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The Party of Cowards and Hypocrites

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10 hours ago, BillStime said:



And all those that opposed it back then know it worked ! So now Joe is taking a page out of the old play book to try & save his own ass because to this point he has done nothing to stop the illegal crossings & the guy in charge (Mayorcas) of keeping the border in check has a fantasy and says the border is secure even though crossings are at a all time historical high !


And a illegal that was deported 5 times which on top of his illegal entree into the US his crossings after deportation each are a felony but was allowed to cross back in to the states because of the lax laws by this administration .


Now that they have caught this illegal immigrant that has murdered a family & by the same administration revoking title 42 with no new plan to put in place which has been his M.O. in many things in the past .


They act with out a comparable plant in place & know that the repercussions of this will be huge the influx of illegal crossings will increase even more now because of their incompetence but they see it as being okay & not a problem yet they are sending 1500 plus troops to the border to help the over whelmed border patrol agents  .


It's not bad enough that the crossings have quadrupled in 3 years from 458k in 2020 to over 2 million now & it will even be more .


Then those in power of the "Sanctuary cities" that condemned the previous administration for its laws/actions & now are whining that they can't afford any more coming to their cities & it's unfair yet they still will allow the sitting POTUS to move forward with no plan in place to slow or stop the influx of illegals .


But now they will do what they all once said was unconscionable but now it's okay because it's their decision - political Double talk at it's best and you support it ...

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On 4/20/2023 at 12:54 PM, BillStime said:

On brand for the GQP




So hang his ass - he's a POS and throw the book at him but the Tennessee 3 are just as bad for first doing what they did & then voting against a law that would make the children & teachers in local schools more safe .


So you are trying to take the spot light off of the Tennessee 3 democratic scum bags and their disruptive actions to make it look like this republican scum bag is more deserving of the head lines for his sick BS as a distraction for them moving forward .


Throw all of their asses out none of them are worthy of representing any of the people of Tenn. !!!  Make a example of all 4 of them & lets start by cleaning house !!

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3 hours ago, BillStime said:



So then what you are trying to portray is that this 1 picture that may have been & more than likely was taken before Pence did or could have known anything about this person you are trying to use to paint the picture that ALL republicans are perverts to push your narrative forward .


How much research have you done to find out if this picture was taken before the point of Pence knowing what this guy had done ? 


I personally believe that you are as usual just trying to push your perverted narrative forward with out any facts . But that's may be just me but i'd rather doubt it because most here know the way you work !! 

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On 5/8/2023 at 12:28 PM, T master said:

I personally believe that you are as usual just trying to push your perverted narrative forward with out any facts

That’s what over half the posts here on PPP are about. This would be a rather boring place without people pushing their opinions forward. Who wants to listen to people who think like themselves?

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