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By the way, looks like we can add run-on sentences to your grammatical resume. I always find it ironic when someone who runs around professing to be such an intellectual - particularly those who claim superiority over others because of it - can't even use proper english. Have you figured out the difference between 'Bill's fan' and 'Bills fan' yet? That one seemed to really confuse you the last time you started stalking me around the board.


lol, this is hilarious......you should really take your own advice, man!  Most of the time when you get into some, uh, 'discussion' with me you invent half of my position on the topic at hand. In essence, you are arguing with yourself lol. So honestly, I think your 'witticism' is much more pertinent to your posts than they are mine......but thanks for playing :lol:


1. Sentences like "lol, this is hilarious" start with capitals.

2. An ellipsis is three dots... and not six......

3. When you use quotes in the middle of sentences, the " is used and not the ' unless it is a quote within a quote.

4. A comma is needed after yourself, and before, lol.

5. Periods come at the end of sentences like "but thanks for playing."


But who ever complains about people's use of the language and grammar on a message board. 0:)

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1. Sentences like "lol, this is hilarious" start with capitals.

2. An ellipsis is three dots... and not six......

3. When you use quotes in the middle of sentences, the " is used and not the ' unless it is a quote within a quote.

4. A comma is needed after yourself, and before, lol.

5. Periods come at the end of sentences like "but thanks for playing."


But who ever complains about people's use of the language and grammar on a message board.  0:)



lol...... (sorry, I like six :lol: )


I'm not the one running around here professing to be the intellectual giant, my friend :lol:

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I'm not the one running around here professing to be the intellectual giant, my friend  0:)



Thank goodness for THAT!!!!



But then Kelly isn't the one running around advertising his obsessions in his sigline!


Do go on!

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But then Kelly isn't the one running around advertising his obsessions in his sigline!




Obsession? Nah.....that's my tribute to hypocrisy <_<

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Obsession? Nah.....that's my tribute to hypocrisy  <_<



The hypocrisy of Drew Beldsoe?

or the obsessions of someone who watches the ball on every down-


Uh, I'm going to have to go with #2 on that one!

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Hey, if you want to argue with me why don't you find yourself an original topic and then get back to me? I'll be happy to oblige you. Until then, STFU.

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The hypocrisy of Drew Beldsoe?

or the obsessions of someone who watches the ball on every down-


Uh, I'm going to have to go with #2 on that one!



Huh? You lost me there......

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Huh?  You lost me there......



While the point at which you were lost is open for debate, as far as your sigline is concerned it clearly identifies the two primary focuses of your obsession.


Give it a read ;-)

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I'll be happy to oblige you. Until then, STFU.



That's the spirit!


You may need a few more episodes of Little House on the Prairie to fully develop your manners.

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While the point at which you were lost is open for debate, as far as your sigline is concerned it clearly identifies the two primary focuses of your obsession.


Give it a read ;-)


Yeah, I admit it....I'm not really able to stay on top of this conversation when you argue with both yourself and me concurrently. Sorry!

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Hey, if you want to argue with me why don't you find yourself an original topic and then get back to me? I'll be happy to oblige you. Until then, STFU.


Nice attitude. Apparently, some people who hypocritically accuse others of hypocrisy are dickheads, too. <_<

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Yeah, I admit it....I'm not really able to stay on top of this conversation when you argue with both yourself and me concurrently. Sorry!



Admitting defeat- another fine quality!


It's been fun, sorry you had to go French on me so early in the festivities! Then again with the handicap of your posts and sigline giving you up it was inevitable ;-)

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Nice attitude. Apparently, some people who hypocritically accuse others of hypocrisy are dickheads, too.  <_<


Whatever, man.....The fact of the matter is that AKC is one of the people on this board who antagonize and belittle others for their opinions. If you wish to support and promote that type of behavior then good for you, Kelly.

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Whatever, man.....The fact of the matter is that AKC is one of the people on this board who antagonize and belittle others for their opinions. If you wish to support and promote that type of behavior then good for you, Kelly.


As opposed to, what, kindly and gently telling posters to STFU?


Here's an idea: Have fun with him. I think he's nuts on some things, too. But he's without question one of the smarter and most original posters we have. And the dude can drink and cook wings to boot!

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Whatever, man.....The fact of the matter is that AKC is one of the people on this board who antagonize and belittle others for their opinions. If you wish to support and promote that type of behavior then good for you, Kelly.



Correction- "AKC" is one of the posters on this board who likes to talk about football, and all aspects of the game, with other fans who like to talk about the game. He respects all the solid football contributors on the board whether he agrees with them or not.


What "AKC" doesn't coddle is the community of ball watchers who are obsessed with one single position on the field and they devote their complete TSW personna to a single position, a single player and a single obsession. A little antogonism is exactly what this community invites.

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Correction- "AKC" is one of the poster on this board who likes to talk about football, and all aspects of the game, with other fans who like to talk about the game. He respects all the solid football contributors on the board whether he agrees with them or not.


What "AKC" doesn't coddle is the community of ball watchers who are obsessed with one single position on the field and they devote their complete TSW personna to a single position, a single player and a sinagle obsession. A little antogonism is exactly what this community invites.



So says you....I disagree. Just as in this thread, whenever you are found to be in some sort of argumentative banter back and forth, a look back will usually point to you as the aggressor.


As for this 'single position, single player' argument you keep making, I really have no idea what you're talking about.

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