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SUW - What I used to believe

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Funny little site I came across....all the wierd stuff people believed when they were little kids.  After reading this wall for a few years, I can only imagine what some of us could add to this list!



I used to believe that the purpose of traffic (red) lights was to give your car a chance to rest.



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When I was very, very young used to think that the people on the radio were actually in the radio. Of course, as I got older I realized that was completely untrue. And now...well, it's obvious that they're all on a satellite orbiting the earth for XM and Sirius.

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I used to think that the big piles of "stuff" in front of the factories in Niagara Falls (on NF Blvd) was sand. Asked my mom when we could go play in it, and she always said, "We'll go there later." Realized "later" that they were large mounds of chemicals...


Of course I grew up in Love Canal, so I'm immune to most chemicals :blink:



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When I was little, our family would go out to eat dinner every Friday. Well, my mom always wanted to go to Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips, which I hated.


In order to get me to eat the fish, my dad told me they had pheasant (which I liked - my dad was a hunter). I thought "cool, I'll eat pheasant". So I did (in my mind anyway).


FLASH FORWARD: I go to Potsdam to attend college. I see they have an Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips (which have been closed in the Rochester area for many years now). I walk in, go to the counter, and promptly order pheasant. When the cashier said they didn't serve pheasant and never did, everything clicked. DUH!


My friends never let me forget that one.

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I used to believe my dad was in Waste Management. LOL.


When him and Uncle Pauly would catch me sneaking down the basement stairs, dad would always try to hide the hacksaw behind his back and say, "Hey! We was just cleaning a deer your Uncle Pauly hit with his Cadillac."


It wasnt till I was in college I found out you dont clean a deer by wrapping it in a carpet and throwing it in your trunk! Good times...

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