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Excuses Are Like A Holes Every Liberal has One & They Usually Stink !! Edit .

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At the time of this post i sit in the wonderful state of California where all the forward liberal type thinking & ideas for most of the country are generated, where they stop water from flowing from the canals into the farm land because of a minnow that is on the endangered species list, where they ration water usage but live next to the largest body of water in the world & don't think to build numerous desalinization plants for more water .


Where to if you drive down any high way you can run a the speed limit unless you have any size trailer then you can only drive 55 mph or you are on a crock rocket then speed limits don't apply or where in some use to be beautiful cities they pay for & hand out hypodermic needles to junkies with the thoughts that they will return the needles after the use them so they can kill them selves with the drug use but not contract any disease while doing so .


The last time i was out here by LAX there was a huge billboard saying "Thank you President Biden for getting the country back where it needs to be" during that last trip i saw 1 gas station at $4.99 a gallon well thanks now to "Putin" wink wink gas is up to $5.64 a gallon & diesel up to $6.38 a gallon which when i filled up my coach cost my boss a amazing $1114.14 when it use to be around $600.00 .


When i shared this with a very liberal friend of mine his first reply was "That makes me sick" to which i replied "And that is with the POTUS releasing 1 million barrels per day from the strategic reserve can you imagine if he didn't do that" then only to my surprise given his reply about making him sick thinking that he may be seeing the forest for the trees did he give the excuse that all are using now And i quote .


"We are all F'd no matter what when a major player like Russia isn't playing ball" In other words gas prices are all Putins fault ! I said the cost was going up long before Putin invaded Ukraine but every body uses that excuse gotta have something to blame it on because it couldn't be on Joe .


But seeing as Joe has control of the border crisis, has always given us the truth when it comes to the science to keeping us healthy during the pandemic, along with his exemplary decisions on how to pull out of Afghanistan, that coupled with the other out standing foreign policy decisions he's made that is second to none our energy independence now being a priority by releasing the afore mentioned 1 million barrels a day will all be for the betterment of we that people .


No excuses here folks just keep on looking over there and you can believe i have your best interests in my mind while making these decisions & will never try to cover them up with any excuses or blame any one else  .  


Watching the news out here just yesterday & the way they are now thinking they can fix the higher gas prices is to cut every one that owns a car a $400.00 check to off set the price of gas .


But the whiners that don't own cars think that's unfair & they deserve that money too why not just go to the president & tell him to open up the domestic drilling again & put things back the way they were before he went into office seems logical to me but that's one thing he doesn't ever use so the band aide will be the $400.00 then what ?



Edited by T master
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not really sure why there is blame to the extent on either side. united states is basically little tribes of democracy. hell we have states that outright refuse legislation from the federal level and yet state governments still blame there issues on it. you wanna see the success or failure of your ideology then simply look at the state that has the most laws that align with your view. 


pretty crazy that most dont want to believe the results they wish to prescribe on all others even when they are obviously destructive.


covid was a excellent lesson in this and shows how many simply refuse to say i was lied to, i was wrong and i should shut my mouth and pay more attention to who and where i get "trusted" information.

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