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Seriously.  Thank God racially motivated crime has been eliminated in society!



True, it hasn't been eliminated. Cases like I noted are A LOT LESS prevalent then they were in the "good ole days."


Things are getting better with time.


What about the 2 rich kids in the early part of the century that abducted and murdered for "kicks?"


Things like this have ALWAYS been going on.

Hey, lots of other people are saying the same thing I did in this thread.  Go use big words on them too!  ;)







You never fail to get a chuckle outta me man. :)


Suzuki LC1500 Intruder here.....


bring it on big boy!

I went for the BIGGER bike!


What are you compensating for?

20 dollars worth of rocks please. 7 big ones and 6 little ones....


Good call, you can aim the little ones better than the big ones. Start with the little guys, a few well placed shots to the noggin to bring the guy down, then bring on the big guns. Brilliant!



Has details on his confession and why he did it .. sick dosen't even start to cover it !


Makes me uncontrolably angry since the one girl looks very similar to my daughter. How demented is this guy that he would snap on a coupla 8 year olds. I don't want to hear about an insanity defense, and lets put to rest the "rehabilitative amosphere" of a prison. Sorry, this guy steals oxygen, don't waste the time, money or food to house this guy for trial. He admits he did it, just end him now, with perhaps a few stabs to the eyes for good measure.

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