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First Review -- "Revenge of the Sith"

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Want my theory?  I think Ben Kenobi was already dead in episode IV.  I think he'll die in Ep 3, and that was just his ghost somehow living on this plane of existance.  As far as I can recall, Kenobi was the ONLY Jedi to just "disappear" when he "died."  Heck, even Darth Vader looked confused when he "killed" Kenobi.  My guess is that Ben was helping Luke with a physical presence.


Flame away. :blush:








Obi Wan is not the only Jedi to 'disappear' when he 'died', as Yoda did the same thing in ROTJ. In the book (SW Episode III), they touch on this, so I'm guessing they plan to explain it on screen also.

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Obi Wan is not the only Jedi to 'disappear' when he 'died', as Yoda did the same thing in ROTJ.


Fine, Yoda dies in Ep 3 as well then and they only had to stay around long enough to help Luke. Come on, why else would Yoda want to live on a swamp planet??? He had no choice, as that's where his spirit was drawn to. :blush:


And no fair reading the books for insight. :ph34r:



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Fine, Yoda dies in Ep 3 as well then and they only had to stay around long enough to help Luke.  Come on, why else would Yoda want to live on a swamp planet???  He had no choice, as that's where his spirit was drawn to. :blush:


And no fair reading the books for insight.  :ph34r:






Haha!! I like reading the books. Sometimes the way the author describes stuff turns out better than the effects in the movie.

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Haha!!  I like reading the books.  Sometimes the way the author describes stuff turns out better than the effects in the movie.



Only sometimes? Off the top of my head, I can't think of a movie that was better than the book...



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actually, i was being completely serious and am glad you took the time to respond...i thought it was just going to disappear into this sea of a thread...i've always wondered about this and it has slightly bothered me every time i watch the movies...your explanation above is decent enough, but are you telling me they foresaw this? shouldn't they have foreseen the death star blowing the crap out of that planet luke and obiwan were flying to in episode 4 to do his jedi training? at the same time, i guess you can say that if yoda was on that planet, he'd be blown to smithereens also...


ok...one last question...how come quigon (liam neeson) didn't disappear after darth maul killed him?

sorry about the strange questions, i'm not much of a big star wars buff, but these things stick in my head



Hmmm.....I'm trying to recall some dialogue from the original Star Wars to help me here, but the obscure parts aren't all that fresh in my head. To answer your question, I'd say that Yoda and Ben were both aware of the possibility that Luke may become a Jedi one day. I think it's also important to keep something in mind, though: Yoda and Ben would stick out like sore thumbs in the Star Wars universe had they not gone into seclusion. Jedis are thought to be completely extinct by the time the first Star Wars took place. Vader clearly has his doubts about this, which is pretty evident in the film, but I think the Empire pretty much assumes they are no more. (Ep.III will be very clear as to the fate of the jedi.) I think they'd put the rebel alliance at greater risk by being closer to it than they were. As far as foresight, though, I think Yoda has said on at least a couple occasions that the dark side is very difficult to see. Ben was very affected by the destruction of Alderaan in Ep.IV when it happened, but clearly couldn't see it ahead of time. As for Yoda, I honestly don't know what sort of communication existed between him and Ben until Ben took one in the gut from Vader. Then you have that omnipresent thing, but before that I have no clue.

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There are always goign to be negative reviews for every film. There were negative ones for Schindlers List (just to pick one that I recall was a critical lovefest). You can't please everyone. When you have a percentage like 92% positive early word of mouth, that is a mandate to see it. I predict this one does north of 500 million domestic.


I totally agree....I don't think I've ever seen a film that didn't have at least one or two thumbs down type of review. But for this prequel to be scoring these kind of comments and reviews is almost the exact opposite of what's happened the past few years. You had a lot of marginal reviews, but I'd say there were more negatives than there were positives. Even Roger Ebert hacked all over Ep.II, and he'd given all the SW films high marks up to that point. This one seems to be a true 'payoff', which is a term that I've seen used by several of the critics thus far. It's very satisfying on several different fronts, and you also have the sentimental factor of this being the last SW film (as far as we know). I think your prediction is going to come true.....this one should really rake in the bucks. It'll be interesting to see how a prequel does with positive reviews behind it.

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On the topic of disappearing when they die ...

SPOILER (I think)

QuiGon Ginn was purported to be experimenting with the Force in such a way as to live on beyond death in a way to help those who are strong in the Force ... he never fully figured it out before he died in Ep I.


One of Obi Wan's missions on Tatooine (while watching over Luke) is to further try to learn the art of living on. He evidently figures it out and live on in ghostly form as does Yoda. Anakin also does at the end of ROTJ, which would seem to indicate that Luke only burns the suit of Darth Vader, not the body as it would seem that he probably disappeared.

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