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SD Trib Editorial


Our ever litigious society continues to crumble from the lack of personal accountablity and common sense.


BTW, one little tidbit that was left out of the "5 year old who was handcuffed" story: Not long before the incident, the mother of the girl threatened the school's Vice Principle with a lawsuit if anyone from the school "laid a hand on her daughter." Oh, and now she's suing the police department.


Gene pool+chlorine=Better world.

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SD Trib Editorial


Our ever litigious society continues to crumble from the lack of personal accountablity and common sense.


BTW, one little tidbit that was left out of the "5 year old who was handcuffed" story:  Not long before the incident, the mother of the girl threatened the school's Vice Principle with a lawsuit if anyone from the school "laid a hand on her daughter."  Oh, and now she's suing the police department.


Gene pool+chlorine=Better world.





Sounds like that 5 year old could use an attitude adjustment. Maybe they could make her scrub the toilets for a while in front of her classmates. :)


Swirling the bowl.....

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Bringing common sense back would take some public service announcement commercials saying "All right, we kinda fugged up that whole 'corporal punishment' thing. We now think that it might be a good idea for parents to spank their children when they get out of line. Rest assured, child protective services won't come and take your kid away if you feel little Johnny needs a spanking for painting the cat or setting the entertainment center on fire."

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"student's intent or lack of intent at the time the student engaged in (forbidden) conduct."




We can huddle up and "discuss" the child's behavior. How does this behavior "make us feel"? Meanwhile, the child will be behind our backs throwing gasoline into the furnace and burning the school to the ground.

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BTW, one little tidbit that was left out of the "5 year old who was handcuffed" story:  Not long before the incident, the mother of the girl threatened the school's Vice Principle with a lawsuit if anyone from the school "laid a hand on her daughter."  Oh, and now she's suing the police department.




just curious.....if this was left out...how did you hear about it? :blink:

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just curious.....if this was left out...how did you hear about it?    :blink:


It was left out of the Big Box News story that was linked here. It was reported in a couple of places since (though seemingly as an afterthought).

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We can huddle up and "discuss" the child's behavior. How does this behavior "make us feel"? Meanwhile, the child will be behind our backs throwing gasoline into the furnace and burning the school to the ground.


But the catch-22 is that anything short of doing that will bring about lawsuits by parents looking to assign responsibility for their children's behavior anywhere but where it ultimately belongs. Satisfying lawsuits and reaching out of court decisions isn't the most prudent way for underfunded public schools to use their limited resources IMO.

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