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OT: Direct TV


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I live in a townhouse with plenty of trees surrounding my area. If you look off my deck to the southwest we have a nice gap between all the trees, I felt that gap might be enough to get direct tv hooked up.


The install guy comes out today and says he can't hit all three satellites off the deck. My hopes of getting every Bills game deflate, my facial expression could only be described as a 6 year old without Christmas. He then scans a few of the surrounding areas and informs me that he will not be able to do the install. At this point I'm pretty upset, not only are the Bills taken away from me but I now have to deal with the SOB cable company for the next year.


As a last resort I beg and plead with the guy suggesting MaGiver like install options. He does another swing around the property looking for possible locations. Low and behold he finds one small area, I'm talking 1 square foot tops. Problem is that area is the hub for all the energy meters and wiring at the townhouse I live at. Since the wiring is so close to the satellite location I need to get consumers energy out here to mark the wiring. Not only that but he still could not even guarantee that he could hit all three satellites, he only said that is the most promising spot.


To make a long story short consumers energy said they would have it marked by next Tuesday. The install guy said to give him a call after they mark it and he will come back out and try and do the set-up. Looks like Im spending week 1 at a bar with Sunday ticket, cross the fingers I can get it up and running before week 2.

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Good luck but dont trust what a DirectTV installer tells ya always. Ask nervous Guy his story of trees. Plus I have my own story now. I have had DTV since 1995 along with Sunday ticket. This year we redid livign room so I went out and bought new 50inch DLP HD system. Called DTV to get the install done and decide to add Tivo as well. Installer shows up spends NO MORE than 5 minutes and says its impossible to do the install the trees around my house must go. I had signal strength of 85 or higher on current satelite. I called DTV back and got to retention people and asked if I could get my own local DTV distributor to come out and install and they would credit me difference between their price and his. So the local distributor shows up, installs new oval dish in exact same spot as old round dish and low and behold I have HD signal just fine and signal strength on all satelites is similar as before. It sounds like your guy tried but if he fails try a local DTV distributor since they have more interest in getting it working than the installers DTV subcontracts out.

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