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Dear Alcohol,

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Trust me....I'm racking my brains to try to remember who the fug this girl is and what she looks like!  I don't even remember ever meeting another Wendy.  :D




Did you have a finger in her chilli, bastard............... ;);)

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I hate the Gators and Canes.......... :D

Ehem, unless they're pretty girls ;)



how do you correct the situation of haivng a really hot chick with canes/gators clothes on?...take them off of course...

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Did you have a finger in her chilli, bastard............... ;)  0:)




eh...maybe, and maybe not. :D


I recall that she was supposed to be getting married or something but ran out on the groom. A bunch of people were looking for her... :P;)

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Ah, sweet Alchohol.

Fickle muse, indiscriminate whore.

How many letters have I written to thee, only to have them returned un-opend?

I both worship and hate you at the same time.

If you should leave I would surely die.


Thank you, Darin from Alaska, for putting into words what we are all thinking.

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Starkle starkle little twink

who the heck you are I think

I'm not under what you call

the alcofluence of incohol

I'm just a little slort of sheep

I'm not drunk like tinkle peep

I don't know who is me yet

but the drunker I stand here the longer I get

Just give me one more drink to fill me cup

'cuz I got all day sober to Sunday up

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