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Convicted felon Donand Trump is coming for your Social Security, Medicare and VA Healthcare

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It’s the classic plan of the last ~30 years:


1. Supply side tax cuts to benefit the rich explodes the deficit. 

2. Scream about the deficit to justify cutting programs for the poor and middle class. 
3. Rinse and repeat. 

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So there is talk among AOC and others on the left to levy SS tax on investment income. Bad bad idea.  Most retirees have some of their income from their investments.  For instance IRA distributions.  There are ways to help shore up SS but this ain’t one of them. 

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On 6/16/2022 at 9:01 AM, BillStime said:

Oh they’re coming for it 






We could have put 1 trillion of Covid Stimulus money to "the bridge" and end this worthless program over the course of a decade.  


Over 50 percent of federal spending is on SS, Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare.  


And our federal spending, thanks to the Branch Covidians, is destroying the economy.


We warned you massive inflation was coming and it's going to get worse - they know it and won't tell you they'll just poo poo radical ideas like "balancing the budget" or "cutting spending."   


The Bush GOP thought we could do both - cut taxes and still spend.  


Can't.  You have to take an axe to Federal spending and never ending year over year budget increases:



From August 2021


The High Costs Of Too Much Government Spending


America is engaging in an unprecedented spending spree. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that the infrastructure proposal and the proposed $3.5 trillion reconciliation spending plan will result in $2.9 trillion (about $8,900 per person) of additional government borrowing over the next decade. This debt will not solve our problems. America needs more private sector innovation to solve our biggest challenges—uplifting the poor, healing the sick, and protecting the planet—not more government spending and top-down regulation.


Too much government spending harms society and individuals in several ways.


First, it increases the cost of living via subsidies that drive inflation. Government subsidies artificially increase demand. The result is higher prices that disproportionately harm the working poor and middle class. The companies with subsidized offerings get richer, while these higher prices increase demand for larger subsidies. The cycle repeats, and costs head skyward.



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On 6/15/2022 at 6:40 AM, ChiGoose said:

It’s the classic plan of the last ~30 years:


1. Supply side tax cuts to benefit the rich explodes the deficit. 

2. Scream about the deficit to justify cutting programs for the poor and middle class. 
3. Rinse and repeat. 

Sorry for the late response…but since I currently pay approximately 50% of everything I make right back out in taxes , you believe the problem is that I’m not paying enough? It’s your position that if I only paid a bit more we wouldn’t be THIRTY TRILLION in debt? Really? Wouldn’t it be smarter for our elected officials to just budget what they already know is going to come into the treasury (or even something close to it)?  It’s not like annual tax revenue is surprise to them. The country is being run into a ditch by children who simply can’t keep the nation’s credit card in their wallet! 

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11 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Sorry for the late response…but since I currently pay approximately 50% of everything I make right back out in taxes , you believe the problem is that I’m not paying enough? It’s your position that if I only paid a bit more we wouldn’t be THIRTY TRILLION in debt? Really? Wouldn’t it be smarter for our elected officials to just budget what they already know is going to come into the treasury (or even something close to it)?  It’s not like annual tax revenue is surprise to them. The country is being run into a ditch by children who simply can’t keep the nation’s credit card in their wallet! 

I think we could have a better and more efficient tax structure, that when paired with better enforcement, would generate revenues that wouldn’t require hard working Americans to pay so much without substantially reducing services. 

Also, a balanced budget requirement would be a terrible idea, though I agree that I’d like Congress to start acting like adults and actually figure out what their priorities are. 

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4 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

I think we could have a better and more efficient tax structure, that when paired with better enforcement, would generate revenues that wouldn’t require hard working Americans to pay so much without substantially reducing services. 

Also, a balanced budget requirement would be a terrible idea, though I agree that I’d like Congress to start acting like adults and actually figure out what their priorities are. 

You’ll notice I didn’t ask for a balanced budget requirement. I just want Washington to spend something close to the revenue they KNOW they’re taking in. Some years it’ll be more than what they take I and other years it’ll be less…just like every family does and every business does. There are no ‘services’ they have to provide. All of these are man made programs. It’s disgusting how easy it’s become for them to spend money we don’t have..and the bigger the deficit becomes, the worse it gets, as each new Congress says ‘what the heck, we’re already in debt’. 

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30 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

You’ll notice I didn’t ask for a balanced budget requirement. I just want Washington to spend something close to the revenue they KNOW they’re taking in. Some years it’ll be more than what they take I and other years it’ll be less…just like every family does and every business does. There are no ‘services’ they have to provide. All of these are man made programs. It’s disgusting how easy it’s become for them to spend money we don’t have..and the bigger the deficit becomes, the worse it gets, as each new Congress says ‘what the heck, we’re already in debt’. 

And it’s not like they’re kicking the can down the road for next members of Congress to deal with seeing for so many it’s a decades long gig.  They just don’t care. 

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11 hours ago, Big Blitz said:




We could have put 1 trillion of Covid Stimulus money to "the bridge" and end this worthless program over the course of a decade.  


Over 50 percent of federal spending is on SS, Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare.  


And our federal spending, thanks to the Branch Covidians, is destroying the economy.


We warned you massive inflation was coming and it's going to get worse - they know it and won't tell you they'll just poo poo radical ideas like "balancing the budget" or "cutting spending."   


The Bush GOP thought we could do both - cut taxes and still spend.  


Can't.  You have to take an axe to Federal spending and never ending year over year budget increases:



From August 2021


The High Costs Of Too Much Government Spending


America is engaging in an unprecedented spending spree. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that the infrastructure proposal and the proposed $3.5 trillion reconciliation spending plan will result in $2.9 trillion (about $8,900 per person) of additional government borrowing over the next decade. This debt will not solve our problems. America needs more private sector innovation to solve our biggest challenges—uplifting the poor, healing the sick, and protecting the planet—not more government spending and top-down regulation.


Too much government spending harms society and individuals in several ways.


First, it increases the cost of living via subsidies that drive inflation. Government subsidies artificially increase demand. The result is higher prices that disproportionately harm the working poor and middle class. The companies with subsidized offerings get richer, while these higher prices increase demand for larger subsidies. The cycle repeats, and costs head skyward.




Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years


The national debt increased by almost 36% during Trump's tenure


Trump’s most enduring legacy could be the historic rise in the national debt It rose almost $7.8 trillion during his time in the White House — approaching World War II levels, relative to the size of the economy. This time around, it will be much harder to dig ourselves out.



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1 hour ago, BillStime said:



I never supported that final product of a bill.  However, that is not the reason your economy is a ***t show.


Bannon wanted that upper tax rate to start with a .... 4.  


Bannon on top income-tax rate: Put a 4 in front of it





But Mitch got his way, and old GOP dogma circa Bush era won out.  


You have 3 options:


1.  Continue spending and raising taxes like morons that helps no one.  


2.  Cut taxes leave spending as is - does minimal or worse overall for the economy because too many things have to go right to hit 5% Growth to off set the lack of funding for our entitlements or continued increase in deficits.  


3.  Cut taxes.  Cut spending.  Limit Government.  Reign in the debt, inflation, and spur the ***t out of economic growth.

Edited by Big Blitz
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/18/2022 at 6:33 PM, BillStime said:






As usual you are only telling the part of the story that you want to be noticed ! The reason why it wasn't re uped is because the Dems tried to get it passed along with all the BS that was in the Build Back Better program so the opposition said no more than likely not because of the child tax credit but because of the BS in that law .


As far as SS goes the minute that it was opened up (i believe by LBJ but i could be wrong) the SS as it was intended was doomed ! They opened it up not only for the greedy ass congress & others to use it as they saw fit & then give it away to every Tom, Dick, & illegal Harry that came along instead of giving it to those that actually pay into it as it was first intended by Roosevelt .


Then the "Affordable Care Act" was anything but that ! I was looking at health insurance just prior to the "Affordable Care Act" was implemented & it was going to be around $280+ a month then after the "Affordable Care Act" was rushed through congress & made a law the amount immediately went to $600+ a month .


So Affordable had absolutely nothing to do with it plus the BS about that administration being transparent & the fact that NO ONE in congress had a chance to read or comprehend anything that was in that law was total BS and then if you remember what a cluster F it was after it was put into law was just the cherry on top ! 


SO before you make a bunch of noise about those trying to do something against what your illustrious leaders want to do you should include ALL the info instead of what you want to embellish upon .

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5 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Yes, indeed. Now go start another pathetic thread.


Only the ignorant call something that has been researched & has facts included that goes against every thing they believe to be the truth or is a misinformed pathetic !


But those that are open to the possibility that there may be a alternative or better solution based on that that is presented with facts would be less of a fool than those that are so narrow minded to only one way to the solution based on opinion/agenda rather than truth . 

3 minutes ago, BillStime said:




Hey every party has more than a few dum asses in it as you should well know just by reading the polls ...

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