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2021 I've Heard Had The Most Illegal Crossings at the Border in US History .

T master

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Okay i will start with this fact that this is something i heard & haven't as of yet researched it but it doesn't & wouldn't in any way shape or form surprise me in the least given what we have heard & seen of this to this point . But this person did serve as a DC news correspondent for years before going to radio .


But in the year 2021 after the change in the white house illegal immigrant crossings totaled for the year 2,363,000 said to be the most in US history and it was also said in the same interview i was listening to that in that 14 known terrorists were taken into custody .


They also said that of those terrorists caught trying to cross the border the figures are believed to be for every 1 known terrorist to be caught 9 get through so that would mean if 14 were caught that the possibility of 126 terrorists had gotten through undetected .


I'm not exactly sure how they came up with that but there again it wouldn't surprise me seeing as the border is a sieve in comparison & that there has been no president on stopping or even slowing crossing down to this point besides Kamala telling those trying to come to the US they need to not do so .


Then there is the question of could this be the reason why we are so short of covid tests because each & every one of these 2,363,000 people crossing the border have all been tested ? Well that may be 1 explanation but i'm not thinking that is a fact .


In the interview that i was listening to the interviewer being a long time news person in DC had said too that it was very hard to find these numbers that the Dept. of Homeland security & other places he researched didn't really want this to be known again a surprise i'm not thinking so .


Well you can take this for what it's worth & until i or we can do any more digging into it to find out how true or not that it may be it's not worth a ton but like i said it would not surprise me & i wanted to pass it on for conversation if nothing else .


And I know Tibs & Billstime will have something to say about it & who knows maybe they can do some digging to either disprove this information & to boost their personal love for Joe & prove to us all just how wrong we really are for our thoughts of his time in office ... LOL !!! 

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2 hours ago, 716er said:


This would be a good opening for every one of your posts.


At least i'm up front and honest about it unlike some others but i'm glad there's people like you here that are experts & never say anything with out fully researching it so you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that anything you say is fact .


But what i did here that i put in this post is from a reputable news reporter with a syndicated show that started his career in Washington DC with many connections & knows how to find out things because of those connections that you or i wouldn't if just because of the politicians that cover these type of things up to make the likes of you believe their BS .


So seeing as you know so much about what i postbox your reply i suppose that you will go research this and come back with the Biden Rose colored glasses version of it despite all of the news from his parties people that the border has been a disaster since he took over & ran his mouth in the election about how those folks could come here .


And then the story of how he reprimanded those officers at the border for doing their job making them look like the bad guys for upholding the laws put in place to stop exactly what he is allowing to go on right under his nose and that by your reply think is okay .


But hey that's how he can get more votes right ? 


But in saying all of that i wrote this post for mindful conversation and opened with a honest statement so you & others would know & maybe take the initiative to do some research to either refute that or find out it's true then do your normal mindless reply .



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3 hours ago, 716er said:


This would be a good opening for every one of your posts.


Oh sorry i was wrong in this article it says only 1.7 million & only 22 million that are already living here i believe that's what i read but here you can read it for your self in order to find out for your self so i apologize i was 300k off by this article . I'll see if i can find more for you though give me some time .


Oh did you see the heading "America bursting at the seams from illegal immigration" ??



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On 1/26/2022 at 5:33 PM, 716er said:

I believe IRLI is the legal affiliate of FAIR


Not the most biased source to say the least.


I'd start your research there.

How about this.  You do your own research and counter his points.  You know…..debate him. 🙄

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