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Keith Traylor Released

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We don't need anymore NE castoffs.  :lol:




Generally, I agree, but I would take Traylor, in a heartbeat, if it was a good price. I am little worried that our defense is going to see a significant drop off without Pat Williams. We have good players on defense, but they really didn't start to dominate last year, until the d-line started to click, and get lots of pressure. I know, I know, "fat Pat only played 2% of the plays" (as I am sure someone will argue), but he was very effective when he was in there. It only takes one or two offensive miscues to derail an offensive drive...this is not to say that I don't have confidence that Anderson or Edwards can get the job done, just wouldn't mind having some competant vetran depth. Traylor could provide that....

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Generally, I agree, but I would take Traylor, in a heartbeat, if it was a good price.  I am little worried that our defense is going to see a significant drop off without Pat Williams.  We have good players on defense, but they really didn't start to dominate last year, until the d-line started to click, and get lots of pressure.  I know, I know, "fat Pat only played 2% of the plays" (as I am sure someone will argue), but he was very effective when he was in there.  It only takes one or two offensive miscues to derail an offensive drive...this is not to say that I don't have confidence that Anderson or Edwards can get the job done, just wouldn't mind having some competant vetran depth.  Traylor could provide that....


Ditto, I'd grab him for cheap money.



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I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards. The guy is supposedly hungry for that starting spot, and the coaches are very impressed with his attitude, especially given that it's only May.

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I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards. The guy is supposedly hungry for that starting spot, and the coaches are very impressed with his attitude, especially given that it's only May.




Well, not to cast aspersions, but they say that about everybody, until they are letting them go. Edwards has been around for 4 years, and while he hasn't been terrible, he hasn't shown to be more than passable. Maybe he blossoms this year, not saying he can't, just that banking on an inexperienced guy, and a yeoman, on a #2 ranked defense (one that will hopefully be good enough to carry us to a playoff appearence, finally) seems foolish, if you have other options. Again, I wouldn't overpay for him, but I wouldn't rule it out becaues he is a "Patriot castoff" either....

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Generally, I agree, but I would take Traylor, in a heartbeat, if it was a good price.  I am little worried that our defense is going to see a significant drop off without Pat Williams.  We have good players on defense, but they really didn't start to dominate last year, until the d-line started to click, and get lots of pressure.  I know, I know, "fat Pat only played 2% of the plays" (as I am sure someone will argue), but he was very effective when he was in there.  It only takes one or two offensive miscues to derail an offensive drive...this is not to say that I don't have confidence that Anderson or Edwards can get the job done, just wouldn't mind having some competant vetran depth.  Traylor could provide that....


I'm certainly part of the crew that thinks Phat Pat was a valuable Bill but he also seems certainly replacable as a Bill (in part because we in fact did replace hm a number of times last year on 3rd and also some running down)s.


Nonetheless, Traylor may be a good pick-up if he can be had at the vet minimum and not to be a starter because those days are done, but as part of a DT rotation.


The problem is that Edwards, Anderson and Bannan all are great choices to be good enough players to do the job in as back-ups in a DT rotation, but all of them have yet to answer the question yet of whether they are starter quality players.


Traylor will not solve that starter problem for us.

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Well, not to cast aspersions, but they say that about everybody, until they are letting them go.  Edwards has been around for 4 years, and while he hasn't been terrible, he hasn't shown to be more than passable.  Maybe he blossoms this year, not saying he can't, just that banking on an inexperienced guy, and a yeoman, on a #2 ranked defense (one that will hopefully be good enough to carry us to a playoff appearence, finally) seems foolish, if you have other options.  Again, I wouldn't overpay for him, but I wouldn't rule it out becaues he is a "Patriot castoff" either....



Well, let's put it this way.....if the coaching staff feels that Edwards has raised his game to the degree that they feel we won't have much of a drop-off from Big Pat, I'd rather they just start him instead of bringing in someone like Traylor. If, on the other hand, we can bring someone in who will CLEARLY be an upgrade, that's different. I don't buy into the theory that coaches just talk up players in the offseason for the hell of it, or to adhere to some 'company line'. The staff was talking up McGahee and Evans before the season last year, and both were integral starters by the end of the year. If they say they see some new hunger, drive, ability, etc. out of Edwards that they didn't see before and basically say it's his job to lose, I believe them.

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I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards. The guy is supposedly hungry for that starting spot, and the coaches are very impressed with his attitude, especially given that it's only May.



the improvement edwards made between '03 and '04 was remarkable. he's ready to battle and be an integral part of the DT rotation w/ adams, anderson, and bannan. at this point i'm not concerned. i have a lot of confidence in krumrie's ability to get these guys ready.

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Well, let's put it this way.....if the coaching staff feels that Edwards has raised his game to the degree that they feel we won't have much of a drop-off from Big Pat, I'd rather they just start him instead of bringing in someone like Traylor. If, on the other hand, we can bring someone in who will CLEARLY be an upgrade, that's different. I don't buy into the theory that coaches just talk up players in the offseason for the hell of it, or to adhere to some 'company line'. The staff was talking up McGahee and Evans before the season last year, and both were integral starters by the end of the year. If they say they see some new hunger, drive, ability, etc. out of Edwards that they didn't see before and basically say it's his job to lose, I believe them.




Maybe, but I have heard and read all sorts of nice things about Josh Reed that last two offseasons. Did they say it was Edwards job to lose? Everything I read was more of the "Edwards and Anderson will have every chance to contribute" etc etc.


Either way, I am not saying I doubt either of those guys will be any good, just that we don't really know yet. I guess what I see and the coaches see are somtimes difference. I remember a few summers ago, before Sam Adams was here, we had a guy on the roster named Kendrick Office, also a defensive tackle. He didn't play a ton, but when he did, he made plays. I really thought the Bills had stumbled upon across a great free agent gem. He got cut the next offseason! The little he played, he showed me much more than Justin Bannon, Rod Edwards or Tim Anderson combined.


So, what do I know? Office got picked up by someone, but was never really heard from again....

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I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards. The guy is supposedly hungry for that starting spot, and the coaches are very impressed with his attitude, especially given that it's only May.



Yeah, let's bet the whole season on a guy who can't keep hold of a Pop Warner running back!


RON! RON! RON! RON! At least that's what you're going to THINK our opponents sideline is yelling out to their offense against us all next year if Edwards is in our run package.


"So coach Mularkey, can you explain how your defense went from giving up the least yards per play to the most in the league in a single season?"


AJZEPP- setting a mighty standard for football anaysis since 2005 "I would have said yes until I read the article on Ron Edwards." That's right- no need to actually form an opinion- just turn on the game, watch the quarterbacks and trust the media on everybody else!

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We don't need anymore NE castoffs.  :lol:




I don't get this line of thinking and perhaps I never will. Say what you want about Bledsoe but looking back on it would you rather Have Noodle arm joey harrington? David Carr? Pat Ramsey? None of those qb's are panning out for their respective teams, and you can't say it's for a lack of talent Carr- Andre Johnson,Domanick Davis Harrington- Kevin Jones/Roy Williams/ "Charles Rogers". Pat Ramsey- "Clinton Portis, Rod Gardner, Lavournes Coles. Ramsey has been beaten to death the past 2 1/2 years, and is in danger of losing his job now that the redskins drafted Jason Campbell. Same Goes for Joey Harrington who just hasn't seen to grasp an nfl offense. While Drew obviousily wasn't great, and didn't get us to the playoffs, he put asses in the seats and made buffalo a desirable place for free agents- sam adams, milloy, spikes, posey, troy vincent.



Lawyer Milloy imo is vastly underrated by a lot of Bills fans. It seems they don't realize how important he is to our defense using the term "Just Another NE Castoff". Milloy solidifies our ss position. I'd even go as far to say he's one of the top 5 ss's in the league. He's an excellent Blitzer- See Bills/Rams game this year for proof. The Coverage aspect of his game is completly underrated. There is a reason teams barely beat us with the deep game the past 2 years. Milloy is that reason. And Milloy is also great in the box against the run. I'm glad to have this "NE CASTOFF" on my team.



About Keith Traylor Now. I'd like to see what Ron Edwards and Tim Anderson can do before we start bringing in vets to solidify the position. With That said though, If Traylor came here cheap and realized he's not an everydown player anymore I'd take him for depth Purposes

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I don't get this line of thinking and perhaps I never will. 


It's the old "percentage of fans" rule- if you're obsessed with the QB as the almighty franchise maker or breaker there's really no need at all to watch the film of Edwards that shows him to be developing into a good passing down specialist who still can't front runners and consequently lets them slip through his pathetic arm tackles. He's just built a little too top-heavy and while he uses that with his good burst to split gaps in the passing game anyone who thinks he can wear the jock strap of Pat Williams on rushing downs has been busy- well - watching the opposing QB on our defensive plays!


And you're absolutely right- Lawyer was a productive player PLUS he was a leader on the field for the #2 defense league-wide last year.

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Well, I could see replacing Justin Bannan...



You raise a GREAT point wrt the fact that in all probability, Bannon will be cut.

We can all like him if we choose, but he is not a very good football player. Traylor is. The problem is that it is hard to be considered "good" when compared to a comparitively low salaried stud such as Vince Wilfork, thus the cut.


PS: With players like this being released, I am hoping that some here will see the distinct possibility of a wayward stumblebum such as Travis Henry being cut.

His 1 mil. cap figure could mean something in terms of signing a big, strong football player who plays up front.

I ask you, my fellow Bills fans, which one would YOU rather have on our football team?

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You raise a GREAT point wrt the fact that in all probability, Bannon will be cut.

We can all like him if we choose, but he is not a very good football player. Traylor is. The problem is that it is hard to be  considered "good" when compared to a comparitively low salaried stud such as Vince Wilfork, thus the cut.


PS: With players like this being released, I am hoping that some here will see the distinct possibility of a wayward stumblebum such as Travis Henry being cut.

  His 1 mil. cap figure could mean something in terms of signing a big, strong football player who plays up front.

I ask you, my fellow Bills fans, which one would YOU rather have on our football team?



In the hypothetical a starting DT is about 10,000 times more valuable than a backup RB- but that isn't exactly how this plays out. We just haven't seen enough of Anderson to see if he is:


A) A capable tackler in the run game

B) Durable enough to play a season as a 2 down Tackle.


We HAVE seen enough of Edwards to realize those two keys are not his strengths. He's just fine in the pass packages and Krumrie appears to be able to stifle his ADD enough to get inspired play for those snaps. Basically Anderson is the wild card here- and the staff knows a lot more about him than we do.


That said, if they believe in TA as a 2 down guy we're simply looking for depth among run stoppers. Now the hypothetical moves to "what's more important, a backup at RB who has starting quality running ability or a backup DT who might be average at this point in his career?"


It's a good question. Traylor's vet min should be in the same dollar range as the Travis cap hit, then again if he'd sign for a min. contract we'd get the cap exemption- and under those cap-friendly circumstances why not keep 'em both? The deciding factor would be whether someone else offers him an above minimum contract.

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