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Perhaps this wasn't Drew's team after all

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I realize I risk throwing gasoline on a simmering fire but after reading this story I'm somewhat surprised and the subtle shots the players took at Drew. Perhaps it was unintentional, perhaps not:


"We're no longer going to be a one- or two-dimensional offense," Milloy says.


"It's going to be different for us because J.P. isn't going to be sitting back there," Villarrial says. "He's going to be moving around and helping us out when things break down. From what I can see, he's going to be pretty exciting."


Here's the article:



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I realize I risk throwing gasoline on a simmering fire but after reading this story I'm somewhat surprised and the subtle shots the players took at Drew.  Perhaps it was unintentional, perhaps not:


"We're no longer going to be a one- or two-dimensional offense," Milloy says.


"It's going to be different for us because J.P. isn't going to be sitting back there," Villarrial says. "He's going to be moving around and helping us out when things break down. From what I can see, he's going to be pretty exciting."


Here's the article:





That's right. I too have the impression that Drew is not missed.

Is any player on record as complaining about Drew's release?

The silence seems deafening.

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Part of this is obviously "company line" soundbites....but if you are a Bills often maligned offensive lineman--i think you have to be at least a little happy about having a fast, mobile QB behind you. Time will tell if JP has the all important innate skill to sense the rush.


The Milloy comment is pretty impressive...considering he and Drew are buds....


The core guys (Milloy, Moulds, Adams, Spikes, Fletcher, Chris V., Teague) are becoming convinced that JP can lead a veteran team...

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When I read stories like this I find it hard not to get excited about JP. I do not know how others feel, but I try not to get overly excited because I do not want to be disappointed if JP does not pan out.

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I love how articles like this get everyone all excited. I remember the gushing comments the players used to make about Drew.


What do you WANT them to say? They aren't going to bash J.P and it would be wise to help build his confidence with good comments about his play.

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I love how articles like this get everyone all excited.  I remember the gushing comments the players used to make about Drew.


Can you blame them after having to live through the Flutie/RJ debacle?



What do you WANT them to say?  They aren't going to bash J.P and it would be wise to help build his confidence with good comments about his play.



You know it's also quite possible they are being sincere.

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The refreshing which I take from this article is that the Bills do expect JP to step up in ways that Bledsoe could not, but those times will come when the play breaks down (as often happens when other pro athletes are trying to stop you) and that JP will be able to take advantage of thos opportunities like Bledsoe could not. However, there is an emphasis on JP awaiting his opportunities and capitalizing rather than him making those opportunities and dragging the team to victory.


I think the Bills lost badly when we depended on Bledsoe to do things he was incapable of doing like carry the team and we will also lose badly when we ask JP to do things he cannot do like carry the team.


The Bills strike me as being far more likely to win with a team effort rather than expecting the QB to be a second coming of Jim Kelly. This image is fictitious because even the first coming of Jim Kelly could not win games with any consistency on his own (the NFL Network's recent replays of the Bills comeback against the Oilers reminded us of this, because Kelly was not even in uniform for the Greatest Game Ever Played).


The Bills will lose if we fall into the trap of over-relying on the QB. The key to the sorry loss last year against Pitts was not that Bledsoe counldn't do the job (he couldn't) but that this team was only going to win if the QB put the team on his back and overcame the funbles by ST, the D letting a scrub get over 100 yards in our house and Lindell shanking an easily makeable FG.


If he team plays team ball (which they did during the 6 gaame winning streak and the 8 and 2 finish) then the game will never rest on JPs arm or Lindell's toe. If we do this we will probably win, if we allow it to come down consistently to one player's performance (particularly a 1st year starting QB) we will almost certainly lose.

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I love how articles like this get everyone all excited.  I remember the gushing comments the players used to make about Drew.


What do you WANT them to say?  They aren't going to bash J.P and it would be wise to help build his confidence with good comments about his play.




BF--I agree that there is some company line BS in all this---but you know, guys like Milloy could just blow the media off instead of commenting....


Especially Milloy since his "The most important thing is getting paid" rant during the week leading up to the Super Bowl..he should be the first not to comment on anything..yet on his way off the practice field....on in the locker room--He was asked a question and decided to address it...he could have said the same thing Alan Faneca said when Rothliesberger took over last year--which was basically, "I'll believe it when I see him do it on the field"...instead he acknowledged that he was impressed with JP's work ethic and attitude and if he doesn't succeed, it won't be because he did not work hard enough...


What in Milloy's comment is insincere?

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I just hope JP isn't afraid to blast his line when they can't block on the most simple of schemes. He needs to embarass them on national t.v. when they have a brain fart--a trait Jimbo was famous for!

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While this article is nice and positive, one must take some precaution. The author of the article is the same guy who wrote losman's sporting news feature for him last year. Also, I've been reading the D & C for over 10 years and this guy always has positive uplifting stories no matter what. He brownnoses whatever subject he writes about.


Although I personally like the switch to JP and am pretty confident he will be at least adequate at QB this year, I just can't take Pitoniak's articles as seriously as those of most other columnists.

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I had the same impression 2 years ago.  What took so long?

A moment of clarity or did the light finally go on?


How could you have had that impression 2 years ago?

Drew was with the team. Or are you suggesting the entire

team never liked the guy at all?

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I like this quote:


"I thought Drew got a raw deal. Everyone knows it takes about 3 or 4 years with a team before you produce," an obviously crazy Josh Reed yelled from the sideline.




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I realize I risk throwing gasoline on a simmering fire but after reading this story I'm somewhat surprised and the subtle shots the players took at Drew.  Perhaps it was unintentional, perhaps not:



Better for the few fans left who continue to obsess about players who are no longer on our roster to gargle with that gasoline.


To suggest that a current player pointing out that our offense will gain dimension by moving from a pocket passer to a mobile QB is somehow "going after" a former player is an incredibly excrutiating excercise in attempting to fabricate something from absolutely nothing.

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I just hope JP isn't afraid to blast his line when they can't block on the most simple of schemes.  He needs to embarass them on national t.v. when they have a brain fart--a trait Jimbo was famous for!



In all the time I kept hoping Bledsoe would LEAD us to victory that was my biggest beef with DB, he rarely jumped on his teammates when they screwed up! He rarely could be seen running the sidelines rallying his troops! He seemed content to let others provide the motivation. Perhaps there were situations that he did so behind the scenes but to me he lacked the follow me, together we will win this attitude!


I REALLY hope JP is able to step into that role, first by example then by respect!

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