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[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread


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Sorry if this was mentioned before. When Hurley was talking to his Financial advisor or lawyer or whoever he was, he mentioned that Hurley was majority stock holder in a box company. I'm guessing that its the same one that Locke works for. So, can anyone else see this little senario for when they ever get off this island, (assuming they dont kill off either Hurley or Locke), Hurley fires the that little prick that was Locke's boss, and gives Locke a big time promotion.

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Got Season 1 today. Currently watching the Extras DVD and it's sweet. Explains some of the genesis of the show, the shooting of the pilot and the details of the plane props, audition tapes (Hurley as Sawyer was just odd, but JG's comedic delivery still shines through --- "....... You went to Vassar?"). The monster is revealed at 1:32:00 on the top feature of the Extras DVD <_<. Some deleted scenes. The eps are in widescreen and, myself having just a rooftop antenna, having it crystal clear is awesome.


I'm going to try 4-8-15-16-23-42 to see if there's any easter eggs....

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What? Can this be? That's a big thing to give away.



You'll understand the joke when you see it. :blink:


Have been watching the eps and night and there are things you pick up on watching them back-to-back that you don't even notice weekly.


- The voice that says, "Previously on Lost" at the start of the episodes sounds really similar to the voice counting the iterations b/w Danielle's message, which she said The Others are controlling now.


- Also, never got that Sayid left b/c he felt ashamed that he'd tortured someone and didn't plan on going back until after he found the cable and met Danielle.


- A lot of the episodes start with an extreme close-up of the centric character's eye. This is a technique that sets up POV narrative (I took an intro film class), but it's a little detail I completely missed.

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You'll understand the joke when you see it. :blink:


Have been watching the eps and night and there are things you pick up on watching them back-to-back that you don't even notice weekly.


- The voice that says, "Previously on Lost" at the start of the episodes sounds really similar to the voice counting the iterations b/w Danielle's message, which she said The Others are controlling now.


- Also, never got that Sayid left b/c he felt ashamed that he'd tortured someone and didn't plan on going back until after he found the cable and met Danielle.


- A lot of the episodes start with an extreme close-up of the centric character's eye. This is a technique that sets up POV narrative (I took an intro film class), but it's a little detail I completely missed.



Oh boy. See, that's what I'm afraid of...that I'm going to crack this thing open and obsessively pull apart each scene and line. Oh wait...I had been doing that anyway. Can't wait to get mine!

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Sometimes I thought when Madden was released, it would force some to drop out of school, abandon girlfriends, and lock themselves in their rooms. Other times, friends have had women lock them away, never to see the outside world again. If there was ever a time I feared someone changing because of a discovery, it is duey, with his LOST dvd set.


So long my pal, see you on premiere night, and I shall be dissapointed if you do not post at 10:01 PM.

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Lana, the season starts 21 September at 9 p.m.


Watching Deux en Machina (Yup, I’m that far already) and some of the things that were originally discussed about Locke knowing/choosing to sacrifice Boone are more apparent. And then there’s a part of me that still is blaming the island for it. Locke didn’t choose to stop being able to walk when they got to the plane, he was just unable to walk. Not being an apologist for him, b/c it was his choice to continue and do the island’s bidding. It was at this point in the plane where Boone’s use to him was over. And I also think this is where the heroin kicks into the plot. What is the first thing Locke thinks when he sees heroin? Charlie. It’s the island’s way of telling him where to go next. We don’t see them together in the finale, I don’t think, but there is the part where Charlie picked up the statue. I wouldn’t be surprised, at the start of the season, to see Locke start glomming on him next, making use of his helping him earlier and Charlie’s religious beliefs (despite his not be able to live up to them) as a hook into the destiny/fate thing.

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Sometimes I thought when Madden was released, it would force some to drop out of school, abandon girlfriends, and lock themselves in their rooms. Other times, friends have had women lock them away, never to see the outside world again. If there was ever a time I feared someone changing because of a discovery, it is duey, with his LOST dvd set.


So long my pal, see you on premiere night, and I shall be dissapointed if you do not post at 10:01 PM.



The things I will learn through the many many hours of viewing of the DVD set will serve only to strengthen my interpretive position come 9 pm on September 21. And I will be there at 10:02 pm (gotta give a guy a minute to take a piss...been sitting there for an hour afraid to leave the set!).

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Mini DVD Spoiler ahead. I got the DVDs yesterday, it turns out Sawyer was originally written to be more of a business schister raised in Buffalo but Josh Holloway had such a prescense during his reading that they rewrote the part to match his Southern roots.



JH says he thinks he got the part b/c he kicked a chair when he couldn't remember his lines. Right after he did, he remembered them and continued. The casting people liked his demeanor pertaining to the character, and I would say this was excellently cast. It was written for him to be that Buffalo character until they were shooting the pilot. Josh was talking w/o his accent, which probably seemed unnatural for him, and JJ Abrams suggested that he just speak regularly. The character's story was tweaked a little and there you go. If you look through the casting stories, there's a lot of instances of the writers writing around the actors.


Finished w/ my first viewing. I may need to loan them to my sister-in-law (who hasn't watched b/c of schedule) to get her hooked too.

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JH says he thinks he got the part b/c he kicked a chair when he couldn't remember his lines. Right after he did, he remembered them and continued. The casting people liked his demeanor pertaining to the character, and I would say this was excellently cast. It was written for him to be that Buffalo character until they were shooting the pilot. Josh was talking w/o his accent, which probably seemed unnatural when JJ Abrams asked him to just speak regularly. The character's story was tweaked a little and there you go. If you look through the casting stories, there's a lot of instances of the writers writing around the actors.


Finished w/ my first viewing. I may need to loan them to my sister-in-law (who hasn't watched b/c of schedule) to get her hooked too.


That's what I meant :D I just condensed it because I want to get back to watching the episodes as only looked at the extras disc so far.

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That's what I meant  :D  I just condensed it because I want to get back to watching the episodes as only looked at the extras disc so far.



That's exactly what I did too. :devil:


But I first watched the scene in Exodus Part I where Sawyer tells Jack about his run-in with his father. I think that was the best scene of the season b/c of JH's delivery, followed closely by "I Never."

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it has been awhile since i have been to this thread....but with the new season starting in less than two weeks i propose that we ditch the notion of having a single LOST thread to discuss everything LOST and have one thread per episode....perhaps labeled "LOST - Season 2, Episode 1."


Personally i just think that would do a lot to organize our thoughts and make it at least possible for the discussion to be researched at a later date. Say for example, we are discussing episode 13 and then someone thinks of something back from episode 2. Rather than having to score through a thread with well over 1000 posts, you could easily go back to the episode in question and find our comments.


Like i said, this is just an idea but IMHO i think it would add to our LOST experience. What does everyone think?

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it has been awhile since i have been to this thread....but with the new season starting in less than two weeks i propose that we ditch the notion of having a single LOST thread to discuss everything LOST and have one thread per episode....perhaps labeled "LOST - Season 2, Episode 1."


Personally i just think that would do a lot to organize our thoughts and make it at least possible for the discussion to be researched at a later date.  Say for example, we are discussing episode 13 and then someone thinks of something back from episode 2.  Rather than having to score through a thread with well over 1000 posts, you could easily go back to the episode in question and find our comments.


Like i said, this is just an idea but IMHO i think it would add to our LOST experience.  What does everyone think?



Seeing as this is a football board, I'm not sure it's appropriate to have 24 threads. Think of it in terms of staying in someone else's house; take up the least amount of room as you can and don't make too much noise. The mods consolidated it to this for a good reason. There's other places on the Net that do exactly what you're looking for, better than we could here (I'd suggest the "Television Without Pity" forums). I see this more as an informal place to ask questions, discuss observations, etc. Making it hardcore....? Nah.

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Seeing as this is a football board, I'm not sure it's appropriate to have 24 threads. Think of it in terms of staying in someone else's house; take up the least amount of room as you can and don't make too much noise. The mods consolidated it to this for a good reason. There's other places on the Net that do exactly what you're looking for, better than we could here (I'd suggest the "Television Without Pity" forums). I see this more as an informal place to ask questions, discuss observations, etc. Making it hardcore....? Nah.




With that being said I wanted to bring something up: At the end of season 1, we were all dying for a a glimpse of more. And then on the website they had that trailer for season two that lauded "They are not the surivivors they think they are." Well it appears that tagline has been dropped in favor of "Everything happens for a reason." Anyone have any insight on why they pulled fast switch?

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With that being said I wanted to bring something up: At the end of season 1, we were all dying for a a glimpse of more. And then on the website they had that trailer for season two that lauded "They are not the surivivors they think they are." Well it appears that tagline has been dropped in favor of "Everything happens for a reason." Anyone have any insight on why they pulled fast switch?



I agree with UConn as well. This is the home of the TBD Lost discussions, and of course, we appreciate Scott for letting us play here. :doh:


Puhonix...interesting question. "They are not..." most def alludes to a number of different possibilities, such as: what they've dealt with to date is nothing compared to whats coming; that the survivors themselves have a lot more secrets to give up; that they aren't the only ones who survived the crash.


"Everything happens..." seems to be to hint at the overall theory that the island has brought everyone here for a reason, and that everything that has happened to date was planned/manipulated by the island.


I think both taglines are appropriate, and that the shift to "Everything" may be hinting to a island-oriented revelation in the season premier.


How's that!? :doh:

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I think both taglines are appropriate, and that the shift to "Everything" may be hinting to a island-oriented revelation in the season premier.


How's that!?  :doh:


We can all agree that there will be survivors found on the other side of the island, but the use of the new tagline, or hook, seems to want to draw attention away from that very large revelation, and focus on the weekly occurances.


And of course, keep us guessing why.

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