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It was not the worst context in which the word has been used.  That doesn't make it a good one.  I just think given its history it should be deleted from the vocabulary.  It serves no good purpose.  Whatever the context of the word, it will always have a certain ugly subtext.



Tell that to every black kid that uses the term daily.

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I'd like to.



Why don't you?


A: Because some politically correct idiot would call you a racist for doing so.


Minorities have got the non-minority portion of this country so frightened of extortion that any backhanded comment or off color joke is now grounds for termination or worse.

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Tell that to every black kid that uses the term daily.


I do. Everytime I hear it. It's not limited to kids, either. I played on a military basketball team and when we'd hang out together away from the court some of the guys would interchange it. We had a long sitdown about it. They were surprised it bothered me, of all people but they understood in the end.


Ignorance sucks.

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The "N-word" is a verbal swastika. The connotations of the word are too extreme and cut too deep for it to ever be uttered in jest, or tossed around with indiscretion. I can't believe some of you are so anti-PC that you would go out of your way to defend it's usage.


There is absolutely no reason for someone in his capacity to utter that word, tape rolling or otherwise.

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I think they should let him keep his job...


On the condition that he is thoughtful enough to share his praise with the player's parents.


"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, you should be real proud of your son. There's no n----- in him. There are honkies and white people and there are n------ and black people. Your son is a good black kid.''



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The "N-word" is a verbal swastika.  The connotations of the word are too extreme and cut too deep for it to ever be uttered in jest, or tossed around with indiscretion.  I can't believe some of you are so anti-PC that you would go out of your way to defend it's usage.


There is absolutely no reason for someone in his capacity to utter that word, tape rolling or otherwise.



And yet members of the black community use it every day. EVERY DAY.


So it really can't be all that hurtful, now can it?

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And yet members of the black community use it every day. EVERY DAY.


So it really can't be all that hurtful, now can it?


"Everybody is doing it" is not a good argument. Historically, the connotation of the word is hurtful. As a word, it can not be rehabilitated for everyday use in the English language.

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"Everybody is doing it" is not a good argument.  Historically, the connotation of the word is hurtful.  As a word, it can not be rehabilitated for everyday use in the English language.



Just want to make sure you're not being a hypocrite. We wouldn't want that.


If it's wrong for one group, it's wrong for everybody. Only in today's America, that's not the case. It's used for extortion by one group over another and used by that same group freely within their own community.

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Just want to make sure you're not being a hypocrite. We wouldn't want that.


If it's wrong for one group, it's wrong for everybody. Only in today's America, that's not the case. It's used for extortion by one group over another and used by that same group freely within their own community.



The usage of derogatory terms WITHIN ethnic groups is something that goes on all the time. For example, Im Italian and call other Italians cafones both in jest and in seriousness all the time amongst my family and Italian friends. Nary an eyebrow is ever raised.


Maybe that doesnt make it right, and the word &#33;@#&#036; has other stigmas attached to it cafone doesnt....I realize that. But it shows this type of usage of derogatory words is not exlcusive to the black community

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Your argument doesn't hold any weight.  I'm sure people are tolerant of this coach as a white man.  They don't have to be tolerant of his actions.  I think most people know what that word means out of the mouth of a white person, and I'm sure you do, too.  It was at the very least stupid for him to use it, and it rightly made him look stupid.  What the hell does race have to do with this, anyway?  He could have just said "some players are idiots, my players are smart" and it would have meant the same thing he meant to say.


I wouldn't want my kids playing for a guy who said stuff like this, and I would want them to call him out on it and refuse to play if he did.



Would you want your kids represented by a United States Senator who made a racial slur against people from India?

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Seriously, I doubt this was the only time this particular gentleman has used that phrase - it's more likely that it's the first time he got caught.


I'm about as un-PC as anyone but there are certain positions in society that are subject to much closer scrutiny and this guy was holding one of them.



Wow! Very well said Darin!


You are coming around? <_<:D


But, seriously... You are absolutely right.


He is an position of power, influence... He should live an honorable life?

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Wow!  Very well said Darin!


You are coming around? <_<  :D


But, seriously... You are absolutely right.


He is an position of power, influence... He should live an honorable life?


Coming around? I've always thought this way. There are few transgressions I'm not willing to give someone a break for but this is one of them. Wouldn't have mattered if it were a person of color ripping another race, either.

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