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Keith Traylor Released

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In the hypothetical a starting DT is about 10,000 times more valauable than a backup RB- but that isn't exactly how this plays out. We just haven't seen enough of Anderson to see if he is:


A) A capable tackler in the run game

B) Durable enough to play a season as a 2 down Tackle.


We HAVE seen enough of Edwards to realize those two keys are not his strengths. He's just fine in the pass packages and Krumrie appears to be able to stifle his ADD enough to play for those snaps. Bascially Anderson is the wild card here- the staff knows a lot more about him than we do.


That said, if they beelieve in TA as a 2 down guy we're simply looking ofr depth among run stoppers. Now the hypothetical moves to "what's more important, a backup at RB who has starting quality running ability or a backup DT who might be average at this point in his career?"


It's a good question. Traylor's vet min should be in the same dollar range as the Travis cap hit, then again if he'd sign for a min. contract we'd get the cap exemption- and under that rule why not keep 'em both? The deciding factor would be whether someone else offers him an above min. contract.



Another factor is injuries. Remember when the Bills drafted Sam Cowart? WE were chock full of linebackers. Then, they seemed to get seriously hurt all at once. Moore, Holecek, Covington, and others dropped like flies. The same thing could happen now.


YOU my friend are responsible for alerting this board to the fact that the DT position is becoming more important. I agree.


I am saying that if this football player is healthy, he is of more value to the Bills than a known miscreant such as Travis Henry. The Bills need more pass rush from the middle. This is certain.


Again, I am certainly not privy to health issues. What I do know is that I would rather have a healthy Traylor than a proven loser as is Travis Henry.

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Yeah, let's bet the whole season on a guy who can't keep hold of a Pop Warner running back!


RON!  RON!  RON!  RON! At least that's what you're going to THINK our opponents sideline is yelling out to their offense against us all next year if Edwards is in our run package.


"So coach Mularkey, can you explain how your defense went from giving up the least yards per play to the most in the league in a single season?"


AJZEPP- setting a mighty standard for football anaysis since 2005 "I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards." That's right- no need to actually form an opinion- just turn on the game, watch the quarterbacks and trust the media on everybody else!



lol, I figured it was just a matter of time until you posted something resembling the ass*hole that you are :lol:


As for my football analysis, yes, I defer to the coaching staff when it comes to talent evaluation, especially when I have no way to see the player myself. When I read that the COACHING STAFF had been thoroughly impressed with Edwards, then naturally I feel better about the guy. On top of that, if you actually read what I wrote, I said I am in favor of giving him the SHOT at starting. Think before you speak.....can do wonders for ya!


PS. How's Bill these days?

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1.What has Traylor done lately ? I'm asking.

2. If he's good, why is he being cut ?

3. How is it every other teams cuts are better than our starters and backups ? Was our record 1-15 last year ?



My answers to your questions are:


1. I don't know but I hope someone who watches NE games more regularly or follows the team will add some fact-based opinions about Traylor.

2. I know he was good but from what I've heard he is in decline (how much and how fast is the question I hope responses on your first question would reveal things.

3. I have some real answers to your questions #3:


A. Good players do get cut with regularity due to the cap. Players seem to be negotiating for escalators turning their base pay into lump sum payments which force a team to make a fish or cut bait decision on them prior to the cap casualty deadline. Fir example, he was getting older, but given the OL problems we had last year we easily could have kept Reuben Brown. However, he had a cap escalator which forced the issue and given there was a new OL coach coming in (there will be a new DC in NE, it became time for us to make a move. i do not know if Traylor had an escalator which forced the question, but he could still have something left and be cut.


B. We are heavily into use of a rotation on the DL and depth is more important than usual when a rotation is used. Even though Traylor is not the answer to the starter question the loss of Phat Pat brings us, he might be helpful in rotation,


3. We are not 3-13 but we do have to keep reloading to stay as productive on DL as we were. As bith TD and MM have emphasized, competition is good. As long as we keep the pipeline filled with players in development like Anderson at DT, McGee, and to some extent Haggan and Crowell at LB, I have no problem with us bringing in a seasoned vet for them to compete with. As long as we fearlessly cut them when a younger player responds to the challenge as we did with a Pitts FA we paid a small bonus to to sign, I have no problem signing these folks to competefor a position. Just because they are signed does not necessarily mean that we have given up on the players we have.

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In the hypothetical a starting DT is about 10,000 times more valuable than a backup RB- but that isn't exactly how this plays out. We just haven't seen enough of Anderson to see if he is:


A) A capable tackler in the run game

B) Durable enough to play a season as a 2 down Tackle.




Agree that Edwards hasn't filled that profile at all. Anderson is unproven at this level but DID fill that role at Ohio St. against top competition. I saw all his games as a loyal Buckeye fan and his ability to stuff the middle and get penetration was unquestioned. Thick build and mega strong. Excellent tackler, the heart and soul of that Defense. I'm sure his technique needed tweeking by Krumrie, since many DT's with strength tend to depend on the bull rush a little too often at the college level. Never takes a play off.


I believe the Bills Coaches envision a middle of Sam Adams and Anderson. Edwards on passing downs.

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Lately Pat wasn't much of a "blitzing" DT like he was when he was younger. He was a monster against the run and that's what his replacement needs to be. The rush must come from the outside.


If Traylor can win the starting job, I'd say more power to him. Ron had his chance but never took it.

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I am saying that if this football player is healthy, he is of more value to the Bills than a known miscreant such as Travis Henry. The Bills need more pass rush from the middle. This is certain.




Henry's a very good and hard working runner. He's a numbskull with awful ball-handling habits. To argue against those clearly demonstrated traits would be naive.


I can't imagine him being too much of a distraction because he's simply not smart enought to influence anyone else. A smart guy who's a malcontent can be a major problem- that's simply not the case with Travis. I don't think there's a player on the roster who would support his pity parade, therefore I see his particular situation as an overall postive considering what his value to the team is if the guy in front of him gets dinged up.


As you know I like the type of depth team's like NE have developed in the middle- they run a 3-4 yet they have more interior defensive talent right now than we do. A big body like Traylor, especially with the vet exemption for a minimum salary, would seem like a pretty smart move. And it would eliminate any need to move someone else whose cap/value ration IMO is favorable to the team.

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Agree that Edwards hasn't filled that profile at all. Anderson is unproven at this level but DID fill that role at Ohio St. against top competition. I saw all his games as a loyal Buckeye fan and his ability to stuff the middle and get penetration was unquestioned. Thick build and mega strong. Excellent tackler, the heart and soul of that Defense. I'm sure his technique needed tweeking by Krumrie, since many DT's with strength tend to depend on the bull rush a little too often at the college level. Never takes a play off.


I believe the Bills Coaches envision a middle of Sam Adams and Anderson. Edwards on passing downs.



The difference with Edwards was that at the Pro level he just hasn't shown that ability to get in front of the running back and either force him down or give the linebackers behind him time to make the play. Can Krumrie work miracles? Possibly- he's done very well with Ron on his snaps in the pass package and that has been evident for two seasons. The next step is difficult- converting him into a run stopper after no signs of him improving in that since he signed with us originally.


Count me in on the assumption that the team sees TAnderson and Sam in for two downs with Ron in the pass packages. The only problem with that rotation is how thin it is, especilly considering the number of downs Sam will be forced to play with no one to spell him.

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I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards.


As for my football analysis, yes, I defer to the coaching staff



I applaud any guy who can admit that he's a fool. Your admissions that you believe everything the media tells you about our players and your waiting for player evaluations from their coaches to make decisions for your Fantasy team are refreshing in this day and age when some fans waste too much time actually watching film of players and developing their own opinions. Your honesty is inspirational!

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I like a guy who can admit that he's a fool. Your admissions that you believe everything the media tells you about our players and your waiting for player evaluations from their coaches to make decisions for your Fantasy team are refreshing in this day and age when some fans waste too much time actually watching film of players and developing their own opinions. Your honesty is inspiring!



You know, AKC.....there are times when people say this facetiously.....but I'm being completely serious. You really should seek professional help. In fact, there are at least two other people on here that feel the same way. Let your fingers do the walking, buddy 0:)

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You know, AKC.....there are times when people say this facetiously.....but I'm being completely serious. You really should seek professional help. In fact, there are at least two other people on here that feel the same way. Let your fingers do the walking, buddy  0:)



Why'd you drop the "stalking me" part of your post?


I'd think even the greenest of "professionals" would recognize your sig line and the obsessions within ;-)


Do carry on! With each of your posts we're reminded more and more of the witticism "better to remain silent and be thought of a fool...."

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Why'd you drop the "stalking me" part of your post?


I'd think even the greenest of "professionals" would recognize your sig line and the obsessions within ;-)


Do carry on! With each of your posts we're remined more and more of the "better to remain silent and be thought of a fool...."



Well, I was trying to show some restraint.....but, if you really want me to say it....here ya go!


By the way, looks like we can add run-on sentences to your grammatical resume. I always find it ironic when someone who runs around professing to be such an intellectual - particularly those who claim superiority over others because of it - can't even use proper english. Have you figured out the difference between 'Bill's fan' and 'Bills fan' yet? That one seemed to really confuse you the last time you started stalking me around the board.

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Well, I was trying to show some restraint.....but, if you really want me to say it....here ya go!


That one seemed to really confuse you the last time you started stalking me around the board.



Kinda like Rebecca Schaeffer and her insistent "stalking" of Robert Bardo?



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Do carry on! With each of your posts we're reminded more and more of the witticism "better to remain silent and be thought of a fool...."



lol, this is hilarious......you should really take your own advice, man! Most of the time when you get into some, uh, 'discussion' with me you invent half of my position on the topic at hand. In essence, you are arguing with yourself lol. So honestly, I think your 'witticism' is much more pertinent to your posts than they are mine......but thanks for playing 0:)

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you invent half of my position on the topic at hand.



No need for that Mr. Bardo!



I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards.


As for my football analysis, yes, I defer to the coaching staff

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Kinda like Rebecca Schaeffer and her insistent "stalking" of Robert Bardo?





lol.....so basically you were disappointed that I had edited out the 'stalking' part of my post because it meant you couldn't use this line as a comeback? Allllllrighty, then........

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No need for that Mr. Bardo!

I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards.


As for my football analysis, yes, I defer to the coaching staff



Wow, it's like trying to explain something to Mr. Potato Head........Yes, being that I am in Atlanta (i.e. not at practice.....not in the film room.....not privy to coaches meetings.....), I defer to the coaches evaluation when I have no other means of assessment. What part of that do you not seem to understand?

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