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2022 Mid-Terms - All Races, Polls, and Russian Interference

Big Blitz

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46 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

It's a fight to the death. When you crush democracy, the source of all our laws and rights, then you have authoritarianism. You guys will suffer as much as anyone when we lose elections. You people are so full of hate you don't see that. Build your stupid f'n wall and then what? 


The government does "care," it's an institution that serves us, the people. 

Way past time to step away from the keyboard and go outside. Take a deep breath and re-read what you just posted. That knock on your door might just be from some 'friendly' government officials asking you why you just posted a death threat.



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Democrats’ Disconnect With Voters Is a Gaping Chasm With Only Three Weeks Left. 


“Not even a majority of Democrats agreed when CAPS-Harris asked them specifically if the economy was on the right track.”







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51 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

It's a fight to the death. When you crush democracy, the source of all our laws and rights, then you have authoritarianism. You guys will suffer as much as anyone when we lose elections. You people are so full of hate you don't see that. Build your stupid f'n wall and then what? 


The government does "care," it's an institution that serves us, the people. 

When one of those 10's of thousands of new IRS agents audits you and shines a light up your rear end tell us again how the government "cares".  


That aside, my problem isn't the process and structure of government.  My problem is the people running it.  For starters, there's nobody in charge from both parties that's under 70+ years old.  They need to retire and get out of the way.  Move to Florida and take up flower arranging and sweep the beach for lost coins, take a nap and eat dinner at 4 PM.  Second they all take office with few assets and leave millionaires while producing no specific product or providing no services.  How does that work exactly?      

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Damn New York Times !




Democrats are filling up their diapers over yesterday’s New York Times/Siena poll that offers a picture of all the macro-indicators lining up for a Republican tidal wave in next month’s election.


There is one curious aspect of the demographic breakdown that is prompting a question: why does the GOP seem to be doing best among “Gen-X” voters age 45-64, as seen in this chart:






But let’s keep going with the NY Times/Siena poll, because the racial breakdown is really cause for Democratic panic and nightmares:






The surging Republican share of the hispanic vote has been noted for months now, but if Republicans approach 20 percent of the black vote, it’s lights out for Democrats.






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Gee, it's almost like the caucus wasn't really formed to promote P.O.C. . . . . . . . . . . . .just Leftists




Congressional Black Caucus has reportedly thrown their support behind GOP House nominee Jennifer-Ruth Green’s *white* Democrat opponent






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