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Well, Lonnie Johnson is out there somewhere

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Hey, we could at least find the unemployed Bills TE who actually produced for us...Riemersma is probably flipping burgers somewhere, lets give him a shot.




Gimping from his torn Achilles.

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TE on this team is like having a glass car

Anyone know what 7-11 Lonnie is working at?


The guy played in the NFL for 4-5 years...He ain't working in no 7-11.

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i dont know about everyone else, but i will never ever forget the dumbest play in football history which lonnie johnson made. Does anyone remember when we did that fake punt to him and he was running down the field looking backwards and forgot that the person returning the punt (Darren Sharper) was there. Lonnie, not paying attention got leveled and fumbled, i think we got it back but still, everytime i think of that i laugh but im embarassed at the same time...

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