough to step out and say something and by saying something a investigation was done to stop the guy in Chicago .


Which if some of the red flags were looked into more in Uvalde & the other shootings there may have been a good chance to prevent those incidents as well but the narrative as it is now is all about taking the guns away or making it harder for every one including law abiding citizens from getting them .


Every one is so scared to get involved or help in any way unlike it use to be that this stuff just gets worse instead of better & no matter how many gun laws these congress man make the bad guys will always get the guns & there will be as much or more killings because there may no the someone to stop them like this guy did .


If one life can be saved by someone like this then i'm all for it .

Why not both…?  do a better job finding and helping crazy, but also mitigate the amount of damage crazy can do… 


the obvious challenge is the glide path from seems normal, to a bit off to crazy…. Then you’ve got the manipulation of unknown externalities…


look at some of the cult sheep on here. I’m sure there a several that would go on a rampage if their master told them too. 

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