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First Review -- "Revenge of the Sith"

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For what it's worth, the movie got an enthusiastic two thumbs up from Robin Quivers this morning. One of the guys on the Stern show also saw the screening, he termed the movie as addictive as crack (that perked Arte up). Both said it was as good as the first movie.

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For what it's worth, the movie got an enthusiastic two thumbs up from Robin Quivers this morning.  One of the guys on the Stern show also saw the screening, he termed the movie as addictive as crack (that perked Arte up).  Both said it was as good as the first movie.



Didn't they pretty much crap on the first two prequels?

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Didn't they pretty much crap on the first two prequels?


If memory serves, yes. Robin was creaming in her pants talking about the movie this morning. She seems like an old lawnmower to me, you know, one that needs a few extra pulls before the engine starts purring. If she's that jazzed my expectations for the movie have increased.

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If memory serves, yes.  Robin was creaming in her pants talking about the movie this morning.  She seems like an old lawnmower to me, you know, one that needs a few extra pulls before the engine starts purring.  If she's that jazzed my expectations for the movie have increased.


Yeah, Robin usually is pretty tough to impress.....Seems like the early returns are indicating that this film has gotten things back on track in the eyes of the reviewers. I can't wait to see it.

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It's getting terrific reviews on the Rotten Tomatoes site:



(is there such as thing as too much hype/anticipation...leading to a letdown??) <_<


Wow, that may be more positive reviews than I've seen for the first two prequels combined! All of them seemed to love it except that Stefan guy.....probably a Frenchie.....screw em!

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I just watched my Star Wars DVD collection this weekend and they have the 2005 Anakin at the end of the Star Wars VI celebrating with Obi-Wan.  Really cool.



Actually, I thought that was the dumbest thing Lucas has done outside of Jar Jar, but that is just me...

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Actually, I thought that was the dumbest thing Lucas has done outside of Jar Jar, but that is just me...


I was looking at my watch wondering when you were going to chime in on that lol


Do you think there is anything that can happen in Ep. III that will change your view of this?

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I was looking at my watch wondering when you were going to chime in on that lol


Do you think there is anything that can happen in Ep. III that will change your view of this?




<_< You know me too well my friend.



Some of the changes have been good, as many will agree. Some were a bit much, like the placing of the young Anakin. I don't mind so much that they changed the actor, but it seemed uneccesary. I liked it better when they showed the older Anakin because that is what he looked like when he died, and it made more sense. If he was going to change stuff around, why not paste in Ewan MacGregor over Sir Alec???


I think this movie is going to be great. I really think that this is the one we have been waiting all this time for. No SW movie is going to be perfect, there are too many critics, myself included. As long as I leave that theater excited and pleased, all will be right in the universe.



Until the TV show comes out.... <_<

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<_<  You know me too well my friend.

Some of the changes have been good, as many will agree. Some were a bit much, like the placing of the young Anakin. I don't mind so much that they changed the actor, but it seemed uneccesary. I liked it better when they showed the older Anakin because that is what he looked like when he died, and it made more sense. If he was going to change stuff around, why not paste in Ewan MacGregor over Sir Alec???


I think this movie is going to be great. I really think that this is the one we have been waiting all this time for. No SW movie is going to be perfect, there are too many critics, myself included. As long as I leave that theater excited and pleased, all will be right in the universe.

Until the TV show comes out.... <_<



Yeah, I did peek at that scene a while back and it did just seem kind of odd. I think the 'new' SW fans won't be as bothered by it as some of us who grew up with the films. I've seen ROTJ so many times that any subtle change in the film sticks out like a sore thumb. Maybe it'll fit better after Ep.III, I dunno. I kind of wish he would have just left the OT alone, but I'll still support Lucas' right to screw with them if he wants to lol.


Have you read through some of those reviews? They are pretty much all positive, with the exception of the dialogue during the 'love' scenes. That was to be expected though lol.

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:(  You know me too well my friend.

Some of the changes have been good, as many will agree. Some were a bit much, like the placing of the young Anakin. I don't mind so much that they changed the actor, but it seemed uneccesary. I liked it better when they showed the older Anakin because that is what he looked like when he died, and it made more sense. If he was going to change stuff around, why not paste in Ewan MacGregor over Sir Alec???


I think this movie is going to be great. I really think that this is the one we have been waiting all this time for. No SW movie is going to be perfect, there are too many critics, myself included. As long as I leave that theater excited and pleased, all will be right in the universe.

Until the TV show comes out.... :lol:



There's going to be a SW TV show??

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There's going to be a SW TV show??


Yep, it's supposed to cover some of the time frame between Ep.III and IV. I believe it's supposed to have mostly new faces, but I don't know that much about it.

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Yep, it's supposed to cover some of the time frame between Ep.III and IV. I believe it's supposed to have mostly new faces, but I don't know that much about it.




Hmmmm interesting. When is it set to come out?

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Hmmmm interesting.  When is it set to come out?


Lucas said it will be at least another year, I think.

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Was this friend of yours Homer Simpson?   This was an episode where he recalled his life from the 70's somehow.




Yeah, his friend totally stole that from The Simpsons.


BTW, I am VERY encouraged that the initial wave of reviews are mostly positive. I had a gut feeling from the start that Ep. III was going to be a good one and get some of the naysayers of the past few years off Lucas' back.


Admittedly, Ep. I was pretty bad but I was among the few who thought Ep. II got a bad rap. The last 45 minutes of Ep. II (basically from the point where Anakin and Padme are carted out into the Gladiator-type stadium right up to the end) makes up for the rest of the movie IMO.

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I didn't want to start a whole new thread just asking this simple question, but.... I have never seen a single star wars movie. Not really dying to, but as an openminded person i am willing to give the series a shot. The question is, now that they have all been released, am i better off watching it from episode I - VI or should i go in the order that the movies were released?



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I didn't want to start a whole new thread just asking this simple question, but.... I have never seen a single star wars movie.  Not really dying to, but as an openminded person i am willing to give the series a shot.  The question is, now that they have all been released, am i better off watching it from episode I - VI or should i go in the order that the movies were released?




Wow, that's two posters on here who have never seen one. That's pretty interesting! Anyway, as a fan of this stuff since childhood, my expert opinion would be that you could watch them in either of the two ways you suggested. Being that episode III is about to hit theaters, though, I think I would lean more toward watching them from Ep.I onward so that you can experience this one in its theatrical presentation (assuming you can watch Ep.I and II in the next month or two).


My other advice would be to keep in mind that the original three SW movies are considered classics. I think the vast majority of established SW fans have enjoyed the prequels, but that same majority would also probably tell you that they don't measure up to the first three films. I guess what I'm saying is that if for any reason you find yourself thinking you don't really have much interest in Ep.I-III, I hope that you won't allow that to deter you from watching the original films. I only say that cause I have no idea how someone who has never seen a SW film will take to the new ones. My only real experience was with my former twin stepsons lol. They were 5 y.o. when Ep.II came out in 2002 - the same age I was when the original SW came out. Naturally, I was pretty excited to have the chance to foster two new SW fans. Well, Ep.I on DVD was more than enough to hook them. I don't have much contact with them anymore, unfortunately, but from what I've heard they watch the SW films over and over now just as I did growing up :(


Anyway, I hope you'll let us know what you end up doing and what you think. There are a bunch of very devout SW fans on this board, so if you ever have any questions definitely come to us and ask....I love talking this stuff :lol:

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I imagine that Revenge of the Sith is very much the film Lucas's fans want to see, but are some of them ready for an anti-Bush diatribe?


uhhhh - while if you read the review you get that Lucas may have been trying to make a contemporary point, the author makes Lucas out to be Michael Moore or something. He forgets that the average Star Wars fan has not left his "apartment" in his mother's basement in 25 years. They have been too busy playing with thier action figures to take note of current events.


Oh yeah, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!

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