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Alot of easter eggs in this episode.  It looks like its gonna be jack vs locke.  Who knew the kid that would be abducted would be walt.  What a great finale...wow.  Will post more when the Jack D. wears off.




Kind of thought that when they got the baby back.


I believe that was a blond boy approx 16 who through the moltov at the raft...

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Good episode. Lots of good tidbits (the comic book, the gate number, the others etc). But it wasn't the cliff hanger I anticipated. Not sure why I didn't dig the episode as much as others (I found it to be good but not great). It wasn't a tear jerker or very suspensful (to me at least). But we did get a lot of answers.


One of the things I found most interesting was the Monster trying to drag Locke underground and how that relates to what was found in the Hatch.


Also, before seeing the monster, they showed the bird (looked like an Eagle?) flying away. It was a specific shot and imagry (it was a CGI shot, so you know the producers wanted it in for a reason)...but of what? I remember a Greek story (or perhaps it was biblical) about an Eagle soaring away with someone's skull in its talons. I don't remember much of the story, maybe someone else does, but I recall the Eagle was a protector of the Gods...


I could be way off, but the relevence of that shot in relation to the Monster is important. I just don't know how.

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when they saw the blip on the radar, and shot the flare i immediately thought that maybe they are attacting someone/something they didnt want to...

then when i saw the boat, i knew it had to be the "others" tho...walt being the chosen one was a hell of a twist tho <_<



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......by the "Others". Was that Alex throwing the bomb onto the raft?



I hadn't even thought of that. You think the guys in the boat are the Others? Are they survivors from other crashes? I would suppose they live on another island, but where do they get the fuel for the boat?


As far as the writers saying it would be a "Who shot J.R." moment, well... not quite. We all know that there will be no answer to the questions for a long time after season opener.


The dynamite explosion killing Arzt caught me totally by surprise. I had a glass of water up to my mouth and was about to take a sip and boom! It clinked on my teeth and I sat there for a minute going <_<. The pre-explosion discussion kind of gave a nod to some of the criticism of the show, that was actually laughing at until the explosion.


Jack vs. Locke. "If we make it to tomorrow, we're going to have a Locke problem."


I don't know anything about a connection with that bird. The Monster? Did anyone get a clear look at what it was? I don't know what I saw; it was like watching heat waves or the "Predator" invisiblity thing. The part where it breathed in the dynamite smoke, and was it killed? The thing drawing Locke into the hole looked and sounded like a chain, actually. But what was clear is that Locke went from that look of complete awe in that early ep to one of complete fear pretty damn quick.


I think it's now safe to say that everything Danielle has said is wrong. Esp. the monster being a "secuirty system." I really need to see these again; probably have to wait for the DVDs.


One of the things I found most interesting was the Monster trying to drag Locke underground and how that relates to what was found in the Hatch.



What is that? You think they lead to the same place?

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I hadn't even thought of that. You think the guys in the boat are the Others?


Hurley and the kidnapped boy's father are on Kimmel right now. The actor who plays the boy's father told Kimmel that they indeed were the Others.

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I hadn't even thought of that. You think the guys in the boat are the Others? Are they survivors from other crashes? I would suppose they live on another island, but where do they get the fuel for the boat?


As far as the writers saying it would be a "Who shot J.R." moment, well... not quite. We all know that there will be no answer to the questions for a long time after season opener.


The dynamite explosion killing Arzt caught me totally by surprise. I had a glass of water up to my mouth and was about to take a sip and boom! It clinked on my teeth and I sat there for a minute going <_<. The pre-explosion discussion kind of gave a nod to some of the criticism of the show, that was actually laughing at until the explosion.


Jack vs. Locke. "If we make it to tomorrow, we're going to have a Locke problem."


I don't know anything about a connection with that bird. The Monster? Did anyone get a clear look at what it was? I don't know what I saw; it was like watching heat waves or the "Predator" invisiblity thing. The part where it breathed in the dynamite smoke, and was it killed? The thing drawing Locke into the hole looked and sounded like a chain, actually. But what was clear is that Locke went from that look of complete awe in that early ep to one of complete fear pretty damn quick.


I think it's now safe to say that everything Danielle has said is wrong. Esp. the monster being a "secuirty system." I really need to see these again; probably have to wait for the DVDs.

What is that? You think they lead to the same place?





Yeah that monster had some invisiblity thing going on...and like wisps of black smoke when it moves...and you are right no real who shot jr dealy. Well I think Danielle may have atarted that fire to entice panic.

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Good episode. Lots of good tidbits (the comic book, the gate number, the others etc). But it wasn't the cliff hanger I anticipated. Not sure why I didn't dig the episode as much as others (I found it to be good but not great). It wasn't a tear jerker or very suspensful (to me at least). But we did get a lot of answers.


One of the things I found most interesting was the Monster trying to drag Locke underground and how that relates to what was found in the Hatch.


Also, before seeing the monster, they showed the bird (looked like an Eagle?) flying away. It was a specific shot and imagry (it was a CGI shot, so you know the producers wanted it in for a reason)...but of what? I remember a Greek story (or perhaps it was biblical) about an Eagle soaring away with someone's skull in its talons. I don't remember much of the story, maybe someone else does, but I recall the Eagle was a protector of the Gods...


I could be way off, but the relevence of that shot in relation to the Monster is important. I just don't know how.




i dont think you can draw a correlation(sp) to monster and the hatch yet. The monster or security system is land based not aerial based on previous episodes.

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i dont think you can draw a correlation(sp) to monster and the hatch yet.  The monster or security system is land based not aerial based on previous episodes.


I'm kinda' hoping that the Black Rock is more relevant than just providing a munitions cache.


It looked like several of the rungs on the ladder inside the hatch were broken and/or missing and it looks like a helluva' long way down. I wonder who's going to be going down there. Locke?

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I've lost interest in this lame show.  I mean what's the story with the fat dude.  I haven't seen anything about his life.  Maybe he was visiting some fat farm in Australia or something.  Every character is uni-dimensional and what's with the  f'ing rebel cowboy guy, he's a walking cliche.




Are you high? Then if you have lost interest why are you posting on this thread?

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Wow...some nice discussion already, this early in the morning. I'll try to dovetail my observations into those already raised so as to be redundent...


Overall...a very good episode that didn't really answer all that many questions, and as previously mentioned, didn't really leave us hanging that much. Sure, Walt has been taken, and we are left to wonder what's down the hatch, but I'm not going to be dying over the summer like I thought I might be.


First, regarding Danielle...I think she concocted the entire "Others coming" story just so that she could draw the strong members of the survivor away from the rest of the group so that she could go back and take the baby. And I'm surprised that they would actually follow her all the way to the Black Rock with this impending threat of attack. I think the writers kind of let this one get away from them...there was no real sense of urgency for them to get the explosives and then get to the hatch. By the time they got to the hatch, it was night time (when supposedly the Others were going to attack). A little disconnect in the story there, IMHO.


The people that took Walt were def the Others. If you look at their boat, it was a light motor craft, something appropriate for landing on islands from a larger boat (i.e. Danielle's research vessel). This makes me believe the Others are actually from Danielle party, and that while she may not be one of them per say, she is allowed to exist by them. For the Others to be able to have a functioning motor boat 16 years after coming to the island makes me think that they have access to a hell of a lot more supplies than our surivors do. Maybe this is from the research vessel...or maybe from other resources found on the island.


Which brings me to the Danielle - Claire tie in. We now know that Claire is the one who scratched Danielle during some kind of struggle. My theory is that Ethan was one of the others, and that Danielle had some how helped Claire escape from them for the purpose of ulitmately getting the baby for herself and taking it back to exchange for Alex.


The person on the Others boat who threw the explosive appeared to be a young, blonde woman. She certainly looked older than 16, but I agree that it was probably Alex.


The Beast...so we were able to see that this thing can be invisible, is most certainly mechanical, and can essentially disappear in a puff of smoke. I'm having trouble putting all those things together...but I def think that the fact it was retracting into an underground location is tied to the stairs leading down from the hatch.


I thought the whole Artz thing was great. His discussion with Hugo (I like that better than Hurley :blink: ) was def a tip of the hat to bulletin board discussions about the show. And his blowing up like that was a complete surprise...well done. I liked when he called Kate "Princess."


I recognize the comment from Jack about having a Locke problem, but I can't believe that Jack won't want to go down those stairs as much as Locke does. I think the problem will be more philosophical rather than a physical separation of the survivors into opposing camps. Maybe I'm wrong though.


The rafters...so, Walt has been taken, obviously because of his "powers." But what of the other three? Sawyer was shot, though the way he flew off the raft leads me to think it was in the shoulder...non-fatal. Jin went in after him, and Michael is just floating by the wreackage of the raft. There's enough left of the raft for them to grab on and evenually make their way back to the island (unless the sharks get them!).


I think what we're looking at for next season is the following:


Why did the Others want Walt? Are his powers needed to help them battle the island, or are they trying to in some way appease the island.


Will Danielle come into the fold with the survivors? I think so. Because the survivors are now going to have to try to get Walt back, I think she will join them because they have Alex.


Jack and Locke...I just don't see a big fight here. I think they will continue to disagree on the way things should be done, but I think they will both unite in the efforts to get Walt back.


I think the Walt storyline and the hatch storyline will at some point merge. The hatch, in some way, probably leads to something critical about the island, how it works, and why it is doing what it is doing. And I think this wil tie into why Walt was taken.


Lastly, remember that this show is designed to last three seasons, so we may not get a quick resolution to any of the issues that remain at the end of Season 1.


There...my longest post EVER. I've preordered Season 1 on DVD, and will spend the rest of the summer thinking about what has been, and what will be.

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I don't know anything about a connection with that bird. The Monster? Did anyone get a clear look at what it was? I don't know what I saw; it was like watching heat waves or the "Predator" invisiblity thing. The part where it breathed in the dynamite smoke, and was it killed? The thing drawing Locke into the hole looked and sounded like a chain, actually. But what was clear is that Locke went from that look of complete awe in that early ep to one of complete fear pretty damn quick.




What if the "monster" is what it looks like - blasts of hot air? What if there are people living underground and the "monster" is really a ventelation/exaust system for an underground bunker/village? That would explain the mechanical chain-like nature of the thing that grabbed Locke - it was a security system. Maybe these underground people are engaged in a battle with the "Others" and the survivors are caught in the middle?


Maybe the hatch was made as the entrance to the underground village to protect them from the "Others" - or more remotely, maybe they are survivors of a nuclear fallout from 1950's testing or something.


Another thought I had aout the hatch was that maybe, like the "Blackrock," a submarine got beached far inland on the island - but the stairs seemed to reach too far down for that. But submarines have hatches that can only be opened from the inside, right? (I really don't know).


Just a few ideas.

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What if the "monster" is what it looks like - blasts of hot air? What if there are people living underground and the "monster" is really a ventelation/exaust system for an underground bunker/village? That would explain the mechanical chain-like nature of the thing that grabbed Locke - it was a security system. Maybe these underground people are engaged in a battle with the "Others" and the survivors are caught in the middle?


Maybe the hatch was made as the entrance to the underground village to protect them from the "Others" - or more remotely, maybe they are survivors of a nuclear fallout from 1950's testing or something.


Another thought I had aout the hatch was that maybe, like the "Blackrock," a submarine got beached far inland on the island - but the stairs seemed to reach too far down for that.  But submarines have hatches that can only be opened from the inside, right? (I really don't know).


Just a few ideas.



Dude...those are some good ideas. I like the nuclear fallout survivor idea.

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First, regarding Danielle...I think she concocted the entire "Others coming" story just so that she could draw the strong members of the survivor away from the rest of the group so that she could go back and take the baby.  And I'm surprised that they would actually follow her all the way to the Black Rock with this impending threat of attack.  I think the writers kind of let this one get away from them...there was no real sense of urgency for them to get the explosives and then get to the hatch.  By the time they got to the hatch, it was night time (when supposedly the Others were going to attack).  A little disconnect in the story there, IMHO.


Danielle said the "others" were coming for the boy. She just didn't say which boy. Everyone assumed it was the baby because she stated "the others" took her baby.

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When Arst blew-up my daughter thought that was about the funniest thing she has ever seen.  I had to pause it because she would not stop laughing.



They way it was done was great. You figured he had dodged the bullet because he had wrapped that piece of dynamite up, and then BOOM!!! "Dude." :blink:

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Danielle said the "others" were coming for the boy. She just didn't say which boy. Everyone assumed it was the baby because she stated "the others" took her baby.



Very true..,.but I also think she used that whole story to set up her coming back and taking the baby for herself.

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