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First Review -- "Revenge of the Sith"

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I am just thankful that Lucas was able to think up the idea in the first place.




You and me both lol. When I think of the ways that Lucas has influenced my life (particularly my childhood), it's unfathomable to think about taking all that away! Even if I just focus on the way SW facilitated a stronger bond with my brother growing up. I can't even think about how many hours we must have shared either watching the films, playing with the toys, etc. Made for some pretty amazing Christmas mornings, too :o I still remember the day the friggin Death Star showed up under the tree lol.

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From what I understand, Jar-Jar's stereotype is racial in nature.  Supposedly, he speaks as if he were Jamaican.

The "chosen one" and Messianic in my mind are two entirely different things.  I think Anakin might well have been the "chosen one" (in fact, the previews indicate such), but if he were Messianic in nature, he never would have strayed to the Dark Side and become Darth Vader. 


I just find that portion to be a bit on the sacreligious side.





Are you seriously reading this much into friggin STAR WARS??


Holy sh--.



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Are you seriously reading this much into friggin STAR WARS??


Holy sh--.





I don't think so...I really don't even think about Star Wars all that much.


Just one opinion out of many, that's all.



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I still remember the day the friggin Death Star showed up under the tree lol.



The Death Star Space Station? That's one of the toys/playsets I never did get when I was a kid that I always wanted. That, and the AT-AT were the two biggies I never got. I did get most of the toys and playsets though, up until ROTJ.

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The Death Star Space Station?  That's one of the toys/playsets I never did get when I was a kid that I always wanted.  That, and the AT-AT were the two biggies I never got.  I did get most of the toys and playsets though, up until ROTJ.



Yep, it was complete with the big ass 'planet blaster' gun on the top level, trash compactor, etc....it was friggin awesome lol. The only SW toy I never got that I really wanted was the Millennium Falcon. Aside from that I did pretty well :o

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Yep, it was complete with the big ass 'planet blaster' gun on the top level, trash compactor, etc....it was friggin awesome lol. The only SW toy I never got that I really wanted was the Millennium Falcon. Aside from that I did pretty well :o




As best as I can recall (senility; comes w/ old age), here's the stuff I had:


Millennium Falcon

X-Wing Fighter

TIE Fighter

Vader's TIE Fighter



Slave I

Bespin cloud car

Imperial troop transport


Hoth playset

Jawa playset

Cantina playset

Dagobah playset


Star Wars action figure carrying case

Darth Vader carrying case


Action figures? Too many to mention.



That's all I can remember for now.

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Yep, it was complete with the big ass 'planet blaster' gun on the top level, trash compactor, etc....it was friggin awesome lol. The only SW toy I never got that I really wanted was the Millennium Falcon. Aside from that I did pretty well :o



I still have most of the toys; should look at selling them at some point, since they're just sitting in my parent's basement.


The Death Star set was cool -- not only did it have the planet blaster gun, but you could destroy it by pulling a lever and have it pop off. Cool. :doh:


The Millenium Falcon was awesome too -- every Xmas was a Star Wars Xmas for me growing up. :blink:


My cousin and I would play Star Wars for hours, setting up different bases around the basement, some rebel, some empire. We had our own ruleset of what was and was not allowed when attacking other bases, but heck if I can remember any of it. It probably only made sense to an 8 year old anyway. :w00t:



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R.Rich: The weirdest thing happened when I read over your list.....a few of the items evoked specific emotions/memories that I had when I was a kid. Wow, that is some nostalgia for you! I remember the Ewok playset like it was yesterday. My father had just uprooted us from GA after only 2.5 years; we were off to Kansas City. My parents felt so bad that my brother and I had to abandon our friends and start over that we got to go on a Toys R Us shopping spree. I was like 10 or 11 years old and I still remember the box sticking out of the cart lol.


Fez: Yep, sounds like you and I had a very similar childhood lol. There was some construction going on in our subdivision in 1980-81 and my bro and I would go down there and bring back bricks, different lengths of wood, rocks, etc. We had good guy and bad guy SW bases, along with good guy and bad guy GI Joe bases lol. Too funny......

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When I see the commercial with Darth Vader being raised up with his uniform on, I get the chills. I can't wait for this!



Has anyone been able to determine if that is actually James Earl Jones with the Vader voice or whether it's some sort of electronic alteration?


I agree, that is one cool scene. You have to figure it's going to be a pretty dramatic part of the film when he first adjusts to life in the suit.

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does it bother anyone that Yoda, instead of trying to assemble freedom fighters into a coherent force before Luke stumbles upon them, runs off to Dagobah and tries to recreate the simple life rather than prevent Vader to enslave planets and kill millions? same with Obi Wan...what worthless stevestojans!

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Has anyone been able to determine if that is actually James Earl Jones with the Vader voice or whether it's some sort of electronic alteration?


I agree, that is one cool scene. You have to figure it's going to be a pretty dramatic part of the film when he first adjusts to life in the suit.



From a review, not a spoiler really, but I put it in yellow:


"By avoiding excessive reverence, Lucas makes the first appearance of the black mask and costume a moment of profound sadness....while there's an admitted thrill to hearing the voice of James Earl Jones, the content of some of Jones' lines is unlike anything we have previously heard from the voice-box of Vader. Not all eyes will be dry by the end of Revenge of the Sith. "

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Has anyone been able to determine if that is actually James Earl Jones with the Vader voice or whether it's some sort of electronic alteration?



In the actual movie, Jones does act as the voice of Vader once the mask is on. The dialogue in the teaser and ads (Lord Vader? - Yes Master? - Riiiise.) is actually from an earlier scene when Anakin is knighted as Darth Vader after assisting in Mace Windu's murder (Seen here). It's Hayden Christensen's voice altered for dramatic effect.


**End Spoiler**

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does it bother anyone that Yoda, instead of trying to assemble freedom fighters into a coherent force before Luke stumbles upon them, runs off to Dagobah and tries to recreate the simple life rather than prevent Vader to enslave planets and kill millions? same with Obi Wan...what worthless stevestojans!



I don't know if you are asking sincerely or just fuggin with us, but since I'm a SW homer I'll bite......This is just a hunch, but I think you'll see by the end of Ep.III the groundwork for what will eventually be the Rebel Alliance. By the time Ep.IV rolls around, they are already a significant threat to what by then has become the Empire. I'd say it's pretty clear by Ben's actions in Ep.IV why he remained in seclusion until the time was right. As for Yoda, given Ben's fate, Yoda was the only one left to provide the training Luke required. I'd say both Ben and Yoda clearly were better off staying hidden and allowing others to deveop the Rebel forces.

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Thanks for the info about the voice, guys......that yellow is perfect for spoilers....my eyes are still recovering lol.

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I don't know if you are asking sincerely or just fuggin with us, but since I'm a SW homer I'll bite......This is just a hunch, but I think you'll see by the end of Ep.III the groundwork for what will eventually be the Rebel Alliance. By the time Ep.IV rolls around, they are already a significant threat to what by then has become the Empire. I'd say it's pretty clear by Ben's actions in Ep.IV why he remained in seclusion until the time was right. As for Yoda, given Ben's fate, Yoda was the only one left to provide the training Luke required. I'd say both Ben and Yoda clearly were better off staying hidden and allowing others to deveop the Rebel forces.



Maybe both realize that Luke is actually the chosen one, not Anakin. (Man, am I a geek :unsure: ).

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Maybe both realize that Luke is actually the chosen one, not Anakin. (Man, am I a geek :unsure: ).



Anakin as the chosen one is still the most logical, as it is he (as Vader) who ended up tossing the Emperor into the power core pit or whatever it was in RotJ. Luke was laying down and crying like a sissy while the Emperor was electrifying his ass.

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Anakin as the chosen one is still the most logical, as it is he (as Vader) who ended up tossing the Emperor into the power core pit or whatever it was in RotJ. Luke was laying down and crying like a sissy while the Emperor was electrifying his ass.


:unsure: re: Luke


Yep, Lucas is on record as saying that Anakin is actually the chosen one.

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