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Evil, Evil Halliburton

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Like anything else in life D. Produce, get rewarded. Or a better analogy, since this basicly a Bill's board. Show up on time, exceed all expectations, hit all goals of your contract. There's the carrot of life, get off your azz.




(Sorry for the spelling, watching kids tonight, Moms night out :blush: )

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Since no one's chimed in with a knee-jerk reaction yet, let me be the first...


"Ah, more kickbacks for Cheney's oil cronies..."


There.  Now we know the thread's about Halliburton...  :ph34r:




AWK...Halliburton!....Halliburton!....AWK!!!!! :blush:

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Interesting that just today a Pentagon audit called into question several of their contracts for fuel purchases including a payment to a Turkish fuel distributor for a "retroactive adjustment" based on increased fuel prices - despite the fact that they are contractually prohibited from paying such adjustments.

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And looky what else got buried behind the non exploded grenade story - what energygate?


Gee, you mean the same "conservative watchdog group" that's currently going after Hillary Clinton ALSO went sued to get access to records of REPUBLICAN Vice President Dick Cheney? Hmmmm. Maybe it's NOT partisanship.

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Gee, you mean the same "conservative watchdog group" that's currently going after Hillary Clinton ALSO went sued to get access to records of REPUBLICAN Vice President Dick Cheney?  Hmmmm.  Maybe it's NOT partisanship.



You mean the shoe sniffer who has a vendetta against Senator Hill?

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