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On 10/23/2022 at 12:17 PM, ChiGoose said:

Where in the article or the documents does it say that Pelosi rejected the request? It looks like the Sgt At Arms rejected it.


And if Pelosi really did reject the help (which does not appear to be the case) and you think that’s bad, I wonder what you think about Trump rejecting calls to put an end to the violence for hours. I’m sure that as logical straight shooter, you’re even more upset at that. 



  • Thank you (+1) 2
47 minutes ago, Doc said:

After the Repubs take the House, a committee needs to be formed to investigate this.



Ordinarily I am against "forming congressional committee's" especially in response to the other party's actions,


BUT, this one does need investigation.  Someone needs to be called out for this obvious use of our government to carry out a partisan hunt.


Otherwise they will just keep doing it.





I am against trying to impeach Joe Biden, let him just fade into the obscurity he so well deserves.


Hunter's influence with foreign affairs should be looked at though.





Posted (edited)

That rascally pipe bomber sure has the FBI stumped!


Considering all of the factors above, including the DNC’s extra physical security at the exact spot the pipe bomb was allegedly planted, it is beyond odd and indeed downright suspicious that their surveillance footage would not only be poor, but at a 1 frame per second frame rate so poor as to be statistically impossible. Remember, the latest 2021 study on frame rates found that the number of currently operational surveillance cameras with a frame rate of less than 5 fps was statistically zero.



Remember — two years on, the FBI still hasn’t even told us the gender of the suspect. They have told us bupkis about the alleged MAGA terrorist who walked around the apex heart of Capitol Hill, on foot, for more than an hour, making cell phone calls, touching surfaces, and depositing physical devices.

Edited by BillsFanNC
  • Thank you (+1) 1

I admit I was wrong.  I've often said that Ray Epps is the sole MAGA insurrectionist that the left seems disinterested in treating like all the other J6 MAGA terrorists. Leave him alone and give him a pass. Hmmmm.


But I was wrong. They seem equally disinterested in the MAGA terrorist who planted a pipe bomb outside their headquarters in DC. You'd think they be screaming for blood. But no interest. Very strange. Very strange indeed.

3 minutes ago, Doc said:

Or just wait until the House flips and they can get it themselves.


You know exactly how that ends. The tapes have been misplaced/lost.

On 10/23/2022 at 8:18 PM, ChiGoose said:

This is the reason I was reluctant to return to this board. 

By basically every objective metric, the US’s response to COVID was terrible. Compare the per capita statistics to our peer countries and we looked like crap. We were not acting like the best country in the world, but instead like a country of complete incompetence. 

And it’s totally fine to question different responses by state and local governments. I thought they kept the schools closed too long. The pandemic hit in March, if you close the schools a bit early, then you have the entire summer to figure out how to keep them open in the fall. And prioritizing keeping bars and restaurants open when schools were closed was basically the opposite of what I think they should have done. 

But the federal government basically just told the states to take care of it. A global pandemic and the feds basically just washed their hands of it and left it to everyone else to figure out. We had states competing against each other to buy PPE from overseas, and then the feds would come over the top and outbid them to hoard supplies for the federal stockpile while people were dying. We had a Republican Governor sneak supplies through in the middle of the night because he was worried the feds would steal the supplies if they knew. You don’t have a functioning federal response when states have to start setting up whole new interstate quasi-governments so they could cooperate instead of compete. 

We literally have Donald Trump on tape saying in private that this was going to be really bad BEFORE he went out in public and said it was all going to be fine and it would disappear by the summer. 

It shouldn’t be surprising that you were statistically more likely to die of COVID if you were a Republican. We had a party and leader who were actively putting their supporters in lethal jeopardy and you’re all still kissing his ass. If the president wanted me dead, I wouldn’t be supporting him, not to mention shaping my entire worldview around a fantasy that he is an infallible godking 

Most of the posts on this board are barely distinguishable from a Brietbart comments section. It’s like all of the uncles that everyone secretly hoped wouldn’t come to Thanksgiving dinner got together to send boomer Facebook memes to each other. 

No wonder Billstime mostly just posts memes. Trying to engage in good faith with people so ignorant that they spend their time defending someone who basically tried to kill them is basically pointless. 


The metrics are all lies, that's the problem.


I don't know ANYONE who died from COVID, but I do know three elderly people who passed away who were categorized as COVID deaths but were not.


One was 79 years old, Dementia & Parkinsons, constantly wandering around and had stopped feeding himself or taking care of himself, died of natural causes


Another, and this is unbelievable, the family didn't want their 87 year old father to have to go through a second diabetic-induced leg amputation so they let him go, removed feeding tube and everything...but he died of COVID


The bottom line is certain Americans WANTED COVID to be a thing so badly they created a "Covid-tracker"...we have never been able to track disease, flu, even deaths in this country but they had COVID data in real-time.  It's a joke.  And a Lie

2 minutes ago, OrangeBills said:


The metrics are all lies, that's the problem.


I don't know ANYONE who died from COVID, but I do know three elderly people who passed away who were categorized as COVID deaths but were not.


One was 79 years old, Dementia & Parkinsons, constantly wandering around and had stopped feeding himself or taking care of himself, died of natural causes


Another, and this is unbelievable, the family didn't want their 87 year old father to have to go through a second diabetic-induced leg amputation so they let him go, removed feeding tube and everything...but he died of COVID


The bottom line is certain Americans WANTED COVID to be a thing so badly they created a "Covid-tracker"...we have never been able to track disease, flu, even deaths in this country but they had COVID data in real-time.  It's a joke.  And a Lie


So this is all nonsense. COVID is real, it killed over a million Americans. It wasn't made up. People didn't WANT COVID to be a thing. That's so unbelievably stupid. Why would anyone want a pandemic? 


Different people had different ideas on how to handle the pandemic. But COVID is real.


If you think that the coding of COVID deaths was done poorly, then look at excess deaths. That is, the number of people who died over what would be expected during that time period, from any and all causes. The numbers are pretty staggering: https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid


Also, here's your flu tracker: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/usmap.htm


7 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


So this is all nonsense. COVID is real, it killed over a million Americans. It wasn't made up. People didn't WANT COVID to be a thing. That's so unbelievably stupid. Why would anyone want a pandemic? 




You and strawmen.  Where in his post did he deny the reality of the pandemic?  He didn't say that people wanted the pandemic, but that certain Americans wanted it to be a thing.  IOW to blow it out of proportion.  Which most certainly happened.



7 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


Different people had different ideas on how to handle the pandemic. But COVID is real.


If you think that the coding of COVID deaths was done poorly, then look at excess deaths. That is, the number of people who died over what would be expected during that time period, from any and all causes. The numbers are pretty staggering: https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid


Also, here's your flu tracker: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/usmap.htm



The CDC does monitor flu with a surveillance program that you linked to.  They regionally monitor for hot spots in flu activity and to pick up new variants.  Just like they do with covid.  Even this surveillance data lags by a week.  His point was that we had "live" covid death trackers on major networks that gave people the impression that they were counting deaths in real time.  Impossible.

8 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

The CDC does monitor flu with a surveillance program that you linked to.  They regionally monitor for hot spots in flu activity and to pick up new variants.  Just like they do with covid.  Even this surveillance data lags by a week.  His point was that we had "live" covid death trackers on major networks that gave people the impression that they were counting deaths in real time.  Impossible.


If your argument is that the media sucks at its job, you'll find no argument from me.

Just now, BillsFanNC said:





"The people trying to overthrow the government are idiots and therefore can't have been trying to overthrow the government" is certainly a take.

10 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


"The people trying to overthrow the government are idiots and therefore can't have been trying to overthrow the government" is certainly a take.


Missed the point....again.


WTF does having an Italian feast at Olive Garden have to do with anything at all?  Let alone worthy of a ridiculous CNN tweet.  Maybe a bit of relevancy could be added to the tweet had CNN mentioned that these dangerous thugs who were trying to overthrow the government also left their weapons in their VA hotel room before leaving to do the "insurrection".  


Think of how much of a lemming moron you have to be to believe that a rag tag bunch of misfits, who didn't bring their weapons, were going to overthrow the government of the most powerful nation ever known to mankind.



Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


Missed the point....again.


WTF does having an Italian feast at Olive Garden have to do with anything at all?  Let alone worthy of a ridiculous CNN tweet.  Maybe a bit of relevancy could be added to the tweet had CNN mentioned that these dangerous thugs who were trying to overthrow the government also left their weapons in their VA hotel room before leaving to do the "insurrection".  


Think of how much of a lemming moron you have to be to believe that a rag tag bunch of misfits, who didn't bring their weapons, were going to overthrow the government of the most powerful nation ever known to mankind.




1. CNN is dumb and I will not defend it. We'd all be better off if it never existed

2. The probability of success is not a factor in seditious conspiracy: 18 U.S.C.§ 2384


I know that you lack the cognitive ability to actually comprehend anything that doesn't fit your predetermined worldview, but I beg anyone who is reading this to actually read the language of the statute I cited. It does not require a likelihood of success nor does it require "overthrowing the government" as the only objective or potential consequence of the actions.


For anyone who isn't used to reading legislative or legal language, I can break it down for you.


To have meet the requirements of guilt under 18 U.S.C. § 2384, you need to meet the following conditons:

  1. Two or more persons
  2. In any state, territory, or any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States
  3. Conspire to any one of the below:
    1. Overthrow the Government of the US
    2. Put down the Government of the US
    3. destroy the Government of the US by force
    4. Levy war against the Government of the US
    5. Oppose by force the authority of the Government of the US
    6. Prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the US
    7. By force seize, take, or possess any property of the US contrary to the authority thereof
  4. They shall be:
    1. Fined; and/or
    2. Imprisoned not more than 20 years

In the context of Jan 6, you're mostly looking at the 6th item under bullet 3: Prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the US. They were attempting to prevent, and successfully delayed, the execution of the certification of the vote.


We have two or more people in the US working together to prevent or delay the certification of the electoral vote. That falls squarely under seditious conspiracy.


Edited by ChiGoose
1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:


So this is all nonsense. COVID is real, it killed over a million Americans. It wasn't made up. People didn't WANT COVID to be a thing. That's so unbelievably stupid. Why would anyone want a pandemic? 


Different people had different ideas on how to handle the pandemic. But COVID is real.


If you think that the coding of COVID deaths was done poorly, then look at excess deaths. That is, the number of people who died over what would be expected during that time period, from any and all causes. The numbers are pretty staggering: https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid


Also, here's your flu tracker: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/usmap.htm



COVID is simply a respiratory virus, nothing more, nothing less.  We have several of these things, including RSV which is now actually killing kids instead of 80 year olds.  


It most certainly did NOT kill over 1,000,000 Americans over 2.5 years, during which over 6,000,000 Americans died of something.  During a period when Hospitals lost all discretionary surgeries and treatments, the gov't offered to pay them to treat COVID patients, and voila, they were testing everyone and since everyone in a hospital inevitably gets every airborn virus, most people had it.


The gov't does NOT track Flu specifically, it tracks like 10 centers and then extrapolates and multiplies to achieve an estimate.  This is why the Mortality rate of COVID will end up MUCH lower when they finally get around to calculating and extrapolating the incidence rate.  It will about what a tough Flu is.


Excess deaths is again based on estimates, but I've read just as much that deaths slowed from 2015 to 2019, with some suggesting that the US (and World really) was due for a bounce in the death rate...for example, the jump from 2013 to 2015 was +200,000 people, but then from 2015 to 2019 it only jumped 140,000 people in 4 years.  So these numbers can bounce around.  The 2020 number jumps up to 3.39 per US Census, but I've seen estimates that are much below that (linked below).


2015          2016        2017        2018        2019         2020       2021     

2.712m      2.744m    2.813m    2.839m   2.854m     3.39m 



United States of America Number of deaths, 1950-2021 - knoema.com


Oh wait, they met for dinner at an Olive Garden?  Definitely insurrectionists.  If it had been, say, an Applebees...

6 minutes ago, Doc said:

Oh wait, they met for dinner at an Olive Garden?  Definitely insurrectionists.  If it had been, say, an Applebees...

They made a good choice avoiding Applebees or they may have been charged with 2 for 20 instead of just one insurrection. 

Plus, those unlimited breadsticks are great for carbo loading ahead of a day of beating up cops. 

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