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New Madden Cover Revealed

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alot of people i talk to say that.


but then they say they have never played 2k5. but they have played 2k and 2k3, and they sucked so madden is best...


i figure for 20 bucks you would play it a few times.


but madden baught the exclusive rights from the nfl, they knew the 2k series was becoming a siffer compitition.


and ill probubly buy madden 2006, but ill still say madden SUCKS.. and i think in 2007 they wont call it madden any more, cus they cnat afford to pay him to use his name, due to the high cost of the exclusive rights deal.


also, i think 2k5 had a deal with a "discount game distributer" to decrease the overall cost so they could drop the price to 20 bucks and still make some money.


once people  played both madden and 2k5 they would find thta 2k5 was better. and next year when 2k6 came out at $50 bucks, they would make A LOT of money.


madden had to screw it all up..  :P  :P



I'll agree with you when it comes to people's opinion about the 2K series: since the previous versions suck they assume 2K5 sucked and people only liked it because it was 20 bucks. Ok there was another football video game that was annually $20 but it sucked so no one ever bought it and it never challanged Madden. Why don't the EA SPorts lover just give the game credit as it is just a good game. The biggest reason Madden lovers hate 2K5 (such as my cousin) is that it has a more realistic passing game that isn't as automatic and safe as Madden. While they have improved it in the last 2 Madden, you can still back up 10-15 yards and get off accurate passes and the ease of completed a pass is unreal; you can complete passes to WR/TE's while they have their heads turned. For some reason every QB/receiver has some mind reading capabilities for that no matter the ball is thrown the WR always knows where the ball is headed and adjust his route. For instance, if the WR is suppose to run a 10 yard and cut to the sidelines with no option route, if you throw it deep the WR automatically knows to keep going deep. In 2K5, like in real life if you back up too far out the pocket then the DE's will have a direct angle to your QB. If your timing is off and you throw when your WR isn't ready then it will be obvious and not help you out as it happens in Madde. With the FEW good passing plays 2K5 has they seem to work well and I like the feel for the game. But the playbooks suck and that is the real downfall to 2K5.


2K5 running game is the most realistic yet as a RB has to actually be tackled to be brought down versus just being touched in Madden and the backs fight for extra yardage just like in real life rather than the hit or miss approach in Madden. I didn't think a video game was capable of this action - until I played 2K5. But they did go a little overboard with the stiff arm and shoulder charge. I mean I love the way Travis Henry fights for yards but come on you will never see him stiff arm 3 defenders in a row and run 65 yards to the end zone as it happens on 2K5 a little too much! If they toned that down but left in the other aspect this would be awesome. Also the player rating system on 2K5 is so much expansive than Madden as it has more attributes specific to a players position.


Now I don't agree with you that Madden sucks for it is still a very good game and I like it better than 2K5 for I am a strategy/playcalling type and the playbooks and schemes on 2K5 SUCKED!! While Madden playbooks are basically the same year after year, they are legit plays and its playbooks are far greater than 2K5 for in Madden you can create and edit plays; in 2K5 you can only choose sucky plays from other teams playbooks.


I felt that ESPN NFL 2K6 would have been the best football game ever if it had only a few fixes but we are left to wonder...

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