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Bengals Raiders Call Reminiscent of Bills Texans Playoff Call

st pete gogolak

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In hs our QB ran an option play. He took it 50 yards to the house. The fake was so good even the refs thought he handed it off. They blew it dead when he was about 40 yards downfield. Replayed the down, score didn’t count. We won the game by a good amount, but still that was a wtf moment. 

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2 hours ago, Rubes said:

It's the NFL...where they define rules down to the most minute little detail and expect the rules to be followed to the letter...except when they don't.


I still believe the proper handling of the play in the Texans game should have been to follow the rules and call it a TD...then change the rules the following year so that kind of thing doesn't happen again, if they don't want it.


Same here. Follow the rules the way they're written...so it should have been a dead ball and do over. If they don't want that to happen, then change the rules during the offseason.


Unless there's some "common sense" part of the rule book I'm not familiar with...



Especially bitter in a 7 point game

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12 minutes ago, LABILLBACKER said:

The officiating in that game was awful because it was a combo of 2 of the worst crews in the NFL, Booger & Hussey.  Rule 15 protects the NFL when they screw up. Anderson also refused to name the ref who blew the whistle.  The NFL totally walked it back like they always do to protect the shield. Inadvertent whistles are never reviewable by rule. But if the refs feel the inadvertent whistle happened early in the play they have the option to replay the down. It was a bonehead whistle but it still should've been a TD.

The whistle clearly blew before the ball flew into the end zone.  The DB closest to the receiver, who could have made a play, clearly quit on the play and was just sort of jogging around as the ball was caught.  The DB made no effort of any kind to play football or defend the pass.


So it's hard to allow a TD to stand at that point.  


The whole thing was diagnosed correctly and quickly by the expert Ref.  They should have taken the points off the board IMO, reset the clock, reset the down, had everyone line up, and play the down over.


I loved the announcement made by the NFL a few minutes later saying "Yeah, that was a mistake, but we'll address that after the game, not now."







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in this case the inadvertent whistle was blown during play so it cannot be un-done and not subject to further (video) review..Maxx Crosby said best..deal with and move on and we had a lot of chances to make plays...not the best work by a playoff crew I give you that...


In baseball the umps do have the rule and right "to make things right...in volleyball there is reiplay it and the re-do...in basketball there is video review.

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1 hour ago, 1ManRaid said:


Whistle came way too late for it to have had any affect on the defender.  They had already given up on the play thinking the QB was out of bounds even without the whistle.


Exactly.  This was obvious on every replay.  They Defenders were all pointing at the sideline as they thought he was going out.  Not one of them brought up the whistle after that play.  None. The whistle didn't make them stop.  It occurred when the ball was a few feet from the receivers hands, not before the pass. 


Also, "erroneous whistles" can't be reviewed/challenged.  

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I agree that that is the rule & in yesterdays yes it should have been a redo but that rule needs to be changed it would be one thing if the ball was still in the QB's hand & they blew the whistle but because the ball was in the air that IMHO is to late to stop the play and should be allowed to go on until it is done .

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3 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

The whistle clearly blew before the ball flew into the end zone.  The DB closest to the receiver, who could have made a play, clearly quit on the play and was just sort of jogging around as the ball was caught.  The DB made no effort of any kind to play football or defend the pass.


So it's hard to allow a TD to stand at that point.  


The whole thing was diagnosed correctly and quickly by the expert Ref.  They should have taken the points off the board IMO, reset the clock, reset the down, had everyone line up, and play the down over.


I loved the announcement made by the NFL a few minutes later saying "Yeah, that was a mistake, but we'll address that after the game, not now."


Me too - for values of "love" = "despise and loathe"

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