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Don't we start these rally threads that use Avengers Endgame memes and voice overs to get us hyped, for the playoffs lol..


Let's win this division Sunday - I want to enjoy buying like the 8th division Champs shirt of my lifetime lol.  Only the 2nd one since 1995.  For real I'm glad we should be able to seal the deal and get this done in front of the home fans.  First time in over a generation. 


For me this is going to be 14 playoff tickets punched that I've watched - first I remember was 1988.  The years have taught me to enjoy and appreciate the ride because only 6 of them have come after I turned 20 (obviously 4 in the last 5 years), but dam we have to win one at some point.   




What worries me is the X-Files has gotten almost everything right:




We can't really confirm he is dead at the end of season 11.  Chris Carter needs to give us closure asap!  But hey, we've gotten closer each year since the 2016 and 2018 revival so....maybe!!  

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All 7 teams that make the AFC playoffs will be pretty evenly matched.  All of them have lost to some of the other teams in the mix, and all of them have beaten other teams in the mix.  It will come down to covid, injuries, and execution. 


There have been other years where the Bills appeared more dominant going into the playoffs, so I think we're all pretty apprehensive.  But none of the other teams really have a better shot. 


The Bills have beaten the 2 seed (KC) and lost only narrowly to the 1 seed (Tennessee).  It's gonna be fun to see how things go.

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