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Well as usual here's something that you won't here much about because it doesn't fit the narrative either here or in the lame stream media so it will get little to no attention any where else so a small part of a possible solution to help stop tragedy's just goes to the way side and isn't considered as part of the solution at all because again it just doesn't fit.


Because of a person giving a tip to police that they had over heard a conversation about 2 men in Richmond plotting another July 4th mass shooting & the police following through keeping a eye on those 2 a tragedy was avoided, which if in some of these other instances the same actions were taken by people & police there could have been less or no loss of life .


If the people that knew about the actions of the people that did the mass shooting like Crimo's father (which should also be put in jail) which his son told his dad prior to the shooting he was going to kill him would have not helped him get a gun & told the police about his deranged son they could have done their job, watched Crimo & arrested him prior to the shooting .


But for what ever reason all of the red flags went noticed but no intervention was taken . The same thing happened in Uvalde a ton of red flags were known about the shooter but no actions were taken to investigate and no one was willing to step up and say or do anything despite the red flags .


And now after further review of the Uvalde shootings it has been found that even though they had 2 police officers in the building with enough fire power to stop the shooter the police officer in charge did little more then nothing & was on the phone asking for help in stead of acting on what he had recently been trained to do which was stop the shooter at all costs .


So i applaud those people in Richmond for being what some would call a snitch but i call hero's for being bold & going to the authority's & i also applaud the police in Richmond for doing what they sign up to do their jobs & following up on information given to them instead of like others doing nothing when red flags are presented .


Those officers in Richmond could have sat back & said well it's just here say & done nothing but they investigated it & praise god stopped any more loss of life & just for the fact that this was premeditated that should be considered a act of domestic terrorism those guys should be buried under the jail but wait that would be to harsh in todays world .


So i guess what i'm trying to say to all of those that go right for the narrative that "IT'S THE GUNS FAULT & THERE IS NOTHING ELSE THAT WILL STOP THIS KIND OF THING BUT TAKING AWAY THE GUNS" that if we as a society 1 pay attention & instead of just not taking action and saying something if a Legit red flag comes up go & be the squeaky wheel .


Tell some one continue to pay attention & if they don't seem to be doing something then say something again & again then if by chance they don't do anything & some tragedy becomes of it then go to the local news & squawk some more to let those in high places know that some one is not doing a their job if we all pay more attention just maybe we can all be a part of the solution instead of sitting back doing nothing and a lazy part of the narrative .


We should all learn a little from this story due to the happy ending .

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I have two questions that have not been answered yet by articles I have seen- how does an illegal alien get a gun? Is there a law that is gun related that would have stopped them from possessing the gun without taking all guns away?

19 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

I have two questions that have not been answered yet by articles I have seen- how does an illegal alien get a gun? Is there a law that is gun related that would have stopped them from possessing the gun without taking all guns away?


I would guess a straw man purchase. Someone purchases the gun legally and then hands it off or sells it to someone who could not have legally purchased it.


Gun tracing is not always great, especially for dealers who have gone out of business (here is an article from 2016 on this)


If we amped up the ATF's ability to better identify who purchased which guns, we could prosecute more of the straw purchasers. In the idea of treating guns like cars, it'd be like the registration info the DMV has about our vehicles. However, there is opposition to this as a database of firearms makes people think the government is going to come for all of their guns.

6 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


I would guess a straw man purchase. Someone purchases the gun legally and then hands it off or sells it to someone who could not have legally purchased it.


Gun tracing is not always great, especially for dealers who have gone out of business (here is an article from 2016 on this)


If we amped up the ATF's ability to better identify who purchased which guns, we could prosecute more of the straw purchasers. In the idea of treating guns like cars, it'd be like the registration info the DMV has about our vehicles. However, there is opposition to this as a database of firearms makes people think the government is going to come for all of their guns.

Your guess is unrelated to the article- why do you think a straw purchase? Is there evidence I am unaware of that mass shootings guns are being bought by straw man? That seems like a conspiracy theory without evidence.

  • 2 weeks later...

So to add to this subject that actions speak louder than words, the investigation of police actions or lack there of in the Uvalde shootings have been concluded . The findings are just that if the proper actions would have been taken much sooner there could have been much less loss of life .


Not to mention the action that could have been taken given the ton of red flags prior to that may have stopped any loss of life before the Uvalde incident that this scum bag perpetrated that could have been at the very least investigated to possibly stop this before it happened .


That day there were 400 police officers ON SIGHT 1 gun man and for 1 HOUR 14 MINUTES & 7 SECONDS YES !!!!


1 HOUR 14 MINUTES AND 7 SECONDS there were absolutely no actions taken by the police first on the scene being the Uvalde police department despite their training to stop any gunman or threat causing harm or death of innocent lives .


After 1 HOUR 14 MINUTES AND 7 SECONDS the federal officers seeing that the incompetent officers first on the scene being the Uvalde police commander was doing nothing finally did what was needed to be done ASAP when those officers first got on the scene & decided they needed to stop the threat & took it upon them selves to make the call .


And did just that by TAKING THE NECESSARY ACTIONS ! and stopping the threat .


Those on the scene first said something to the effect even after training that they didn't feel they were in charge of the scene despite all of their training prior to this incident training them other wise until someone sotted this incompetence of leadership & took the appropriate/necessary actions to stop the threat .


They said there was blame being placed but i don't see how any of those officers first on the scene can make any excuses (or live with them selves) knowing the lack of actions taken in that 1 Hour 14 minutes & 7 seconds to stop such a thing sooner knowing that people mostly children were being murdered


Weather it be from the red flags prior to or their lack of actions during the actual shootings . 

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