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OT = Al-Qaida's #3 Man Arrested in Pakistan

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He has a disease called vitiligo that affects the pigmentation of the skin.  It is not uncommon in that part of Asia.



You ruined it for me - I just assumed that the poop tears had been flowing.


Praise be Allah.

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Oh, Sweet Cablelady...


M' Lady, I do it all for you. The rest of the Templar Knights argue in jealous tones, for they know I have your fair and so understanding ear. And they are so justly displeased.


(I bow) I am at you're service, fair maiden.


I shall slay yon dragon...and bring thee his head.


(You CAN barbecue, right? Hey, it's a little stringy...but not bad...)

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The before picture:





OT: While I was looking for this scumbag's photo, I found some pics of Angelina Jolie at the same site and was surprised how smokin' hot she looked:




I don't seem to remember her looking this good in "Tomb Raider!" :blink:

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The before picture:



OT:  While I was looking for this scumbag's photo, I found some pics of Angelina Jolie at the same site and was surprised how smokin' hot she looked:




I don't seem to remember her looking this good in "Tomb Raider!"  :blink:


Ultimate 20/20 girl. At 20 feet and 20 MPH, smoking. She lost the chicken pox battle as a child. Plus, she's nuts.

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Ultimate 20/20 girl.  At 20 feet and 20 MPH, smoking.  She lost the chicken pox battle as a child.  Plus, she's nuts.


The nuts factor makes her stock go up for a night or two. I mean Angelie would be a crazy lay!

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Holy sh-- I got off track you bastards! Great news this scumbag was caught! Pakistan interrogation techniques are infamous. I am sure he is in good hands. 10 other pieces of sh-- were caught too and hopefully he provided some more intelligence. I cant wait until we get #1 and 2! Champagne is on me then!

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"One more less"?  Where the hell did you learn English?  :D



Annoying you is so easy it is almost no fun. The capture of Libbi reduces the number of Islamic and associated terrorists by exactly one. It could not be said: "one more more" or "one less less". It did not have to be said "one more less"and i was trying to keep the counting on one hand so you could follow the count without getting confused.

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Annoying you is so easy it is almost no fun. The capture of Libbi reduces the number of Islamic and associated terrorists by exactly one. It could not be said: "one more more" or "one less less". It did not have to be said "one more less"and i was trying to keep the counting on one hand so you could follow the count without getting confused.




'One less' would probably have worked..... and don't throw crap with the monkeys! You can't beat them at their own game. :D

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Isn't this like the 3rd #3 man from al Qaeda we've captured? How many #3 men can one organization possibley have?


Just seems odd.



I think the numbering has more to do with American media promotion of what is certainly a great capture of an enemy of ours than it has to do with a theoretical pie chart of Al Quada organization.


1. Given US intelligence monitoring of electronic communications there is clearly little opportunity for the static command and control methods of having a ranks and western organizational structure for al Quada. The entity seems more like mercury in a thermometer. There was a traditional command and control system when they had the state of Afghanistan, but when they got stomped there they broke apart into separately operating and controlled cells. Perhaps through couriers and pre-arranged public communications in newspaper using codewords, bin Laden knows much of what is going on and exercises some general control over it, but specific decisions within a broad framework seem left to inidividual leaders all over the place.


2. The cell method of operational secrecy works only when the left hand and the right hand operate under the same general orders but specifically do not know what each other is doing or where they are. I doubt that this #3 even know were #1 or #5 are right now.


3. al Zawahiri is cited in these articles as #2, but he only recently (in the past year pledged his fealty to bin Laden and seems to be operating in Iraq where I'm sure his hands are full killing people and avoiding capture. The idea that he is somehow 2nd in command running things in al Quaeda is far fetched.


4. This guy wasn't even on the FBI list of most wanted terror suspects.


I would not be shocked if publicity about this very good get is more prompted by sagging Bush poll numbers than winning the war on terrorism

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