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New Madden Cover Revealed

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i will simply say that i hate madden and i will avenge my fallen 2k series....


well, not really, i just liked the 2k series better...


thanks for the info




I liked the ESPN '05 game better than Madden, that's for sure. Maybe they'll be able to work something out and ESPN will be back......yeah, right.


Both Madden and ESPN are second to EA's NCAA Football game anyway.

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so the iggles are going to fall to the madden curse this year?


Judging by McNabb's performance in the Super Bowl we may have witnessed the first retroactive Madden curse.

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It's too bad they don't have a way for you to transfer your franchise mode team over to the next year's game. After a decade, you're basically playing with guys you scouted, drafted, made into a dynasty. It would be cool to be able to advance them to the next game. Maybe you can, and I'm just an idiot.

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It's too bad they don't have a way for you to transfer your franchise mode team over to the next year's game.  After a decade, you're basically playing with guys you scouted, drafted, made into a dynasty.  It would be cool to be able to advance them to the next game.  Maybe you can, and I'm just an idiot.



No, I don't think you can. And you're right it'd be cool if you could. The only way to do it that I could possibly think of is to make exact copies of each player in the create a player mode and then sign them to your team. That's pretty time consuming though.

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Haven't the eagles been cursed enough... sort of...



they do have TO and they have interest in TH. but the cover curse didnot stop Ray Lewis last year. Then again out legal system could not stop him

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When I was buying ESPN Baseball 2K5 the guy there said that ESPN has the EXCLUSIVE deal with the NFL after this year. That is why the price for the games are so low, 19.99, they are going to get everyone hooked and when they are the only ones in town jack the price up.

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When I was buying ESPN Baseball 2K5 the guy there said that ESPN has the EXCLUSIVE deal with the NFL after this year. That is why the price for the games are so low, 19.99, they are going to get everyone hooked and when they are the only ones in town jack the price up.



That guy has it wrong; EA Sports bought exclusive rights to NFL AFTER ESPN NFL 2K5 success and it's cheap prices. Before 2K5, the ESPN NFL games sucked; the NBA games were actually better than Live in some years. But 2K5 was so much better than Madden 2005 in the visuals and appeal aspects with it being only $19.95 and becoming a threat EA Sports decided to wipe out it's competition by buying BOTH the NFL AND ESPN rights.


Now while Madden is still better overall I feel, especially in playbooks and strategy department, it couldn't compare to the graphics or game action in 2K5, especially in the run game. I felt that in 2K6 if they put more time into playbook (which isn't hard) and toned down the running game a bit (especially that wicked @$$ stiffarm) then Madden would be left behind. So instead of open competition, EA SPorts just wipe the competition out. Now in 2006 EA sports may make big changes to Madden, especially stealing the good points of 2K5. But after that it will be basically the same game with a few minor touchups year after year. My cousin who isn't flexible and is a die-hard Madden fan acts like NFL 2K5 wasn't any competition to Madden. I'm like OK when have you ever saw Madden, at all major stores, retail price drop below $30 BEFORE the season ended? NEVER! The same with NBA Live. Normally the price doesn't go down until a month before the next game was released if that. If you don't believe the analogy look at NCAA college football; being it's the only college football game with no competition, is has been $39.99 the whole season and the price hasn't drop like Madden or Live did. No fear; I think that Visual Concepts and Sega will now turn to the ollege football venue. My only fear is that they will make a football game so great I'd be wishing it were the NFL but I'd be stuck with college and I don't care for it the same; especially like I do the Bills!

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My cousin who isn't flexible and is a die-hard Madden fan acts like NFL 2K5 wasn't any competition to Madden.



alot of people i talk to say that.


but then they say they have never played 2k5. but they have played 2k and 2k3, and they sucked so madden is best...


i figure for 20 bucks you would play it a few times.


but madden baught the exclusive rights from the nfl, they knew the 2k series was becoming a siffer compitition.


and ill probubly buy madden 2006, but ill still say madden SUCKS.. and i think in 2007 they wont call it madden any more, cus they cnat afford to pay him to use his name, due to the high cost of the exclusive rights deal.


also, i think 2k5 had a deal with a "discount game distributer" to decrease the overall cost so they could drop the price to 20 bucks and still make some money.


once people played both madden and 2k5 they would find thta 2k5 was better. and next year when 2k6 came out at $50 bucks, they would make A LOT of money.


madden had to screw it all up.. :P:P

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When I was buying ESPN Baseball 2K5 the guy there said that ESPN has the EXCLUSIVE deal with the NFL after this year. That is why the price for the games are so low, 19.99, they are going to get everyone hooked and when they are the only ones in town jack the price up.




I thought ESPN/Sega had bought the exclusive rights to MLB after this year, not the NFL. EA Sports has the NFL.

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