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The Next Great Presidential Decision With Some Lies for Desert .

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So far it's been a little over a year since the presidency has changed hands . We have all seen the country pretty much going backwards in time ever since that day .


In the first day there was some 29 executive orders signed rescinding many of the Trump era laws which were put into place & in the first 100 days of this change some 52 executive orders being the most of any president in history starting the destruction of our beloved country .


Some of those executive orders have been the direct cause of things like the doubling or more of gas prices which has directly had a inflationary effect to food costs & many other every day things that we use just because the higher expense to get things to the market that had to be passed on to us the consumer  .


Within some of those decisions that were made as we know was the ones involving a pretty stable southern border that threw it into chaos ! Then we thought that this president may have had a moment when they had to reimplement one of the Trump era laws to help stop the bleeding at the border but wait !


Now as you all have probably heard Old Joe is at it again and has yet another great presidential decision he has brewed up in that he has decided he want to rescind what i believe is called the Title 42 act ?? 


Please forgive me if that is not the right name of the bill which i am talking about but i have been up driving most of the night for my job & am very tired . But from what i understand by taking this bill away the influx of illegals will jump substantially .


It's not bad enough that in 2021 there were some 2+million immigrants allowed illegally to enter the country but if this act or bill is rescinded it has been said that there could be as many as 18,000 yes that's right EIGHTEEN THOUSAND illegal immigrants a day which is enough to fill Madison Square Garden & that could very well be every single day for as long as they line up at the southern border if this is put through .


It is such a bad decision that many prominent democrats are lining up to vote against it because it is such a stupid idea !! Can you imagine the strain that this will put on our already burdened economy WTF is this guy thinking !! He will single handedly ruin this country in 1 term as president if he continues down this path .


Then for a little desert when he gave Pelosi a peck on the cheek when she had or was to be testing positive for covid the great red head in the white house decided to tell us all how the president was following the CDC guide lines & it was okay for him to give Pelosi that kiss on the cheek because he wasn't in direct contact or in her space for more than 15 minutes which is now okay .


Yet what happened to all the BS they have been telling us all for the last 2 years ? Hell even the great Faucinator said it was with in the CDC guide lines WTF these jack asses just make it up as they go i can't freakin believe it what a bunch of wing nuts !! 


And then there are those that watch this the same as you & I and think all of this is okay & makes total sense - i just can't freakin believe the naive ignorants of those that believe this stuff they can continually talk out of both sides of their mouth & seeing the direct results of that ignorants & still think this is great for the country & that he is doing a good job .


The only thing left to do is PRAY LONG & HARD because this kind of stupidity is unparalleled, If i hadn't seen & heard it with my own eyes & ears i would have never believed that this kind of ignorants could exist in a supposedly civilized country yet it has & is - God help us all !! 



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14 minutes ago, Doc said:

They hate America.  Like I said, you don't try to fundamentally transform something you love, or even like.

YOU hate America. You coward haven’t shared jack about what you LOVE about America.


Wanna share the latest laws that are “fundamentally” transforming America or are you nothing more than a coward?


Yeah - you’re a zero



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5 minutes ago, BillStime said:

YOU hate America. You coward haven’t shared jack about what you LOVE about America.


Wanna share the latest laws that are “fundamentally” transforming America or are you nothing more than a coward?


Yeah - you’re a zero





I'll get back to you after I watch a replay of this "woman's" swimming championship that was won by a man.

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10 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Wanna share the latest laws that are “fundamentally” transforming America or are you nothing more than a coward?





Yea low info Bill, they don't have to pass laws in DC to fundamentally change the country.






It's why they've turned to and embraced their inner fascism.  Using Silicon Valley and punking every corporation in America to cave to their wokeness.  The media was already there they just flat out lie now they don't even care.   
















The Left:  We don't want to fundamentally change America..........



Also, The Left:



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2 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:




Yea low info Bill, they don't have to pass laws in DC to fundamentally change the country.






It's why they've turned to and embraced their inner fascism.  Using Silicon Valley and punking every corporation in America to cave to their wokeness.  The media was already there they just flat out lie now they don't even care.   
















The Left:  We don't want to fundamentally change America..........



Also, The Left:



Yay - more BS from the Covid Queen

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8 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

I'll get back to you after I watch a replay of this "woman's" swimming championship that was won by a man.


Libs are so dumb and transparent.  They think you need to say things over and over and over again to prove that you believe in what you claim.  I don't need to say what I love about America, just like I don't have to say what I love about my wife.  I just do, and again, I'm not trying to fundamentally transform either.

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On 4/9/2022 at 10:55 AM, T master said:

Now as you all have probably heard Old Joe is at it again and has yet another great presidential decision he has brewed up in that he has decided he want to rescind what i believe is called the Title 42 act ?? 

1. Title 42 has been on the books a long, long time.

2. It is a public health authority (that's why it's administered by the CDC!) - the Order issued by the CDC was the "Order Suspending the Right to Introduce Certain Persons from Countries where a Quarantinable Communicable Disease Exists."

3. There was a good reason from this Order when the pandemic began, and probably up to the last major omicron outbreak in December/January.

4. There is no good reason for it now. U.S. COVID rates are higher than many of the countries people are coming from. If you think there's a good reason for "closing the border" now, you have to agree that we, in the United States, should continue the other COVID policies that many people decry - social distancing, limitations on the number of people who can attend events, etc., etc. I am of the opinion that we are past that point in America, as thankfully we have (1) strong immunity, through vaccines AND through the good fortune of having a far less virulent variant (omicron) becoming dominant; and (2) we have the public health capacity to deal with any outbreaks that may be reasonably anticipated right now. If the situation changes and some far more dangerous variant emerges, well, when the facts change our opinions should change too. That's not the case now.

5. If you think that the Biden Administration should continue Title 42 because it is an effective immigration control, you are adopting a very cynical view of what the Executive should be allowed to do. In other words, "yeah, sure, the time has passed for using it as a public health measure, but let's pretend it is still necessary for those purposes because we don't have the political guts to address the immigration system honestly." This is the same kind of thinking that supports what I consider other abuses of Executive authority, such as extending student loan forbearance till September. That too was a response to the COVID-damaged economy and it makes no sense in the current tight labor market. 


I thought conservatives were supposed to stand for constitutional limitations on the overuse of Executive authority?


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On 4/9/2022 at 12:55 PM, T master said:

Some of those executive orders have been the direct cause of things like the doubling or more of gas prices


What executive order was the direct cause of the doubling or more of gas prices? 

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Watched one interview that gas was so cheap in 2020 during covid shutdowns , commercial airlines and cruise ships idle . That made US energy independent because it was not being used. When the country reopened gas was being used again , and some production was still shutdown. 

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14 hours ago, BillStime said:

Wanna share the latest laws that are “fundamentally” transforming America or are you nothing more than a coward?




New Jersey parents outraged at plan for first-graders to be given sex education lessons dubbed 'Pink, Blue and Purple' on gender identity while second-graders will learn you can 'have boy parts but feel like a girl'



First-graders in New Jersey will be learning about gender identity with new sex education curriculum which includes a lesson that teaches children they can have 'boy parts' but 'feel like' a girl. 


The new lessons, which are part of a broader, K-12 health and sex education curriculum adopted by the New Jersey Board of Education, are alarming some parents, Asbury Park Press first reported. 




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12 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

1. Title 42 has been on the books a long, long time.

2. It is a public health authority (that's why it's administered by the CDC!) - the Order issued by the CDC was the "Order Suspending the Right to Introduce Certain Persons from Countries where a Quarantinable Communicable Disease Exists."

3. There was a good reason from this Order when the pandemic began, and probably up to the last major omicron outbreak in December/January.

4. There is no good reason for it now. U.S. COVID rates are higher than many of the countries people are coming from. If you think there's a good reason for "closing the border" now, you have to agree that we, in the United States, should continue the other COVID policies that many people decry - social distancing, limitations on the number of people who can attend events, etc., etc. I am of the opinion that we are past that point in America, as thankfully we have (1) strong immunity, through vaccines AND through the good fortune of having a far less virulent variant (omicron) becoming dominant; and (2) we have the public health capacity to deal with any outbreaks that may be reasonably anticipated right now. If the situation changes and some far more dangerous variant emerges, well, when the facts change our opinions should change too. That's not the case now.

5. If you think that the Biden Administration should continue Title 42 because it is an effective immigration control, you are adopting a very cynical view of what the Executive should be allowed to do. In other words, "yeah, sure, the time has passed for using it as a public health measure, but let's pretend it is still necessary for those purposes because we don't have the political guts to address the immigration system honestly." This is the same kind of thinking that supports what I consider other abuses of Executive authority, such as extending student loan forbearance till September. That too was a response to the COVID-damaged economy and it makes no sense in the current tight labor market. 


I thought conservatives were supposed to stand for constitutional limitations on the overuse of Executive authority?



what law would you like used to stop the mass migration of millions of illegal immigrants into this country? because thats all this is about. conservatives simply want laws to be upheld, any law that will contain the crisis that has been going on since biden stepped into office will do. no fed authoritarian over reach needed. title 42 is just a placeholder that is completely in line with what democrats have been happy to enforce on its own citizens for a very long time. regardless of these facts and studies that they miraculously now want to stop censoring and ignoring. funny how that happens when its a issue they seem to care about. just another hipocracy shown as the ( all clear ) signal is turned on. all clear to enter, as our young children are still being forced into masks all day. all clear as our countrys own citizens who had natural immunity are still looking for work after being fired...ect. ect. ect. ect. the data on what restrictions were necessary was made by simply comparing florida to california. no significant differences saving lives. clear data quite awhile before your jan/dec (of this year!??) assessment. 


so again, what law can republicans use to stop the onslaught of illegal immigration? as the dollar continues to lose its value. as our president warns us to prepare for the upcoming food shortages. oh! and a war going on with plenty of enemies out there that would love nothing more then to infiltrate a weak point and destroy us. saftey was REALLY important to the dems just a second ago. so whenever joe wants to pick a law im sure conservatives will agree with it and be more then happy to end any title 42 talk. just as long as it actually gets enforced. 


Edited by Buffarukus
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19 hours ago, 716er said:


What executive order was the direct cause of the doubling or more of gas prices? 


The cancelling of off shore & domestic drilling for oil & fracking (which i was never a big fan of) of course they tell us there is 9000 permits they could drill on to cover their ass but why not drill where they already know there is oil like they were doing before his executive order stopped it ?


Then if the keystone pipe line could have been finished that would have brought more oil in from a country that is 1. Our neighbor & 2. a close ally of the US .


But that's okay lets just buy oil from Opec, Russia, & Venezuela to make up the difference they won't screw us ...


Which then due to the cancellation of said pipe line the Canadian gov't that had invested all that money in producing labor, jobs, & materials for the pipeline are forced to now sell those pennies on the dollar or leave it rot in the fields or just chalk that up as a loss . THANKS JOE !


All for their Green New Deal electric agenda .


So not only will we now not have more oil in our future from a friendly country to be more energy independent to help us & them this administration has pissed them off & caused them to waste money, time & materials . Let's here for this US leadership !!!! 



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19 hours ago, Big Blitz said:



New Jersey parents outraged at plan for first-graders to be given sex education lessons dubbed 'Pink, Blue and Purple' on gender identity while second-graders will learn you can 'have boy parts but feel like a girl'



First-graders in New Jersey will be learning about gender identity with new sex education curriculum which includes a lesson that teaches children they can have 'boy parts' but 'feel like' a girl. 


The new lessons, which are part of a broader, K-12 health and sex education curriculum adopted by the New Jersey Board of Education, are alarming some parents, Asbury Park Press first reported. 





Ain't that some kind of BS !! WTF If i was a parent of a child up there i would immediately go & let my disgust be known to the board & tell them my child will not learn that curriculum or will be pulled from that school system & move ASAP to a place that uses some kind of common sense .


Because no matter how you believe weather it be in the darwin theory, the big bang theory, or in God (which is my belief) we were intended to be male & female for a reason !


At birth you are 1 or the other & until you are of a age to make a rational decision which there are many other laws in place that say just that like drinking, driving, marriage & others the only people that should be allowed influence on a child in their upbringing is their parents not a group trying to make their beliefs the norm .


If that is in fact what you as a person of legal age or a adult to make that decision & want to do in your personal life go for it !


Just don't PUSH it on me or mine because that is a bunch of BS !! When my kids or grand kids get of a more mature age i will let them have their own independent thoughts to make up their mind to do what they feel is right for them & love/support them for it !


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14 minutes ago, T master said:


The cancelling of off shore & domestic drilling for oil & fracking (which i was never a big fan of) of course they tell us there is 9000 permits they could drill on to cover their ass but why not drill where they already know there is oil like they were doing before his executive order stopped it ?


Then if the keystone pipe line could have been finished that would have brought more oil in from a country that is 1. Our neighbor & 2. a close ally of the US .


But that's okay lets just buy oil from Opec, Russia, & Venezuela to make up the difference they won't screw us ...


Which then due to the cancellation of said pipe line the Canadian gov't that had invested all that money in producing labor, jobs, & materials for the pipeline are forced to now sell those pennies on the dollar or leave it rot in the fields or just chalk that up as a loss . THANKS JOE !


All for their Green New Deal electric agenda .


So not only will we now not have more oil in our future from a friendly country to be more energy independent to help us & them this administration has pissed them off & caused them to waste money, time & materials . Let's here for this US leadership !!!! 



We have a few problems when it comes to oil.  I'm talking about the human race and not just America as we're all in this together.  The first one is simple.  Annual production exceeds annual discovery of new reserves.  The problem is depletion of a finite resource.  This has been going on for decades and its interesting that the discovery of large fields peaked in the 1960's.  Newer discoveries are generally smaller deposits in more remote areas which higher overall costs.  This means energy in vs. energy out ratios are trending towards break even.  Over time cheap and easy to find has transitioned to more expensive and harder to extract and get to market.  This is a one time endowment of energy that took 75+ million years to form and will only take about 225 years to use up.  Prices are going to rise. 


That doesn't take Biden off the hook for some short-sighted actions.  Working without a plan and strategy, something both parties in Washington are good at.  Like cancelling Keystone.  And while environmentalists have the right idea that oil use is resulting in greenhouse gas emissions they're misguided to believe their solutions will result in some uninterrupted or even an equivalent level of prosperity and living standards.  That leads to the second problem.  Solar and wind energy generation just don't stack up to the energy output produced by oil and gas.  While the Sun produces more energy in a couple seconds than we require to run civilization for a year our technology is just too primitive and inefficient to get the job done as it stands now. 


My conclusion is you can't support 7 1/2 billion human lives with solar and wind.  That's the Elephant in the room nobody talks about.  And my suspicion is part of the global elites plan is to eliminate in one way or another a substantial percentage of the population over time to make things more comfortable and suitable to their liking.  To stretch out the supply so they can continue to operate their gas heated private compounds, jet-fueled private aircraft, and diesel fired yachts.  That's the New World Order they now openly mention but just gloss over the silly details.  Their plan doesn't differentiate between whether your a liberal or conservative or any other social or political slice or distinction you want to make.  So why are we fighting amongst ourselves?   

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8 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

We have a few problems when it comes to oil.  I'm talking about the human race and not just America as we're all in this together.  The first one is simple.  Annual production exceeds annual discovery of new reserves.  The problem is depletion of a finite resource.  This has been going on for decades and its interesting that the discovery of large fields peaked in the 1960's.  Newer discoveries are generally smaller deposits in more remote areas which higher overall costs.  This means energy in vs. energy out ratios are trending towards break even.  Over time cheap and easy to find has transitioned to more expensive and harder to extract and get to market.  This is a one time endowment of energy that took 75+ million years to form and will only take about 225 years to use up.  Prices are going to rise. 


That doesn't take Biden off the hook for some short-sighted actions.  Working without a plan and strategy, something both parties in Washington are good at.  Like cancelling Keystone.  And while environmentalists have the right idea that oil use is resulting in greenhouse gas emissions they're misguided to believe their solutions will result in some uninterrupted or even an equivalent level of prosperity and living standards.  That leads to the second problem.  Solar and wind energy generation just don't stack up to the energy output produced by oil and gas.  While the Sun produces more energy in a couple seconds than we require to run civilization for a year our technology is just too primitive and inefficient to get the job done as it stands now. 


My conclusion is you can't support 7 1/2 billion human lives with solar and wind.  That's the Elephant in the room nobody talks about.  And my suspicion is part of the global elites plan is to eliminate in one way or another a substantial percentage of the population over time to make things more comfortable and suitable to their liking.  To stretch out the supply so they can continue to operate their gas heated private compounds, jet-fueled private aircraft, and diesel fired yachts.  That's the New World Order they now openly mention but just gloss over the silly details.  Their plan doesn't differentiate between whether your a liberal or conservative or any other social or political slice or distinction you want to make.  So why are we fighting amongst ourselves?   


I agree but there are other alternatives & one that i can not in any way understand well i mean i do it's because it won't follow a certain agenda & it also kills 2 birds with one stone .


Hydrogen is in most every thing on the planet it is a basic building block and with the amount of water in the ocean there is a ton of it then you factor in rain & so on it seems to me a no brainer & the one thing with burning hydrogen for fuel that it doesn't do is pollute basically anything because the only thing it produces is more water virtually no emissions .


To think that there isn't the technology to do that is absurd ! I know a few years back Ford had a truck built to go to market with the proper fuel cell & all but one minute you saw the advertisement the next it was gone . WHY ???


You can bet there was some gov't involvement in it though because some one couldn't make the money off it like they could electric because with electric fossil fuels will still be the over all biggest producers of electricity weather libs or conservatives want to admit it so there must be some agenda behind not bringing that to market .


What we can't say that this tech doesn't cause global warming OMG where will we be able to spend those billions on my upstart companies so i can become rich ... Politics i freakin hate them !!

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On 4/10/2022 at 12:00 AM, BillStime said:

Yay - more BS from the Covid Queen


There isn't any BS about it your part of the problem because you support all that BS .


When there are no common sense, moral rules & laws chaos takes over kind of like the "Peaceful Protests" of the recent past but that is exactly what is wanted a world with no laws or as Joe called it in some of his speeches  "A New World Order" !


So then anyone can do exactly what they want when they want how they want with no repercussions to what ever it is that they decide they want to think up and it being right .


This world is so screwed up it's not even funny .

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Biden didn't just cancel Keystone.


He also issued an executive order that all drilling permits must be approved by a single relatively senior administration official.

I believe there are about 4000 permits. 

Ya...She's going to get to them.

The issue of existing permits that are not being drilled is a specious argument.

There are lots of reasons why approved permits are not drilled, and I doubt anyone here can speak with authority on the matter.


We can do anything we do with oil by using natural gas, which we have an ungodly supply of domestically, and burns cleaner.


New on the horizon is the development of solid oxide fuel cells, which can use nat gas, solar, wind or hydrogen.

Nat gas and hydrogen don't use near the real estate of solar or wind.

Hydrogen produces no greenhouse gasses.


Not reasonable?

Here's a list of companies that have figured out it works, and have established on site energy production using this, and ensuring they are not cut off when the grid goes down or some local gov entity decides to limit access, as has happened in California many times.

Target. Morgan Stanley. Intel. Safeway. Macy's. IBM. IKEA. Comcast. Kelloggs. Staples. Home Depot. Google. Adobe. Honda. FedEx. Yahoo. Owens Corning, and a municipality in Connecticut.



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