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Russian Sanctions Nothing but a Bunch of Political Smoke & Mirrors

T master

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Not only has this situation came about due to weakness seen by our handling of the Afghanistan situation & the lack of actions in other situations but all the tough talk coming from DC is really nothing but DC putting on a show for all that will listen & the US in the long run meaning us the people will ultimately pay the price Literally .


Seeing as we won't have the ease of the influx of oil from Canada because of the border restrictions of covid & the fact that there will never be another pipe line bringing in oil to the US which we could in turn sell to our allies over seas along with our own oil production keeping the US & Canada more energy independent we will all see higher gas prices soon. 


In part because the sanctions against Russia have been in part written to only effect certain things & not the sale of oil & gas to other countries including the US yes that is right the US & the UK buy Russian oil isn't that a lovely thing in the midst of all of this but you think that the US will et this be known Nope !


Instead the sanctions that have been written to go against Russia have been stated in such a way to look tough but in reality they do very little to actually hurt Putin & his country because we the US gov't depends on his oil production to keep our prices with in the narrative in order to make the electric auto's more inviting .


But if the US & NATO were to really clamp down on Russia it would send the prices of fuel out of sight not only here but for Germany & a bunch of other allies especially seeing as the US wouldn't be able to pick up the slack anymore .


And i would bet the Chinese are sitting back taking it all in seeing just how the US will handle this situation to see if it winds up just like the Afghanistan situation a cluster of un-proportionate consequences in foreign relations . Which is IMHO in part to blame why Russia is doing what they are doing now & Taiwan could be next .


Read this entire article before replying . All smoke & Mirrors ...







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I’m with you… cut “some” Russian banks from swift. “Restrict” working with “some” technology firms.


the global elites want to signal virtue but make sure it doesn’t hurt their wallets. 

good thing for Ukraine they are led by a guy with brass balls. He’s really seemed  impressive. 

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4 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

I’m with you… cut “some” Russian banks from swift. “Restrict” working with “some” technology firms.


the global elites want to signal virtue but make sure it doesn’t hurt their wallets. 

good thing for Ukraine they are led by a guy with brass balls. He’s really seemed  impressive. 


I wonder if Biden took any notes ??

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Every soundbite from these fascist Democrats starting at the 3:40 mark on sanctions, to Hillary Clinton blaming Americans that aren't fully on board in their support for Ukraine or something is a traitor is some of the dumbest and most insane nonsense I've ever seen.  






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13 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

Every soundbite from these fascist Democrats starting at the 3:40 mark on sanctions, to Hillary Clinton blaming Americans that aren't fully on board in their support for Ukraine or something is a traitor is some of the dumbest and most insane nonsense I've ever seen.  







Given all that he has screwed up in his time in office you are correct in saying amazing . But what is truly amazing is that there are still those despite all that he has screwed up that think he is still a good president but the silence from those here that support & voted for him is very telling in & of it self !!


By the time Biden's term is over he will have done so much damage to this country it will take the next POTUS no matter which side they are affiliated with 2 terms to just get anywhere close to fixing what this guy has F'd up !! 


If you or i had this type of out put at our jobs we would immediately be fired but this guy despite all the damage gets to keep his job with little to no repercussions the only thing that will show his ignorance with in his policy's and decisions will be history .


He's set this country back years and there are only a few willing to publish or talk about his incompetence ... The only thing we can do is pray that we can make it through the rest of his term & that his actions don't throw us into a massive depression that we can't get out of !!  

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2 hours ago, T master said:


Given all that he has screwed up in his time in office you are correct in saying amazing . But what is truly amazing is that there are still those despite all that he has screwed up that think he is still a good president but the silence from those here that support & voted for him is very telling in & of it self !!


By the time Biden's term is over he will have done so much damage to this country it will take the next POTUS no matter which side they are affiliated with 2 terms to just get anywhere close to fixing what this guy has F'd up !! 


If you or i had this type of out put at our jobs we would immediately be fired but this guy despite all the damage gets to keep his job with little to no repercussions the only thing that will show his ignorance with in his policy's and decisions will be history .


He's set this country back years and there are only a few willing to publish or talk about his incompetence ... The only thing we can do is pray that we can make it through the rest of his term & that his actions don't throw us into a massive depression that we can't get out of !!  

The American people aren't as dumb as you'd think. Despite the virtually non-stop positive press for this feeble old man, his poll numbers are totally tanked. Why do you think that it is?  The American people can see it and feel it with their own eyes and wallets. And as to being fired, that's what elections are for.

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11 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

The American people aren't as dumb as you'd think. Despite the virtually non-stop positive press for this feeble old man, his poll numbers are totally tanked. Why do you think that it is?  The American people can see it and feel it with their own eyes and wallets. And as to being fired, that's what elections are for.


Maybe that is what elections are for but in the real world we aren't given the luxury of sometimes even finishing out a contract just ask Urban Meyer & in any other job but the POTUS or being a politician pretty much can you completely screw up at your job & still finish out your term I don;t know of any instance of a president being fired .


Nixon decided to step down hell Clinton was looked up to for getting a BJ in the oval office that in it self said a lot about the state of our country that he could out & out lie about something such as that & cheat on his wife but still got to stay on as POTUS .


And as we have seen you can be impeached for what ever made up things you want but it still means nothing I don't know of anything that could get a president fired from his job do you ? 


If you can let someone stay in a position while doing a absolutely terrible job & running that company weather it's Barnes & Noble, the corner store or the United States of America which weather the people think so or not is a business that doesn't seem to be real smart in my book but that's just me ...

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1 minute ago, T master said:


Maybe that is what elections are for but in the real world we aren't given the luxury of sometimes even finishing out a contract just ask Urban Meyer & in any other job but the POTUS or being a politician pretty much can you completely screw up at your job & still finish out your term I don;t know of any instance of a president being fired .


Nixon decided to step down hell Clinton was looked up to for getting a BJ in the oval office that in it self said a lot about the state of our country that he could out & out lie about something such as that & cheat on his wife but still got to stay on as POTUS .


And as we have seen you can be impeached for what ever made up things you want but it still means nothing I don't know of anything that could get a president fired from his job do you ? 


If you can let someone stay in a position while doing a absolutely terrible job & running that company weather it's Barnes & Noble, the corner store or the United States of America which weather the people think so or not is a business that doesn't seem to be real smart in my book but that's just me ...

Yes, but remember they have the perfect 'insurance policy' against impeachment...Kamala Harris.  Nobody dares take out Joe while she's sitting there.

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7 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Yes, but remember they have the perfect 'insurance policy' against impeachment...Kamala Harris.  Nobody dares take out Joe while she's sitting there.


Well you make a very strong case to which i have no argument that could in any way disagree with that !!!!! Thanks for pointing that out .


OMG would that be a freakin devastating/disasterous move ?


GO JOE ! GO JOE !! 😆😩

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