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I hear ya....When I refer to 'respected' posters, above all else I mean to say that they are undeserving of being belittled or insulted w/out provocation.



You just going to allow your lie to sit there unaddressed? Who is the "respected" poster I have treated poorly?


You have zero credibility if you refuse to offer some support for YOUR OWN CLAIM.


Oh, and your level of dishonesty is personified in this string. You claim you have "no problems" with other posters? Well I see one of the most respected posters on TSW being told to STFU just up the string. You're a real classy guy. Some people learn to admit when they've made statements they can't back up or fabricated evidence or simplly gotten something wrong. Apparently "stand up guy" isn't something we'll ever be able to attribute to you.


Now don't let me interfere with the fine job you're doing shoveling.

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You just going to allow your lie to sit there unaddressed? Who is the "respected" poster I have treated poorly?


You have zero credibility if you refuse to offer some support for YOUR OWN CLAIM.


Oh, and your level of dishonesty is personified in this string. You claim you have "no problems" with other posters? Well I see one of the most respected posters on TSW being told to STFU just up the string. You're a real classy guy. Some people learn to admit when they've made statements they can't back up or fabricated evidence or simplly gotten something wrong. Apparently "stand up guy" isn't something we'll ever be able to attribute to you.


Now don't let me interfere with the fine job you're doing shoveling.


If someone starts sh*t with me, I'm not going to just sit there, man lol. Kelly and I had a misunderstanding. I've already apologized to him. Same can't be said of you.

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By the way, since you're so into playing games, why don't you support YOUR claim of providing me one instance where I 'lied' on this forum. I supported my stance. Let's see if you can do the same.


For the record, strongly stated opinions or comments where I ended up being wrong about something do not constitue lies lol.

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OKay, you win.....Pete thinks you're a complete and utter fuc*tard. That's one. How many more ya want?




If you're talking about the same Pete who PMd me this morning about hooking up for beers in New Orleans, we might both do him the favor of asking him if he'd like to be considered as the "respected poster" I've treated poorly. Out of respect for him I'll defer to his own decision of whether or not he'd like to become the quantifier of your claim.

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If you're talking about the same Pete who PMd me just this morning about hooking up for beers in New Orleans, we might both do him the favor of asking him if he'd like to be considered as the "respected poster" I've treated poorly. Out of respect for him I'll defer to his own decision of whether or not he'd like to become the quantifier of your claim.


I'm just basing it on what he's said to you in public and in PM to me. But you wanted a name, and I gave you one. Your turn.

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I'm just basing it on what he's said to you in public and in PM to me. But you wanted a name, and I gave you one. Your turn.



Get his permission and that conversation begins. Until then you've done nothing to dispell yourself as dishonest.

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Get his permission and that conversation begins. Until then you've done nothing to dispell yourself as dishonest.


:( Whatever, man.....this is getting ridiculous. Let's see you support your claim of me as a liar.....


Better yet, how about this..... I think you're an ass*hole......you think I'm an ass*hole.....give it a rest.

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Unfortunately all the posts from his spring 2004 major public meltdown were lost when the board crashed.

Maybe one of the mods can do a search & see if any of those posts can be salvaged. :D



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Unfortunately all the posts from his spring 2004 major public meltdown were lost when the board crashed.

Maybe one of the mods can do a search & see if any of those posts can be salvaged. :D


:(:lol:  :lol:



Fumigation ain't a pretty business (especially, as you point out, from the perspective of the prey!). And no matter how fastidious you are it seems like a couple of roaches survive ;-)

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:(   Whatever, man.....this is getting ridiculous. Let's see you support your claim of me as a liar.....


Better yet, how about this..... I think you're an ass*hole......you think I'm an ass*hole.....give it a rest.



No, I probably shouldn't do so, but I am going to butt in here.


We all watch football games in a different way. AKC watches football games and sees more than most of us. His style of posting on this board is serious and analytic.

Make no mistake, he has been involved in major disputes on this board before (so have I :lol: ). I remember one with a miami fan, "Des." It was WAY worse than what you people are doing now, but I state for a fact that he grew to respect Des, a poster that I do truly miss.


ajzepp, I believe that you are an asset to this board. The "post count" is, as AKC stated, unimportant. I think that you are a pretty smart guy, and a very good Bills fan. Forgive me for saying this, but if you take a deep breath and read some of AKC's posts, you will learn something. There are a handful of posters (I do not include myself), who take this thing that we cherish to another level. I hate to do so, but I will name some names.....

Badolbilz, Lori, Simon, SDS (when he does post), Mark, Bob Lamb, Mickey, and some others watch this game and see more than an average fan, or even an average fanatic.


I think that you and AKC will eventually develop a dialogue which you will enjoy. Again, it has happened before.

Let me also say one thing about the "good old days" of TBD......

There were other posters, especially an anesthesioligist with a screen name of "Doc," that were absolute walking football encyclopedias. Because of the lower volume, it was easier to read what they had to say, not having to sift through the sheer number of postings. An intimacy also did form which can still be seen on TBD. Weddings, births, deaths, college admissions/graduations, illnesses, etc. were shared here, and we supported eachother. It still happens, and the sometimes scorned "old-timers" such as AKC deserve much credit.


In summary, I enjoy your postings. I am glad that you are a contributor to this board. SDS gets on my case every so often, but he has built a great thing here. He has granted us a forum to talk about a subject about which we are passionate with some pretty cool people. I am not generally one to make a ton of friends, but I have forged a great number of friendships due to this great site.

I am thinking that you two will agree more often than not and cool out.

Now might be a good time at which to start. :lol:

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Bill.....I appreciate your words :( In all honesty, I do remember a few times in the past where I agreed very much with something AKC said. In fact, he helped me with some questions about wine that I had at the time, and I've since come to discover that his advice was very good.


I'll stop there in the interest of peace :lol:

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YOU make the claim that I have treated "respected posters" with poor treatment and refuse to now offer A SINGLE NAME when faced with the simple question: "Who?".


You are what you are, and one of those things is dishonest.



I have know ajzepp for many years. I have never known him to be dishonest.

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I have know ajzepp for many years.  I have never known him to be dishonest.



Oh sure, NOW you show up LOL :(

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Oh sure, NOW you show up LOL  :(



Sorry man, I was too distracted at work earlier to really focus on what was being said. lol But he really didn't tick me off until that one post and the one bashing newbies. As a newbie myself I feel unwelcome here in a way by that post. Oh well....moving on.

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Sorry man, I was too distracted at work earlier to really focus on what was being said.  lol  But he really didn't tick me off until that one post and the one bashing newbies.  As a newbie myself I feel unwelcome here in a way by that post.  Oh well....moving on.



Hey Lana, I could be wrong, but I am thinking that there will never come a day in which you are "unwelcome" on this board but hey, that's just me. :lol::(

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Sorry man, I was too distracted at work earlier to really focus on what was being said.  lol  But he really didn't tick me off until that one post and the one bashing newbies.  As a newbie myself I feel unwelcome here in a way by that post.  Oh well....moving on.



Well, I think if you officially and publicly denounce your loyalty to the Seattle Seabags and fully embrace the Bills of Buffalo, you'll be welcomed just fine :(

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Sorry man, I was too distracted at work earlier to really focus on what was being said.  lol  But he really didn't tick me off until that one post and the one bashing newbies.  As a newbie myself I feel unwelcome here in a way by that post.  Oh well....moving on.



I have known AJZ from the TBD for just over a couple of hours now (I guess I have read his posts for quite a while longer) and have never known him to be dishonest either.



By the way, moving on does not mean you aren't coming back I hope.


Newbies are welcome, at least I coming anyway!


Go Bills! Peace!

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I have known AJZ from the TBD for just over a couple of hours now (I guess I have read his posts for quite a while longer) and have never known him to be dishonest either.





LOL! Thanks, bro.....

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Well, I think if you officially and publicly denounce your loyalty to the Seattle Seabags and fully embrace the Bills of Buffalo, you'll be welcomed just fine  :(



Hey, Oregon has no pro football team so who else am I supposed to support? lol They were just the closest team to me so that's why I supported them.

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I have known AJZ from the TBD for just over a couple of hours now (I guess I have read his posts for quite a while longer) and have never known him to be dishonest either.



By the way, moving on does not mean you aren't coming back I hope.


Newbies are welcome, at least I coming anyway!


Go Bills!  Peace!



No, i was referring to getting on with what they were discussing at the beginning of the thread. lol I'll stay here as long as you'll let me :lol:

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