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How many of you guys are going to watch the repeats religously? I'm kinda burnt out, so I'm going to take the summer off and wait for the DVDs to arrive in September. Then I'll watch the whole damn season as a lead up to Season 2.

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How many of you guys are going to watch the repeats religously?  I'm kinda burnt out, so I'm going to take the summer off and wait for the DVDs to arrive in September.  Then I'll watch the whole damn season as a lead up to Season 2.



You had 105 posts in this thread, wow. I'd say you're hooked. Maybe you should go to a Detox center, no? :doh:




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How many of you guys are going to watch the repeats religously?  I'm kinda burnt out, so I'm going to take the summer off and wait for the DVDs to arrive in September.  Then I'll watch the whole damn season as a lead up to Season 2.



Same here. I have really been looking forward to "The 4400" on USA Network. It's a great show...

if you like "LOST" you'll like this one.

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You had 105 posts in this thread, wow. I'd say you're hooked. Maybe you should go to a Detox center, no? :lol:




I think the summer off should cool me off a bit...though the mix of a season of the Bills combined with a new season of LOST could just about kill me. :doh:

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Same here. I have really been looking forward to "The 4400" on USA Network. It's a great show...

if you like "LOST" you'll like this one.



That show does look pretty cool...love the concept. I think I will be taking the summer off from addicting TV. Gotta get some color to me...too damn pasty looking from all the TV watching and on-line time. :w00t:

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I've been re-watching. It's good to have it each week w/o the 4-week gaps and such. I don't have Tivo so it's good to have a refresher.


Very interesting article on Season 2 in the L.A. Times today. It includes a few spoilers, altho they're given freely by the writers and it's nothing that hasn't been said here.

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I've been re-watching. It's good to have it each week w/o the 4-week gaps and such. I don't have Tivo so it's good to have a refresher.


Very interesting article on Season 2 in the L.A. Times today. It includes a few spoilers, altho they're given freely by the writers and it's nothing that hasn't been said here.



Thanks for the link... that was great. Well, we know Sawyer will be back.

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One of the actors said this at the convention...


"Have any of you heard of string theory?" Terry asked at the beginning of his talk. "I think the characters have fallen into a tear in the fabric of the universe, and they're co-creating this reality." But, he added, "I really don't know. And even if I did know, I couldn't tell you or I'd have to kill every one of you."

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From the writers:

What's inside the mysterious hatch will be interesting, but not as interesting as the effect it has on the John Locke character, according to Grillo-Marxuach.


The rear section of the plane — and additional survivors — will be discovered during the second season.


The people who kidnapped Walt, the young boy, are the "others" on the island.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The repeat episode last night (the one where Joanna drowns, Jack goes nuts seeing a man and being sent to get his father flashback) was one I somehow missed in the initial run. I saw probably half of it but heard the rest, as I was typing up a cover letter for a job (fingers crossed!).


So, I'm catching on that most, if not all of the main characters have had stories where they were not supposed to be on the flight, according to their own plans (Locke being ousted from the safari, and as I learned last night, Jack didn't want to go find his dad, Sawyer getting put on the first thing smoking out of the OZ, Kate probably belongs here too) / got delayed (Sayid waiting until his acquaintance was buried, Charlie rushing off with the coke from the groupie's place) / didn't know if they should be leaving (Hurley unsure of which day to be back for his mum's b-day). Is there anyone I'm missing, or a hole in this theory? Anyone who would wager a guess as to why these circumstances might have caused(?) the crash?


On edit: Oh, yeah. Michael and Walt -- both didn't want to be there or want each other. Sun and Jin -- Sun was going to skip out at the airport, Jin was going to get away from the f-i-l, only to learn he had the P.I. following him. All are there for circumstances they didn't want or that were more or less forced on them.

Edited by UConn James
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Wow UCONN, that's the best insight of the summer. You're right, Hurley nearly missed his flight, and the ret of the group, in some way shape or form didnt want to be there, or didnt belong on the flight. None of the survivors had planned on being on the doomed flight for more than, what... 48 hours? At least none of the stories that we saw.

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Locke's belief that Destiny played a hand in all of them being on THAT flight also supports your point,UCONN. I thought he told Jack that in the last episode.


They all had some chance to avoid the flight but didn't or couldn't. Many of the backstories not only show the character and histories of the survivors but also how events in each of their lives conspired to force them onto that flight.


The interesting thing though is all the mishaps that Hurley has to overcome in order to get on that flight. While Fate or Destiny seem to direct the other survivors to the plane, it seemed to be trying to prevent Hurley from getting on the plane.


If the island is somehow responsible for bring those specific survivors to the island (as Locke's comments and behavior suggests he believes), does that mean that Hurley wasn't

supposed to be there? If that is true, why? Does Hurley unknowing hold the key to the island's secret?


Just curious what you guys think?

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Locke's belief that Destiny played a hand in all of them being on THAT flight also supports your point,UCONN.  I thought he told Jack that in the last episode.


They all had some chance to avoid the flight but didn't or couldn't.  Many of the backstories not only show the character and histories of the survivors but also how events in each of their lives conspired to force them onto that flight.


The interesting thing though is all the mishaps that Hurley has to overcome in order to get on that flight.  While Fate or Destiny seem to direct the other survivors to the plane, it seemed to be trying to prevent Hurley from getting on the plane.


If the island is somehow responsible for bring those specific survivors to the island (as Locke's comments and behavior suggests he believes), does that mean that Hurley wasn't

supposed to be there?  If that is true, why?  Does Hurley unknowing hold the key to the island's secret? 


Just curious what you guys think?



Interesting take. Like how he paid the old guy Six Large for the scooter. Hmm.


Also in the ep, there was a passage where Locke mentions "Alice in Wonderland" which had me flashing on the finale where he's being dragged into the hole and he says, "Let me go!" A lot of the extra-textual references have been about some kind of hidden machinations (either underground, underwater, or complexity (what was the game the young Locke was showing the boy? Shoots and Ladders? __ Trap?). So I would say that those who've guessed at some underground mining system might not be far off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little jolt to wake up all the Lost-onians out there. I have absolutely nothing to say, other than I miss my show. I miss it very much.


Actually, episode #7 is airing Wednesday at 10. And check out this new publication coming this fall...




Hope everyone is having a good summer! :ph34r:

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Just a little jolt to wake up all the Lost-onians out there.  I have absolutely nothing to say, other than I miss my show.  I miss it very much.


Actually, episode #7 is airing Wednesday at 10.  And check out this new publication coming this fall...




Hope everyone is having a good summer!  :ph34r:



Great stuff on the mag, but for $40 a year, it better have some explicit fold outs of kate and shannon...

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So I was watching "Walkabout" yesterday after it sat on my DVR for a while. That was the episode that dwelled into Locke. If you look at the scene where he first starts to wiggle his toes and walk, do you know what was around him?


The monster ("fast moving black smoke").


I'm starting to wonder where else that thing appeared.

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So I was watching "Walkabout" yesterday after it sat on my DVR for a while. That was the episode that dwelled into Locke. If you look at the scene where he first starts to wiggle his toes and walk, do you know what was around him?


The monster ("fast moving black smoke").


I'm starting to wonder where else that thing appeared.



Now THAT is an interesting observation that has not been mentioned here before.


Here's a question to spurn on some discussion...did the island pick Locke because he had lost the most of all the survivors (i.e. he would be the most accepting of being manipulated by the island)? Of all the survivors, his character appears to be the most open-minded. Maybe Sun could be too, and Rose, but John seems to have been the best candidate. Also, John had an issue (his legs) that could easily be addressed in order to buy his belief.


Further...John's situation, with his legs and what his father had done to him, was essentially a done deal. He was pretty much at a status quo state. Compare that to the other survivors, who all seemed to have on-going and unresolved issues. Kate...being a fugitive. Sawyer...dealing with killing an innocent man. Jack...the recent death of his father. Charlie...his drug addiction. Sun...running away from her husband. Jin...Sun's father. Michael...dealing with having a son again. Walt...the death of his mother, gaining a father, and his realizing that he may have powers. Hurley...his curse. Sayid...ratting out his friend and looking for his love. Shannon and Boone...their interchangable issues of love and manipulation.


Ah...it feels good to talk Lost again. I miss that damn show!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Anyone else getting antsy?


When's the season premier?



Probably mid/late September. They started filming the new season a few weeks ago. I don't think the re-runs are even halfway thru.


(Psst! Nice avatar! Best SNL skit ever. I heard a while ago they were going to make "The Continental" into a movie and then nothing materialized....)

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