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Do YOU believe in "God?"

Do YOU believe in "God?"  

225 members have voted

  1. 1. Do YOU believe in "God?"

    • Yes, I do blieve in God/higher power
    • No, I do not believe in God/higher power
    • Really undecided

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God for my purposes is any form of higher power, whether you believe in any religion, spirituality, higher order, or just know there's something out there. You either believe, do not believe, or are unsure. Feel free to post in regards tot he topic.

Thanks for the help,


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If there was a God, Paris Hilton wouldn't be on TV.


If there was a God, there would be a statue of Scott Norwood on newly named Clutch Street in Tonawanda.


If there was a God, eating fatty meat at every meal would be a nutritional requirement.


If there was a God, "Vengeance Unlimited" would have never been cancelled.


If there was a God, football would be on all year long and baseball would last for three months.


If there was a God, Paul McGuire would be general manager of a hardware store somewhere near Chapel Hill, Terrell Owens would be grateful for what he has in life, and women would find farts amusing.

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If there was a God, Paul McGuire would be general manager of a hardware store somewhere near Chapel Hill, Terrell Owens would be grateful for what he has in life, and women would find farts amusing.



I like the T.O. reference...

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are you suggesting that a person needs a higher power in order to cope with a family members death?...fortunatly none of my emediate family members have died so i havent had to "cope" yet...ive had grandparents die...2 of wich i miss but i still live my life and 1 in wich im glad hes dead...but as for copeing i guess i would just turn to the ones that are still alive for mutual support.

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are you suggesting that a person needs a higher power in order to cope with a family members death?...fortunatly non of my emediate family members have died so i havent had to "cope" yet...ive had grandparents die...2 of wich i miss but i still live my life and 1 in wich im glad hes dead...but as for copeing i guess i would just turn to the ones that are still alive for mutual support.




Not suggesting u need a higher power to cope, just curious. Because I'm doing a hypothetical research proposal, and my theory is that "Believing" would help people to cope, and accelerate the grieving process.

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I do not believe in organized religion. I see religion as one of humanities biggest obstacles.


IMO Evangelicans are evil, Christanity is violent, Muslims are unstable, Buddism makes the most sense to me, until they place woman under men, and Judaism is pretty much christanity without the Jesus.


All these different religions and different ways to approach belief tells me that all organized religion is too screwed up to follow. I avoid them.


I'm not sure if I am an atheist since I do not agree on there being a single or multiple deities to which I must shape my life to appease, however its hard to not contiplate (sp?) spirit and afterlife... especially when you are at low moments in your life.

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If people want to comment (Non-believers) how have you coped/would you cope with the death of a loved one?


"Organized Religion" is not the only tune one can whistle past the graveyard.

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Not suggesting u need a higher power to cope, just curious.  Because I'm doing a hypothetical research proposal, and my theory is that "Believing" would help people to cope, and accelerate the grieving process.



It's your research, but if it were me I'd substitute "accelerate" with " facilitate"

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Cope with death of loved ones with support of family and friends, plus remembering the good times.


Cope with the prospect of nothing after death with - well there is nothing I can do about dying it is totally not worth worrying about, so I go back to living my life.


Atheism is a hard belief in that it offers no solace or prospects after death, or comfort of getting to meet departed loved ones, things that make religions such appealing fairy tales.


All religions have had really major bits added to them that so distort their roots that is impossible for me to believe in the original premise as much as it would be for me to believe in (just about) long dead religions invoking Wotan, Thor, Crom Cruach, Kali, Vishna, Set, Ra, Zeus, Hades, etc, etc.

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Being born into a Catholic family BUT raised my entire life as a Baptist, I very much believe in God. I have lost two Grandmothers and an Aunt in the last two years. My Aunt passed of cancer at only 42. Prayer and the thoughts of them being in a better place than here helped me cope. Many good wishes from the brethren here on this board helped as well since I was deployed to Africa when my Grandmother passed most recently.


I believe, without a doubt in God and Heaven. It makes me feel good thinking of my family who have passed looking down and watching over me.

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Not suggesting u need a higher power to cope, just curious.  Because I'm doing a hypothetical research proposal, and my theory is that "Believing" would help people to cope, and accelerate the grieving process.




See, here is where you have stumbled out of the blocks. When embarking on a research project, the reviewer needs to go into it with an open mind, not with an already working theory. You are setting out to prove your own "beliefs" or "theories." How objective can this "research project" be?


Think about this...


1) Religious people believe that GOD is an all powerful creator. Regardless of the religion, there is a pervasive belief that a "higher power" created life and guides it's development.

2) Scientologist may not believe in a higher being, but there is a pervasive belief in evolutionary change. Evolutionary change is defined as either developmental change in response to environment or simply a change in the state of energy or matter.


Are they really so different? One believes in a "higher power". heaven and a Holy Spirit. The other believes that life does not end, but that energy simply changes form. Could there be a soul, life force, energy source that simply leaves this form and moves on to another?


Belief's vary as much as the opinions expressed on this board. Wars are fought for those beliefs.... What if we are ALL right!


Wow, that's deep for so early in the morning... :D

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I'm one of those evil and violent evangelical Christians. Furthermore, I'm a pastor which must make me Satan himself.


I have lost a father and a grandmother within the space of three and a half months. I would agree wholeheartedly that my faith helps me cope. I think the most difficult thing I can remember about their deaths 14 years ago is the fact that I couldn't be there to say goodbye, but I wholeheartedly believe that they are in heaven.


I can also say as a general observation that there are far fewer tears at funerals I perform then the deceased and his/her family are active church members than when they are not. There are a few exceptions, but that's been my experience.

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I do believe there is a higher power but i do not believe in any one  religion. A lot of organized religions scare me with how much power they have.



i agree with you there.


i dont see how a religion can be organized?

am i supposed to follow orders from the 80 year old pope??

am i supposed to believe what they tell me to?, cus if i dont then im not part of that group.....

what if i disagree with 1 thing. does that mean im going to hell when i die???


its alot more complicated "than do you believe in god?".

cus when you say god, people asume your talking about what they think god is, and what they think god does.


so after the poll is over they will look at it and think all the people that voted "YES" believe in their god and believe in what they believe. or atleast they believe in somethig close to what you belive.


i know that what i believe is a lot diffrent than what most people believe. and my "idea" of god is A LOT diffrent than most peoples. so i can not say yes in the poll. i may believe in a higher power, i dont think i could call that "god". The name "god" implies a lot of things.


but as far as the dead... its nice to think that the good go to heaven and the bad are punished. but i dont know that. noone knows what happens. all we can do is remember what they did when they were here. and think MAYBE they are in heaven. but if not, than they live through us and what they have done in their life.

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are you suggesting that a person needs a higher power in order to cope with a family members death?...fortunatly none of my emediate family members have died so i havent had to "cope" yet...ive had grandparents die...2 of wich i miss but i still live my life and 1 in wich im glad hes dead...but as for copeing i guess i would just turn to the ones that are still alive for mutual support.



Ow. This made my hair hurt.

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I'm one of those evil and violent evangelical Christians.  Furthermore, I'm a pastor which must make me Satan himself.


I have lost a father and a grandmother within the space of three and a half months.  I would agree wholeheartedly that my faith helps me cope.  I think the most difficult thing I can remember about their deaths 14 years ago is the fact that I couldn't be there to say goodbye, but I wholeheartedly believe that they are in heaven.


I can also say as a general observation that there are far fewer tears at funerals I perform then the deceased and his/her family are active church members than when they are not.  There are a few exceptions, but that's been my experience.



Wow, I'm an Associate Pastor (or Youth Pastor) -- does that make me Satan's first minion?


I got to be with my grandfather on New Year's Eve 03 when he went to be with God. I loved my grandfather very much, and I was still excited for him to be with Jesus. Did I cry? Oh yeah. It hurt like crazy, but he loved Jesus, and I know that Jesus took him home. I WILL see him again someday. Sorry, but I don't go for the politically correct, every religion gets you there stuff. Jesus is the only way, He is the only life, He is the only Truth.


I say those things not to be inflammatory, but to respond to the subject of belief and how it helps people in times of difficulty.


I also agree Tiger, that I have done so many funerals, and there is far less despair during a service for a Christian. Oftentimes, the extreme grief is shown by a non-Christian relative who doesn't understand the hope (hope in a biblical sense is an expression of sure-ness of belief) of life with Christ.

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are you suggesting that a person needs a higher power in order to cope with a family members death?...fortunatly none of my emediate family members have died so i havent had to "cope" yet...ive had grandparents die...2 of wich i miss but i still live my life and 1 in wich im glad hes dead...but as for copeing i guess i would just turn to the ones that are still alive for mutual support.



Is this God speaking Latin ?

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