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First Review -- "Revenge of the Sith"

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"Most will be inspired to believe again"


This, of course, will be the darkest of the movies, for as we all know, Anakin becomes Vader here, along with so many other events that set us up for the original "Star Wars".


I've wondered for a long time how Lucas was going to pull this off...


There may be spoilers in the link, so proceed with caution.



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I just watched my Star Wars DVD collection this weekend and they have the 2005 Anakin at the end of the Star Wars VI celebrating with Obi-Wan. Really cool.

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I don't know if it's considered "spoiling", but they do discuss the progression of some scenes and allude to a few plot devices.

It didn't really reveal anything I didn't know, and I live under a rock. But if you've been taking care to avoid finding out anything, you probably want to avoid this one.


The only thing that caught my eye was this:

"one is briefly reminded of Lucas' shortcomings as a writer and director of intimate, one-on-one scenes"


Wonder if this means more scenes with Anakin tenderly telling Padme about how much he loves her because she's not made of sand..... 0:)

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I don't like this post. Come on, give me some time. I can't even see it until the 19th. I hate SPOILERS....


Why would someone want to spoil a movie like Star Wars anyways.


I had a friend... who went to the opening night showing of Empire Strikes Back! He remembers clearly, a kid came out of the movie theater... and in ear shot of all the people in line said, "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father"


Sounds like a false story... but according to him, it's true.


I would have killed that kid! I bet that some people in line wanted to.

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I don't like this post.  Come on, give me some time.  I can't even see it until the 19th.  I hate SPOILERS....


Why would someone want to spoil a movie like Star Wars anyways.


I had a friend... who went to the opening night showing of Empire Strikes Back!  He remembers clearly, a kid came out of the movie theater... and in ear shot of all the people in line said, "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father"


Sounds like a false story... but according to him, it's true. 


I would have killed that kid!  I bet that some people in line wanted to.




How much of Episode III is NOT known that can be spoiled?

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I don't like this post.  Come on, give me some time.  I can't even see it until the 19th.  I hate SPOILERS....


Why would someone want to spoil a movie like Star Wars anyways.


I had a friend... who went to the opening night showing of Empire Strikes Back!  He remembers clearly, a kid came out of the movie theater... and in ear shot of all the people in line said, "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father"


Sounds like a false story... but according to him, it's true. 


I would have killed that kid!  I bet that some people in line wanted to.


These things DO happen. I came out of a movie that I was really looking forward to, and could not help but hear a couple say how much they enjoyed the movie, "too bad he died at the end". They were just having an 'innocent' conversation, but should have waited until they left the theatre.


Keep that in mind as you leave ANY movie. Notice I did not identify the movie, even though it is several years old. 0:)

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How much of Episode III is NOT known that can be spoiled?


The linked article makes a few mentions of what character is where and why they're there; and what goes on in the final hour of the film; and a mention of a link to the first Star Wars; stuff like that.

But it doesn't reveal how Luke and Leia's older brother is killed. 0:)


I don't like this post. Come on, give me some time. I can't even see it until the 19th. I hate SPOILERS....

Sorry Bill, I didn't think the blurb I quoted was really a spoiler. I'll see if I can figure out how to edit it and make it yellow.

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I don't like this post.  Come on, give me some time.  I can't even see it until the 19th.  I hate SPOILERS....


Why would someone want to spoil a movie like Star Wars anyways.


I had a friend... who went to the opening night showing of Empire Strikes Back!  He remembers clearly, a kid came out of the movie theater... and in ear shot of all the people in line said, "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father"


Sounds like a false story... but according to him, it's true. 


I would have killed that kid!  I bet that some people in line wanted to.


Wasn't that in the Simpsons? 0:)

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I am really looking forward to this one.  I already took the 19th off and I will be @ the 12:05am showing for this one!



Yeah me too. We're going to stand in line for our seats right after work on the 18th. A bunch of us did that for Ep. II and it was a blast.

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I had a friend... who went to the opening night showing of Empire Strikes Back!  He remembers clearly, a kid came out of the movie theater... and in ear shot of all the people in line said, "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father"


Sounds like a false story... but according to him, it's true. 


I would have killed that kid!  I bet that some people in line wanted to.



Some little B word did that to us when we were going to see Scream. Not even close to the same level, but it still ruined the movie.

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I don't like this post.  Come on, give me some time.  I can't even see it until the 19th.  I hate SPOILERS....


Why would someone want to spoil a movie like Star Wars anyways.


I had a friend... who went to the opening night showing of Empire Strikes Back!  He remembers clearly, a kid came out of the movie theater... and in ear shot of all the people in line said, "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father"


Sounds like a false story... but according to him, it's true. 


I would have killed that kid!  I bet that some people in line wanted to.



My intent is not to ruin, fellow Buckeye. Just posting this for those who are interested, which is to say, many on the board.


You have been notified re: spoilers. Twice. I think we all know pretty much how it will end, anyway.



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I just about wet my pants reading that review. This is the one we've been waiting for, its a shame it will be the last.

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I don't like this post.  Come on, give me some time.  I can't even see it until the 19th.  I hate SPOILERS....


Why would someone want to spoil a movie like Star Wars anyways.


I had a friend... who went to the opening night showing of Empire Strikes Back!  He remembers clearly, a kid came out of the movie theater... and in ear shot of all the people in line said, "I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father"


Sounds like a false story... but according to him, it's true. 


I would have killed that kid!  I bet that some people in line wanted to.



Was this friend of yours Homer Simpson? This was an episode where he recalled his life from the 70's somehow.

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