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Thank God it's canadian money they are wasting

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Too bad Kellen Winslow's parents didn't think he was better looking. Maybe they would have strapped him to his motorcycle.


(or at the very least taught him how to strap a damn helmet to his head!)

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After attending the tailgates, I can say for certain that several members of this board have never seen the seatbelt in the shopping cart as children.


In some extreme cases, I dare say that some of the members were so ugly that thier Moms left them in the car with the windows cracked a bit for air.

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its real easy to spend Canadian money.  I mean you get several thousand in every box of Monopoly



Crimini, your right canadian money spends easy!!! especially at the ballett, not that i would know

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The men were worse than the women.


"When a woman was in charge, 4 percent of the homeliest children were strapped in compared with 13.3 percent of the most attractive children. The difference was even more acute when fathers led the shopping expedition - in those cases, none of the least attractive children were secured with seat belts, while 12.5 percent of the prettiest children were."


None of the ugly children? Are we men just unwittingly Darwinian?

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no, they just realize that if the kid;s ugly he/she can't live off their looks and will have to start learning how to fend for themself





True. Many a company has gone under by hiring and promoting the look good/smell good crowd who had all the brains of a turnip.

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"Although the researchers were unsure why, good-looking boys were usually kept in closer proximity to the adults taking care of them than were pretty girls. The researchers speculated that girls might be considered more competent and better able to act independently than boys of the same age."


those damn momas boys... <_<


but i think the cute kids had smarter parents than the ugly ones. :D

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