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First Review -- "Revenge of the Sith"

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R.Rich: The weirdest thing happened when I read over your list.....a few of the items evoked specific emotions/memories that I had when I was a kid. Wow, that is some nostalgia for you!  I remember the Ewok playset like it was yesterday. My father had just uprooted us from GA after only 2.5 years; we were off to Kansas City. My parents felt so bad that my brother and I had to abandon our friends and start over that we got to go on a Toys R Us shopping spree. I was like 10 or 11 years old and I still remember the box sticking out of the cart lol.


Fez: Yep, sounds like you and I had a very similar childhood lol. There was some construction going on in our subdivision in 1980-81 and my bro and I would go down there and bring back bricks, different lengths of wood, rocks, etc. We had good guy and bad guy SW bases, along with good guy and bad guy GI Joe bases lol. Too funny......



lol...im sitting here reading this thread just cracking up at the posts where you guys talk about playing with your SW toys when you were little. It reminds me so much of the way my bros would play with their toys....too funny! You guys are too cute! <_<

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Anakin as the chosen one is still the most logical, as it is he (as Vader) who ended up tossing the Emperor into the power core pit or whatever it was in RotJ. Luke was laying down and crying like a sissy while the Emperor was electrifying his ass.


I always questioned this scene here, why couldnt the Emperor use his dark side powers to stop from falling or levitate himself out of that pit?

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Agreed, the bad ass characters are Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Greivous etc. They build the Death Star. The leader of the Jedi is a small green midget that retreats to a swamp when the going gets tough.


Personally, I think the Emperor is pretty lame. He just sits in a big chair and stares out into space? Be cooler if he was a Scarface-gangster type, sitting in his hot tub surrounded by beautiful women puffing on a fat cigar eating prime rib and sipping on champagne.

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Personally, I think the Emperor is pretty lame. He just sits in a big chair and stares out into space? Be cooler if he was a Scarface-gangster type, sitting in his hot tub surrounded by beautiful women puffing on a fat cigar eating prime rib and sipping on champagne.



That's Jabba the Hut. When he put Lea in a steel bikini and put a leash on her, billions of kittens were sentenced to death.



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That's Jabba the Hut. When he put Lea in a steel bikini and put a leash on her, billions of kittens were sentenced to death.





So RTB, what you're saying is that Jabba is actually Alaska Darin in disguise. <_<



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Personally, I think the Emperor is pretty lame. He just sits in a big chair and stares out into space? Be cooler if he was a Scarface-gangster type, sitting in his hot tub surrounded by beautiful women puffing on a fat cigar eating prime rib and sipping on champagne.




I'll bet George Lucas is kicking himself at not portraying the Emperor in such a way. Imagine the money he would've made...

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I'll bet George Lucas is kicking himself at not portraying the Emperor in such a way.  Imagine the money he would've made...



As if he isn't using twenties for kindling anyway...



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And, just think; people thought ol' George was stupid for taking less money to direct Star Wars! Oh yeah, he took less money so that he'd get a MUCH bigger slice of the merchandising. I think that move paid off for him. Just a little.

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... Just a little, oh yeah, considering he bankrolled the three prequels himself IIRC. SW is all Lucas -- his idea, his product, his money. Whether you like SW or not, he has worked his tail off on it during production. He deserves the credit.

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Lucas should get all the credit...and most of the money too. These movies were his babies...even though he took a lot of the ideas from old Samurai films and classic westerns.


BTW, thank you all...this is the most responsive post I've ever had on this board (and the first over 100 replies).


It only took two and a half years. <_<



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Dave: The whole thing with the Trade Federation was nothing more than a set-up. It was a contrived behind-the-scenes effort with one purpose - to assist in getting Palpatine more power. The prequels don't only tell the story of Anakin Skywalker.....they also tell the story of how the Empire came to be. The Trade Federation was nothing more than a puppet being controlled by the Emperor, with the purpose being to create a sitution that would be more condusive to Palpatine gaining more power. This was accomplished by the no-confidence vote in the former chancellor and Palpatine eventually being elected the new chancellor. As you may remember, he then ultimately gains 'emergency' powers, which is essentially a carte blanche to run things as he sees fit. With that power he functioned in secret to put all sorts of chess pieces in place.....in Ep.III we basically get to see him carry out 'checkmate' against the Jedi.


I promise you that the first prequels make perfect sense.....you just have to think about them in terms of the other films. You'll also see that Ep.III will clear up a lot of the stuff that you may see as murky right now.


By the way, don't feel bad about being a little frustrated with the stuff you mentioned in your post. There were quite a few professional film critics - intelligent, well-spoken folks who do watch films for a living - who clearly missed a lot of these points, too. Honestly, if you look at Ep.I as a stand alone film, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The reviews of the folks who saw it in that manner reflected that. But the movie was never intended to stand on its own. It's simply one part of six, and in order for it to truly make sense it has to be viewed in that way.



i do "get it" now, i suppose, but all the same a good narrative storyteller can tell a complicated plot and make it seem crystal clear. eps 1 & 2 don't do that. there isn't enough dialogue to explain the machinations, and the jumps from scene to scene are often lacking the connective tissue that makes a plot readily understandable. often times, that requires well developed characters whose actions and manner work to "imply" the course of a plot. annakin is a weak character, and obi wan is a bit of cipher too. as well, unlike in eps 4 and 5, where darth vader is a tremendous villain with a real personality, neither palpatine, dooku, or darth maul (especially him) have any discernible character traits except for a general malevolence. darth maul, in my opinion, is particularly bad, even more egregious than jar jar binks. i say this because there was the potential to create a great, iconic villain like darth vader. the guy looks the part, but he has no personality whatsoever, indeed no character.

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... Just a little, oh yeah, considering he bankrolled the three prequels himself IIRC.  SW is all Lucas -- his idea, his product, his money.  Whether you like SW or not, he has worked his tail off on it during production.  He deserves the credit.




I'm not speaking of the prequels. I'm talking about the original trilogy. He took a bigger slice of merchandising in lieu of a huge salary and it paid off HUGE for him. Sure he bankrolled the prequels-why wouldn't he? The guy gets paid off of nearly every film made nowadays, between his THX and his ILM companies.

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Just thought I'd post an update on the Rottentomatos.com review tracker. So far they've tracked 24 reviews for Ep.III, and 92% of them are positive (22/24). That is a huge difference from the first two prequels......hopefully they'll keep coming in!

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lol...im sitting here reading this thread just cracking up at the posts where you guys talk about playing with your SW toys when you were little.  It reminds me so much of the way my bros would play with their toys....too funny!  You guys are too cute!  :blush:



Are you going to pat our heads now and tell us to go run along? :ph34r:


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Just thought I'd post an update on the Rottentomatos.com review tracker. So far they've tracked 24 reviews for Ep.III, and 92% of them are positive (22/24). That is a huge difference from the first two prequels......hopefully they'll keep coming in!



There are always goign to be negative reviews for every film. There were negative ones for Schindlers List (just to pick one that I recall was a critical lovefest). You can't please everyone. When you have a percentage like 92% positive early word of mouth, that is a mandate to see it. I predict this one does north of 500 million domestic.

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Just thought I'd post an update on the Rottentomatos.com review tracker. So far they've tracked 24 reviews for Ep.III, and 92% of them are positive (22/24). That is a huge difference from the first two prequels......hopefully they'll keep coming in!



Wow, looks like a good sign!

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I don't know if you are asking sincerely or just fuggin with us, but since I'm a SW homer I'll bite......This is just a hunch, but I think you'll see by the end of Ep.III the groundwork for what will eventually be the Rebel Alliance. By the time Ep.IV rolls around, they are already a significant threat to what by then has become the Empire. I'd say it's pretty clear by Ben's actions in Ep.IV why he remained in seclusion until the time was right. As for Yoda, given Ben's fate, Yoda was the only one left to provide the training Luke required. I'd say both Ben and Yoda clearly were better off staying hidden and allowing others to deveop the Rebel forces.



actually, i was being completely serious and am glad you took the time to respond...i thought it was just going to disappear into this sea of a thread...i've always wondered about this and it has slightly bothered me every time i watch the movies...your explanation above is decent enough, but are you telling me they foresaw this? shouldn't they have foreseen the death star blowing the crap out of that planet luke and obiwan were flying to in episode 4 to do his jedi training? at the same time, i guess you can say that if yoda was on that planet, he'd be blown to smithereens also...


ok...one last question...how come quigon (liam neeson) didn't disappear after darth maul killed him?

sorry about the strange questions, i'm not much of a big star wars buff, but these things stick in my head

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ok...one last question...how come quigon (liam neeson) didn't disappear after darth maul killed him?



Want my theory? I think Ben Kenobi was already dead in episode IV. I think he'll die in Ep 3, and that was just his ghost somehow living on this plane of existance. As far as I can recall, Kenobi was the ONLY Jedi to just "disappear" when he "died." Heck, even Darth Vader looked confused when he "killed" Kenobi. My guess is that Ben was helping Luke with a physical presence.


Flame away. :blush:



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