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Last week was quite good when Julian pulled the white guy out of the car and busted him for a minor violation. Showing the white cops what they are putting the blacks through. I don't remember a tv show ever presenting the blacks side of racisim so well and making the point so clearly.


Last night.....man oh man oh man!

Acaveda getting in deeper and deeper with the hooker and actually getting Julian to run the plates on her other John. When he falls, it will be the best episode of the season. It actually looks like next week he is almost busted while sitting outside the hookers house. (?)


Officer Danny Sofer gettin' jiggy with Vic in the car.


I figured Shane would come to his senses when he got in too far over his head. The problem will be convincing the other guys on the Strike Force that he is sincerely looking to get out of Antoine's crew. He is going to have to get Lem to trust him again....AND NOW...they will have IAD undercover on the strike force.


I can't watch the show where I am, but I buy the seasons on DVD.




They release one a year...it sucks!


Yeah it will be sweet when Aceveda gets his. He is showing classic signs of a rapist. What's to become of Army now? He either has to be part of Vics crew or die. The show is really picking up steam now. As for Corriene (sp) and Dutch? Oh boy that is going to be something when mackey finds out.... :doh:


Season 4 is on its way to being the best so far.


I'll be excited to see Vic and Shane start working together again and beating drug dealer ass. I can't wait to see Antoine go down!


Officer Danni continues to be super hot. I wish all the cops looked like that.


Army has turned out to be a great addition to the cast. He's like a nasty little bulldog. I hope he stays around.


Glenn Close has been amazing. Hopefully she'll be back for Season 5.

I'm betting that Dutch will accidently find the bag of money that Vic gave to Corriene when he comes over to her house.



Whoa......that would be interesting. I also think Acevada is going to rape a woman.

Whoa......that would be interesting. I also think Acevada is goingto rape a woman.




i don't know if he will rape someone...but i wouldn't be suprised if he knocks her up.

i don't know if he will rape someone...but i wouldn't be suprised if he knocks her up.




You can clearly see Aceveda getting the big head symdrome.

As in a big ego, or as she said "Stop, you're too big".




I like Danni.....You knew what she was sniffing around Vic for. :blink:

Season 4 is on its way to being the best so far.


I'll be excited to see Vic and Shane start working together again and beating drug dealer ass.  I can't wait to see Antoine go down!


I want to see him get nailed but he's the only opponent (besides Asswholeveda) who has half a brain. Would hate to see the cat and mouse between him, Vic and Shane end.

I just started watching the shield 3 weeks ago. My god is an addicting show. I Need to go and buy the first 3 seasons on DVD soon. Also, I believe the next eppisode is not out for 2 weeks.

  • 1 month later...

Holy Crap! Ok...I am bummed that next week is already the season finale, but this show is awesome.


Last night....watching the scene when Monica (Glen Close) fount out Aceveda brokered the deal with Antoine was pretty intense.


Anyone have any ideas on who they think goes down next week?

Holy Crap!   Ok...I am bummed that next week is already the season finale, but this show is awesome.


Last night....watching the scene when Monica (Glen Close) fount out Aceveda brokered the deal with Antoine was pretty intense.


Anyone have any ideas on who they think goes down next week?


Great show. Hard to believe it's been on so long already and they haven't totally screwed it up yet. I'm going to miss Glenn Close when they kill her off - she's been excellent.


Looking forward to "Rescue Me" starting and then "Over There." FX is easily the best of the networks with new shows.


I'm not convinced of Monica leaving. My guess is Aceveda. He's got too much stress and pressure on him, especially if Mitchell gets thrown back into the slammer (assuming that Antwan knocks off the guy who Aceveda "serviced").


On the other hand, how long can a cable tv show keep such a talented actress as Glenn Close? Maybe she is one and done.


I agree that last night's show was tremendous, especially the last 20 mins. or so. I can't get enough of this show. It's like a drug; you Jones for it when it's not available, but feel satisfied when you get your weekly fix.

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