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wifey turns 40 next month and she has been "hinting" that she expects a party. anyone have any good experiences of b-day parties to share? thanks in advance.

wifey turns 40 next month and she has been "hinting" that she expects a party.  anyone have any good experiences of b-day parties to share?  thanks in advance.


Do what I do almost every year. Invite a bunch of your friends over and have a BBQ, crab cookout. You're in Virginia so crabs are fairly cheap. Get a couple bushels, some dogs, burgers, etc...


Get a cake from a local pastry chef who is the best one in Virginia, a few cases of beer.


My wife loves it, everyone has a great time.

Do what I do almost every year.  Invite a bunch of your friends over and have a BBQ, crap cookout.  You're in Virginia so craps are fairly cheap. Get a couple bushels, some dogs, burgers, etc... 


Get a cake from a local pastry chef who is the best one in Virginia, a few cases of beer. 


My wife loves it, everyone has a great time.



How do you cook crap? Do you put icing on it and call it cake?


Why even buy a couple of bushels of crap when he can make his own?




Pooj, Drive up to Wegmans........................ No, we have discussed this here before, and I got to thinking about it while walking through Wegmans in Fairfax on Saturday (God I love it when my daughter has swim meets in NOVA) but it's time for a good old upstate NY clam bake. Steamers, corn, salt potatos, BBQ Chicken, a keg of Genny and some pop for the kids.


Happy Birthday to Mrs Pooj!

How do you cook crap? Do you put icing on it and call it cake?


While even buy a couple of bushels of crap when he can make his own?




I hate when crap screams upon tossing it in the boiling water.


Is there a nearby park shelter you can rent for the day? You provide the main course - catered or the guys BBQ - and the drinks, then ask everyone to bring a dish to pass. I did this for my wife's Bday and it worked out well. Sent people down to put up streamers and baloons too. Have disposable "everything" so cleanup is filling trash bags. All the cleanup can be done together and none of the mess is in your house. People are always happy to help out and have a good time too!


You can play horse shoes, softball, bocce, frisbee, kids can run amuck.... and if it rains the older folks have shelter, you can play cards or games, and the kids have mud. :blink:


You can just sit in a chair in the sun or shade and drink beer, if you are not into "playing".


Works well for my family! :unsure:

How do you cook crap? Do you put icing on it and call it cake?


While even buy a couple of bushels of crap when he can make his own?






You know I hate you right? :blink:


I would recommend strippers and whipped cream. You may lose a wife but you would have a great story to tell us the next day and that's what is really important. Isn't it?


40 years old?? How about a trip to the local cemetery to pick out plots and headstones, because that's where she'll be heading soon!!! :unsure:


Just Kidding, only kidding!!


I do like the outdoors BBQ idea with family and friends coming over.


40? Hmmm, gotta get a coffin and use it as a bar. Tricky to do, expensive if you dont find the right place, but it sets the mood for over the hill.

Do what I do almost every year.  Invite a bunch of your friends over and have a BBQ, crab cookout.  You're in Virginia so crabs are fairly cheap. Get a couple bushels, some dogs, burgers, etc... 


Get a cake from a local pastry chef who is the best one in Virginia, a few cases of beer. 


My wife loves it, everyone has a great time.




Sounds good. I'll be over tomorrow evening.


A B-Day party for your wife who is turning 40.


This is what I would do.


Live band or DJ playing her favorite kind of party tunes from her prime. Love Roller coaster or Back In Black or somewhere in between. Have some great tunes.


Have a bartender. That’s a nice touch.


Have fireworks at midnight. Just invite the effected neighbors and tell them ahead of time.


Have things to do at the party like games or contests for the fun of it.


Most importantly, buy her a sweet gift. I would buy jewelry. Some thing in diamonds that she would love and cherish. She needs something to have and hold along with her great memories of the party. If she hates jewelry (which I doubt) then play an activity she would love, like the Richard Petty Driving Experience, lessons with her favorite woman golfer or a trip to her Day Spa or some such thing.


Make it special. Be cheerful throughout it all even if it kills you and you will be well thought of for years to come each time she tells her friends and family the story of how YOU made her 40th birthday the best one she ever had.


Disclaimer: Unless she has cheated on you this past year. Then forget all of the above.

Sounds good.  I'll be over tomorrow evening.


I'll let you know if we do this year. Last year I actually didn't as we were too busy. Probably the first time in 10 years.

Most importantly, buy her a sweet gift.  I would buy jewelry. 

This is VERY important! If she does not like her gift, at least she is not returning a vacuum cleaner. :D


Disclaimer: Unless she has cheated on you this past year.  Then forget all of the above.

No, be sure to have the party if she has ever cheated on you. Just be sure to leave a bloody horse head on her pillow. <_<

I'll let you know if we do this year.  Last year I actually didn't as we were too busy.  Probably the first time in 10 years.




I'll bring the beer drinker




I f you want the romantic thing, the Easton Inn on the eastern shore is awesome. We like better than the Inn at Little Washington, and we have been to each three times. Awesome place, but books quick so if the day is soon, you are probably poop out o luck.


Going the party route, invite her firends and make sure you spend some cake for a good caterer. You only turn 40 once, and impressing the girlfriends is important to the ladies. Forget the BBQ or crabs, you can do that anytime time. Go for a top of the line menu with great, and i repaet great wines. Make it something her friends will continue to talk about, and she will never be happier.


Course for my wifes wife 40th, probably be doing nothing as I am too cheap to spend any money

wifey turns 40 next month and she has been "hinting" that she expects a party.  anyone have any good experiences of b-day parties to share?  thanks in advance.



My wifey turned 40 last year...i'll tell you what i did...i looked up gift stores (that make the gift baskets), and they can not sell booze, but they allow you to bring it in ( a very nice bottle of wine) and then stuff the basket full of the best/sweetest things they have....chocolates, teas, candles----then they wrap it up and it's personalized because you picked out the goods, and you don't have to shop for hours~

It was a big hit with her

Good Luck!

PS there is a place on Latta Road that took care of me, by long pond-i think you're in Rochester, 2

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