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This was a joke from the start. An embedded photographer, and this gives a chance for all the 2nd guessers to come out and support the Iraqi. The Marine, if he pauses, and the Iraqi is faking it, is DEAD. Lets see, should I die or shoot the Iraqi. SHOOT!!!


I have been watching Al-Jeezra all day long and haven't heard any word about the forthcoming prisoner abuse trials for the insurgents treatment of their POWs. Does anyone know when this will be on? I always thought that beheading and torturing prisoners was against the Geneva Convention or something.

Nice screen name. Do Donkeys really throw fish?



This mother-f--ing donkey does, but only of the carp variety.


This was a joke from the start.  An embedded photographer, and this gives a chance for all the 2nd guessers to come out and support the Iraqi.  The Marine, if he pauses, and the Iraqi is faking it, is DEAD.  Lets see, should I die or shoot the Iraqi.  SHOOT!!!



The proper result.


well now they know that when they are shot and dying, they shouldnt act like they've been shot or dying. :lol:


but seriously, i say he did his job, and did the right thing in that situation, but it still doesnt look good. but war never looks good.


we have to accept teh fact that most of the iraqis dont want US troops in their country. every thing they see on a TV about US troops shooting at iraqis, whether "insurgents" or not does not look good. but war is not a beauty contest...


this is why they dont send camera people with the special forces. they do some pritty ugly stuff. but its stuff that has to be done, and those men are better men than me...

I have been watching Al-Jeezra all day long and haven't heard any word about the forthcoming prisoner abuse trials for the insurgents treatment of their POWs. Does anyone know when this will be on? I always thought that beheading and torturing prisoners was against the Geneva Convention or something.



I was also waiting to hear stories about how the "insurgents" have blown up their holy mosques, when they were filled with worshippers.

Because they belong to the wrong flavor of Islam.


They had plenty of coverage when some paint got chipped on Mosque, when US Troops responded to Mortars being shot out of them.


But MIchael Moore's Minutemen have blown them up on purpose, along with some Muslim weddings and funerals .


Where is the coverage and outrage in the Arab Media?

I was also waiting to hear stories about how the "insurgents" have blown up their holy mosques, when they were filled with worshippers.

Because they belong to the wrong flavor of Islam.


They had plenty of coverage when some paint got chipped on Mosque, when US Troops responded to Mortars being shot out of them.


But  MIchael Moore's Minutemen have blown them up on purpose, along with some Muslim weddings and funerals .


Where is the coverage and outrage in the Arab Media?




the same place G.W. Bush's drunk driving record and former cocaine addition are located. the land of "selective memory".

I was also waiting to hear stories about how the "insurgents" have blown up their holy mosques, when they were filled with worshippers.

Because they belong to the wrong flavor of Islam.


They had plenty of coverage when some paint got chipped on Mosque, when US Troops responded to Mortars being shot out of them.


But  MIchael Moore's Minutemen have blown them up on purpose, along with some Muslim weddings and funerals .


Where is the coverage and outrage in the Arab Media?



A) there is none, because the Arab media are tools of the Islamist movement and other unsavory types in the middle east.

the same place G.W. Bush's drunk driving record and former cocaine addition are located. the land of "selective memory".









"I did not have sex with that woman., that Lewinsky"


"I have no connection whatsover with the Rose Law firm"


"I have no direct recolection of that".


Mark Rich says hello, as well an Kenny Lay, Bernie Ebbers, and the other winked-at cash kings who prospered and screwed everybody else for those sweet, sweet 8 years.


Don't forget James Riady and the campaingn cash quid pro quo over shutting off US low sulfur coal so it now comes fron Indonesia, Charlie Chang, The plugged Ron Brown. Those dear Buddist Nuns, the White House Travel Office victims, Vince, Paula, Waco, Elian, Ruby Ridge, aspirin factories, Somalia, reactors for N. Korea, greatest increase in trade deficit in history.


That's just the short list. :lol:


Ever wonder why you are on the outs and not likely to return anytime soon? :lol:

the same place G.W. Bush's drunk driving record and former cocaine addition are located.




Where is that, decades in the past?


Pretty funny, especially when recalling how the Clintonistas were whining "get over it" before the ink was even dry on his impeachment.

the same place G.W. Bush's drunk driving record and former cocaine addition are located. the land of "selective memory".



OK, let's compare shall we:


1. Somebody when he was younger had a few beers, and made the mistake of getting behind the wheel. Never done that since then.


2. A multi-national hate group that wants to destroy the religion of democracy (their words) and convert or kill the infidels (their words again),

Infidels being anyone who does not subscribe to their fundamentalist brand of lslam. A band of international murders who have no problem blowing up a plane, and train, beheaded journalists and aid workers, and storming an elementary school and torturing and killing young "infidel" children.


And this group's mouth piece for propaganda is Al-Jeezra, who does all it can to flame the hatred and not cover any other hypocritical nature of the Islamic terrorists.



Yeah, they are the same thing. Yeah ok.


Have you applied for a job at Air America yet?


Thank God!

My thanks go out to all of the brave Marines for protecting my family and my country. I trust the Marine leadership to sort out the validity of allegations launched from scumbags against our brave and wonderful troops.

I for one will always support you. You are the reason why my wife and children are able to thrive. I urge you to do what you need to do to stay alive in the face of the scum that you are up against.

Please accept my never ending thanks and full support, and this of course also extends to those in every other branch of our great armed forces.

God Bless you all, you are true heros!



OK, let's compare shall we:


1. Somebody when he was younger had a few beers, and made the mistake of getting behind the wheel. Never done that since then.





Was that before he drove off the bridge and let a girl die? If so I'm pretty sure he's drank since then....






Oh wait I just reread that I don't think you were talking about Teddy, sorry

Was that before he drove off the bridge and let a girl die?  If so I'm pretty sure he's drank since then....

Oh wait I just reread that I don't think you were talking about Teddy, sorry




True Fact: Teddy had a dog named "SPLASH"

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