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Convicted felon Donand Trump is coming for your Social Security, Medicare and VA Healthcare

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Trust me, when they finally do tell us cutting SS is"unfortunately necessary", MAGA will all be on board.  If I live to be a billion years old, I will never forget Trump sending a guy up to the podium to explain how they were going to grift $6 trillion dollars from the US taxpayers children's children, and then walk off.  All this after they just finished grifting $2 trillion.  At least they promised a great GDP, that never materialized that time.    

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speaking of pathological liars...

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    Healthy people work, age has no restrictions.

There are way too many freeloading fat bodies who are eating and drinking and smoking themselves to death.

There are way too many loser clowns having kids without fathers,  becoming welfare dependents,

spiraling into countless other generational problems.

The democrat party is irresponsible and deliberately creating social problems, in order to create votes

from dependents and low iq people.

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