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January 6th 2021 FEDSURRECTION: The Corrupt Biden Regime: White House, FBI, DOJ, media, committee


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4 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Good question.




I don't know who "Thomas Tatum" is, but it is important to note that the issue here is not constitutional; it is one of statutory interpretation. 

I do think that this Supreme Court will find that section 1512 doesn't apply to Capitol protesters, although to get there they will have to go beyond the plain words of the text and look to legislative history, which is something the Alito types say you really shouldn't do. Unless of course it achieves a result they otherwise want.

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The J6 committee didn't want the truth, it interfered with their narrative.





Is that a fancy way of saying ignored? Denied? HID?


Deliberately kept from the American people so Cassidy Hutchinson could lie and make Trump look unhinged and dangerous?



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This is a close to an honest moment as you'll get from a Congresscritter as this was a behind-the-scenes video made by her daughter during the throes of Jan 6th, where she didn't have time/wasn't able to huddle with her cronies and think tanks and spin.  And no mention of Trump.

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