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Everything is lining up perfectly for the agenda that the POTUS wants to impose on us all & the entire Putin thing has given the perfect excuse that just helps to make it easier for them to push this on us .


I heard a clip the other day of a Biden speech & he wants us to get off of fossil fuels & use more electric, wind & solar which hey thats fine to integrate it if it's our choice but I feel it's not .


Shutting down a lot of the domestic drilling was first to raise the price of fuel to make us all think electric is the way to go but they needed more then the pandemic was the next excuse but wouldn't you think with less cars on the road there would be a surplus of fuel ?


Then Putin gave them a even better excuse to get the prices even higher to make it harder for all of us to make our pay check last and in some instances they won't even consider implementing what they stopped when he became the POTUS .


He said he was going to release so much per day for a while which was only a band aid to make us think he gives a crap but in reality he doesn't ! I have noticed the price of fuel going up again & eventually i feel he will make enough excuses to let it go far enough to almost cripple the economy as to push his electric agenda further .


It's awful funny that before the pandemic when the economy was humming along there was no shortage as far as supply & demand but now even with less people working & the supposed shortage of truck drivers which would mean less vehicles on the road there is a shortage of fuel does that make any sense ? 


I can't for the life of me see how any one can think we are now better off seeing all that has transpired in the span of 2 years everything has been turned up side down & there are still those that think this guy & his parties agenda is better for the country i apparently missed the memo because i'm spending almost double on every single thing i buy .


Yet there was a interview with one of the Dem economists that i saw & have tried to find but couldn't in that interview the women said inflation is all part of the plan of getting the country back to where it was & it is necessary . Not sure where exactly she studied at but i don't want her touching my check book ! 


It's all working out though the excuses are there for the taking & the Pres. is using them to the fullest extent instead of doing things here that could d help he will just let it all flow to his agenda & they all think Trump was in bed with Putin boy this looks like Biden is thanking him in spades for his help with his direction he wants the US to go .


In the end i would think that this entire situation would show us just how much we need to bring the manufacturing of goods back home as to not be under the thumb of other countries nearly as much as we are but instead of the US being the leading manufacturer we are now the consumer & at the mercy of others add the fact of less domestic drilling of oil that just adds to our problems but pushes the agenda along perfectly .



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Posted (edited)

Well another week has gone by I did another run across the US and the great band aid that our illustrious POTUS has given us to make him self look as if he gives a S**T by releasing oil from the strategic reserve has done nothing what so ever to help .


Fuel prices are even higher now they were $3.78 a gallon when he announced he would release oil & it now they are $4.28 & this is the second trip in so many weeks that it cost over $1000 to fill my commercial vehicle when it use to be $600 this guy is a POS for everything he stands for .


And seeing the lack of reply's from those that voted for him i guess there's not much of a argument that can in any way make him look good for the common folks he has screwed over to even those that voted for him . 


I would love to be able to here what TIbs & Billstime think everytime they fill up their vehicle with gas & it's double do they say yah this guy is so great for helping me blow more of my weekly check on gas or do they cuss him like the rest of us ?


Oh i forgot they probably both either take public transportation or have ran out & bought a electric car in support of their man so that could be why there is no reply ..

Edited by T master
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  On 5/20/2022 at 3:05 PM, T master said:



It's awful funny that before the pandemic when the economy was humming along there was no shortage as far as supply & demand but now even with less people working & the supposed shortage of truck drivers which would mean less vehicles on the road there is a shortage of fuel does that make any sense ? 





LOL, duh 


Could it be the pandemic has caused the inflation? 



  On 5/23/2022 at 2:54 PM, Tiberius said:

LOL, duh 


Could it be the pandemic has caused the inflation? 





No ! Could it be the TRILLIONS of BS dollars that this administration continues to spend could it be putting the US back in the driver seat when spending more money to the save the world from green house gases & change to electric cars & such as they fly around in their fossil fuel powered jets ?


Could it be from haunting domestic drilling of oil & natural gas & making it harder for the oil companies to drill so they have to pay more & pass on the overages to the consumer ?


Could it be from the POTUS just being a dum A** & not knowing or caring how to run a business that is known to be the USA & puts his agenda in front of what the Americans need or want ?


Could it be he goes to communist countries that hate the US to ask for help in supplying us the oil he won't let them drill for right here on American soil & also goes to OPEC to ask for their help ? Or is it that he pisses off our closest neighbor buy screwing them out of Billions of dollars already spent on materials ? 


🤔 DUH Choose  one DA - if you can't see it your part of the problem ...

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  On 5/23/2022 at 3:04 PM, T master said:


No ! Could it be the TRILLIONS of BS dollars that this administration continues to spend could it be putting the US back in the driver seat when spending more money to the save the world from green house gases & change to electric cars & such as they fly around in their fossil fuel powered jets ?


Could it be from haunting domestic drilling of oil & natural gas & making it harder for the oil companies to drill so they have to pay more & pass on the overages to the consumer ?


Could it be from the POTUS just being a dum A** & not knowing or caring how to run a business that is known to be the USA & puts his agenda in front of what the Americans need or want ?


Could it be he goes to communist countries that hate the US to ask for help in supplying us the oil he won't let them drill for right here on American soil & also goes to OPEC to ask for their help ? Or is it that he pisses off our closest neighbor buy screwing them out of Billions of dollars already spent on materials ? 


🤔 DUH Choose  one DA - if you can't see it your part of the problem ...


Drilling was cut when we were pumping too much gas and oil companies couldn't make that much money so now they have to start pumping again. Saudis and Russians helping with those high gas prices too, but you blame the American president, disgusting 

Posted (edited)
  On 5/23/2022 at 3:04 PM, Tiberius said:




Typical no answer ... 

  On 5/23/2022 at 3:06 PM, Tiberius said:

Drilling was cut when we were pumping too much gas and oil companies couldn't make that much money so now they have to start pumping again. Saudis and Russians helping with those high gas prices too, but you blame the American president, disgusting 



Yah he was the one that stopped the drilling remember the some 35 executive orders he signed his first day in office ?  


Then had to go to the Saudi's & other countries to look for alternatives which cost more instead of keeping a pipe line in the making that could have (In the future) have helped not only the US but one of our closest allies but he decided to piss them off instead .


Now that's some brilliant leadership right there !! And you voted for him & support those kind of decisions so what does that tell us about you ? It tells me if i were you i wouldn't open a hot dog stand as a business because you more than likely will fail miserably !! 


Hey here's a Tibs business idea instead of selling more hot dogs to make more money at the same cost to the consumer i can just sell the same amount of hot dogs & double the cost to my beloved customers to make me richer ... Can you say inflation .


DUH !! the pumping of too much gas was the reason why our prices were so low its called ENERGY INDEPENDENCE num nuts & they were still making money , so lets stop producing oil so we can pay more money & cause the American people to pay more now that's a liberal professor of economics way of thinking right there .


Your brilliance never ceases to amaze me !!

Edited by T master

Ah so now it's OK to make excuses for why your Admin is failing.  It wasn't allowed under Trump.  Something about something stopping somewhere?

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  On 5/23/2022 at 3:04 PM, Tiberius said:

The stink bomb replies! 


Yup, China is shut down right now, what do you think that is doing to supply lines? Huh? 




Well if any one in the US gov't had or used common sense it would tell them that they should have never allowed most all of the US manufacturing to go to china due to greed & that if the US was to stay the strongest economic country that they should bring the bulk of manufacturing back home to the US where it belongs .


But seeing as common sense in gov't is a oxy moron & they can't seem to see anything beyond the end of their noses they will continue to allow the Chinese to have the upper hand in manufacturing & ultimately be able to control our country as they see fit while the masses continue to good to Walmart & can't or won't see anything wrong with it as long as they can continue to get what they want at those cheap prices .


So as a relative use to tell me & it can be used within the context of the American supply crisis "If your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough" & the American common sense movement has become one of the toughest in recent history so i don't expect any change any time soon ...


So now the NWO movement & it's global economy is proving exactly why it shouldn't be the way the powerful wants it to be .


There will be no country that can be independent of another which is the premise of it to be under control in general so welcome to the NWO the plan has been implemented & will continue as planned by those much smarter than the citizens of the countries effected by it ...




His Fraudulency is warning schools participating in the federal Free Lunch program for disadvantaged children,


that either they comply with the administration’s LGBQT policies or they will no longer get the food for the kids.




Puts a new spin on “But it’s for the children,” doesn’t it?



The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service announced in May it will prevent low-income students from participating in its National School Lunch Program if their public school does not adopt the administration's interpretation of Title IX, which holds that the federal civil rights law's provision against discrimination based on sex includes designations of sexual orientation and gender identity. 






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